Approach Journal


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
This is my approach journal, the purpose of this is to improve my game and overall, get better at talking to and attracting women. I also hope this'll inspire those guys who are afraid to approach to go out and do something.

Little about me, I first ventured onto this site at 15 as an AFC. I did some approaches but then basically quit. For my whole sophomore year I hardly did any approaching and I was banned from the site a couple times for not taking advice. After my most recent banning as MrConfidence I finally took the intiative to change. Around March 2007 I made a new account name Elstud and seriously took the intiative to change where I was at. Around April 2007 I got back into the game and that's where I am now. I'm 17 now.

I know this should be in the High School forum, but I figured ?'d get more advice if I posted here since the DJ Discussion Forum is more active.

Anyway, for my first couple of approaches, I'll post 3 approaches I did at a track meet on Friday(Warning: it's long):
I wasn't originally going to go to this track meet because I wasn't running, but my friend on the team persuaded me to go by telling me that there we were going to approach girls there. First few hours of the meet were boring and this one friend of my talked about how he wanted to approach a girl, but couldn't. We keep saying that this dude doesn't have the balls to spit game and then he finally approaches this girl named Freya. Blah, blah, blah, now that the friend proved he had the balls, he wanted to see me approach a girl. I kept siezing up, until they finally told me to approach this Masa girl and I did. Here's how that went:

As always, I can never remember the whole conversation, so I'm going to give an unorderly summary of the conversation.
- I say "Hey, Masa, how's it going?" she says "Good", I say "Good? What did you fail a test or something?", she says "What did you say?" and I repeated it to her(Can't remember exactly how). She then tells me why she's really NOT in all that great of a mood, and we talk from there. I remember her telling me she pole vaulted and when I asked her what she was going to do over the weekend she said "Nothing", so then I started talking about how me and my friends are going to see Spiderman on Saturday. I eventually asked her "On a scale of 1 to 10 how good do you think you are?" she said and I told her she couldn't have low confidence, and at that point I initiated kino. She left saying she had to leave to this guy pole vault, and that was the end.
Later on, I approach this girl named Orit

-I open saying "Hey, Orit, how's it going?" she says "Good" I say "Good? What did you fail a test or something?" she says "No, it's just that I'm tired". Eventually we start talking about Spiderman and Orit tells me she's into it, when I ask her if she's going to see it, she says she doesn't watch many movies. I eventually discover this chick hardly ever watches TV and doesn't have cable. We eventually talked about her event the "2 mile" and I told her that I could never do the 2 mile. Blah, blah, I ask her how good she think she is, she tells me she's not really good compared to the other girls and I initiate kino, and tell her that she should just focusing on improving herself, rather than worrying about the other girls. We eventually talk about band and she tells me she plays the Alto Sax, I tell her I play Sax to and she says "I know" then I say "How do you know? You been watchin' me?" and she says "No, your just in the squad infront of me in marching band" and I tell her how I never noticed that.
Third approach sucked, I basically talked to a chick from another school, and the convo was kind of boring. I couldn't use the "Good? What did you fail a test?" opener because she didn't respond "Good" to "Hey, how's it going?" but "Yeah".


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
I'm just curious, why do you ask them how good they think they are? (I assume you mean good in "looks", right? Or were you talking about "good" in something else?)


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
danielzxc said:
I'm just curious, why do you ask them how good they think they are? (I assume you mean good in "looks", right? Or were you talking about "good" in something else?)
Don't understand exactly what you're asking. If you're talking about "Good? What did you fail a test or something? that's just to get a conversation going. In that situation, I'm talking about her mood.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
I'm talking about this bit:

I eventually asked her "On a scale of 1 to 10 how good do you think you are?"

I ask her how good she think she is, she tells me she's not really good compared to the other girls and I initiate kino, and tell her that she should just focusing on improving herself, rather than worrying about the other girls.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
danielzxc said:
I'm talking about this bit:

How good they were at their events.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Got one approach in today...

So it's a track game and where sitting under the bleachers, because it's so damn hot out here. Chicks from other schools are constantly going back and forth between the bleachers. So I finally got the guts to field test "Hey, how's it going?" on a chick. I approached a girl from another school and here's how the approach went basically:
Me: Hey, how's it going?
Girl: Good.
Me: Good? What happened did you fail a test?
Girl: No.
Me: Had a bad day or something?
Girl: No, it's just I didn't do very well in my event.
Me: Ah, what event do you do?
Girl: [Forgot what she said here, probably distance though]
Me: Ah. What school do you go to?
Girl: [Schoolname which I can't give out]
Me: I see. Well I'll see you later.
Yep, nothing spectacular, but really I wasn't looking to do anything spectacular. The main reason I did this was to improve my skills with actually opening on a girl, so I'm not as nervous the next time I approach a girl. For some reason when approaching girls from other schools, I get this nervousness that I don't get when approaching girls from my school.


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
Reaction score
Nice..I'd love to be doing track myself, seems like a nice way to get to know fit girls. Plus you sort of have some sort of connection already (you're both doing track).


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
I did a couple more approaches today at Day 2 of the track meet.

This is the first approach I did today. I approached this random chick from another school that was walking under the stands. It went like this:
Me: Hey, how's it going?
Girl: Good.
Me: Good? Did you fail a test or somethng?
Girl: No.
Me: Then you're just having a bad day?
Girl: Kind of.
Me: Tell me about it.
Girl: I'm just tired.
Me: So what school do you go too?
Girl: [Schoolname]
Me: Ah, I hear [Schoolname] has a pretty good team.
Girl: Yeah.
Second approach, I'm walking through the school and I see this hot girl listening to music and sit next to her. This isn't the exact conversation but the approach went something like this:
Me: Hey, I'm going to make you my girlfriend for 5 minutes.
Girl: I'm sorry. No.
Me: What?
Girl: No.

Alright, my attempt at starting something playful didn't work. But I wasn't going to give up.

Me: So, what school do you go to?
Girl: [Schoolname]
Me: Oh, I go to [My schoolname].
Girl: Yeah.

That's not everything. But I kept asking her questions and she didn't seem very interested.

Me: So, do you play any instruments?
Girl: Flute.
Me: Cool, I play Alto Sax.
Girl: Yeah.

Me: So what do you do in your free time?
Girl: Nothing.
Me: Nothing?
Girl: No.
Me: You sound pretty boring, not like the kind of chick I would want to go out with.
Girl: I have a boyfriend.
Me: Oh, well it was nice meeting you.
This girl showed no interest at all, probably because she already had a boyfriend or just plain wasn't interested.

Third approach, one of the most successful ones. Despite knowing that the chick had a boyfriend already, I approached her.
This one went pretty long, so I'm just going to give a summary of what we talked about.

- Approached her with "Hey, how's it going?" she says "Good". I ask "What event do you do?" she says "Diskus". To make things interesting I say "Can you put your hand out?" and she does it, and I start feeling around her hand and say "So, it's true what they say about girls who do Discus", and she laughs and sort of says "Big hands?" and we basically start having conversation.

- We talked about Discus. She told me how she finally threw the discus 80 feet and tells me how her coach has been telling her for two years she could do it. We joked about that.

- Talked about this thing she does with her face when she laughs, she told me it's in the family, and that her aunt also does it.

- I talked about how she has trouble with eye contact. First she thinks I'm talking about contacts, but then I tell her that I'm talking about this thing she has with eye contact. She says she realizes it and says she does it because she feels that if she looks into a persons eyes for too long, she'll be staring. See, this chick had this thing, where sometimes she'd be giving me I contact, but sometimes she would be having conversation with me and looking the other way. I told her what I do to avoid staring and we went on from there. I asked her if that ran in the family too and she said "No, it's just me".

- I asked her if she's seen any movies lately, she tells me she doesn't have time. From there I tell her I saw Spiderman 3 and we had a big conversation about that.

- Eventually, she said "Are we leaving?" and got up. I asked her if she had a number and she says "Well, I'm not really use to people asking my number". Blah, blah, says she already had a boyfriend, so I say "That's alright, we can still be friends". She tells me she has this blackbook thing that I can use to look up her phone number, and tells me how she has a cell phone but hardly ever uses it. After she does some explaining, I just say "You can give me your number later" and she's like "Ok". Then she says something about how she's going to the bathroom and would be right back.
This is one of the most successful approaches I've had to date. The chick was smiling at me, laughing at what I said, and I vibed with her. Yeah, she still has a boyfriend, but it went pretty well. Only thing I think I could've done better was more kinoing.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
So after school I approached this girl named Freya, it was hard to work up the guts but I did it. Didn't go that well, here's a summary of the approach:
- Saw her sitting down on one of the benches outside, walked towards the bench and sat down.
- I say "Hey, what's up?" she's like "Not much".
- Blah, blah, I ask "So what are you doing when you get home?" she says "Nothing" I say "Yeah, that's what most people say" and she's like "I can see why".
- At one point I say "Can you put your hand out for me?" she's like "No, why?" I say "I heard this thing that girls who run track generally have small hands, is that true?" she's like "Well I have pretty long fingers, so no".
- I'm like "So have you seen any movies lately?" she's like "No" and I tell her I saw Spider Man 3 and start telling her how it was a chick flick.
- I ask her "So do you think you're good at your event?" she's like "We'll see".
- I tease her about how she hasn't really been giving me eye contact and she's like "I'm fine". Then I say "That's what they all say" and she's like "Look, do you have a point?" then her ride comes and she leaves.
That could've gone better. No matter how much I tried to get something out of this chick, she continued to show disinterest.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well I challenged myself to approach at least one girl at this track meet, and it was much harder to do than I thought it would be. Walked around for hours seeing girls I wanted to approach but making excuses. I finally approached this one girl. Here's a summary of how it went:
- She's walking and I go up to her and say "Hey, how's it going?".
- We talk about track, what events we run.
- Somewhere along the line I actually get the chick to stop walking.
- Ask her if she's seen any movies lately, she's say no, I start talking about Spider Man 3. "I saw this one movie called Spider Man 3, oh I would really suggest you don't waste your money on it. I mean, it's basically like a chick flick with Spider Man, way too much romantic stuff. Like Mary Jane breaks up with Peter, Mary Jane kisses Harry, way too much relationship based stuff in there". It went something like that.
- Before I asked her what school we went to, there was sort of a long silence.
- Ask her what school she's go's to, she's like "[Schoolname]" I'm like "[Schoolname], I've never heard of that. It must be really far away." "Yeah, it's about an hour from here" and I say something like "Oh, I go to [Schoolname], we have something called the Jubilee which is like a carnival. There's rides, music, food, yeah it's pretty cool. I remember this one ride, I don't remember what it's called, but it would go left to right and no matter how hard you tried to pull off you just couldn't do it.". While I'm talking she's saying stuff like "That's cool" inbetween.
- After that I say "Hey, I never got your name did I?" or something like that. She's like "Oh, I'm Alex", I'm like "I'm Mike, handshake?" then she takes her hands out of her pocket and shakes my hand and we part.
Twas an okay approach, girl seemed to be listening to my stories, and seemed to be somewhat interested in me. If she was interested or thought I was boring, she would've just left.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Wow, I've really been getting in a lot of approaches in lately man, which is definitely good. Today I approached this girl on my bus named Allison. It went pretty good if I must say so myself. The only negative thing is that it took me so long to gain the balls to do so, mostly because I was afraid of what other people on the bus might think of me. Here's a summary of what it went like:
Me: Hey, do you mind if I sit with you?
Her: No.
[She's moves her stuff]
Me: So are you going to the Jubilee?
Her: Maybe.
Me: Yeah, I remember I went to the jubilee once and there was like this was ride there that went pretty fast. It's funny because I was going there expecting kids rides and I was pretty surprised.
Her: Well the main reason I'm going to it is to see this band called [BandName].
Me: Oh yeah, I know that band, my friend Albert is in it, he's really good.
Her: Yeah.

- Somewhere along the lines she talks about how she wanted to go to the movies, but her friend really wanted to see the band. I talk about how I know her friend because she used to ride our bus.

- There's a silence, I ask her what music she's listening to, she tells me the name, and I tell her I've never heard of that band. I ask what type of music it is and she says kind of Pop, Rock, but also Indie at the same time. Tell her I listen to classic rock and she tells me her favorite band. I tell her I've never heard of that and she tells me something like she likes them because the singer is bad, but the lyrics are funny. We go off into that and yeah, I ask her what classes she's in, she's like "In order of the classes or something?" then I'm like "Just any of your classes" and she tells them to me. We eventually get off the bus.

- I catch up with her later like "You're in AP Geometry" then she's like "No, I'm in AP Latin and French". Then I'm like "You take French and Latin?" we go off into that.

- Eventually we're in the building and I'm like "I never got your name did I?" she's like "I'm Allison" and I'm like "I'm Mike, handshake?" and she does this weird upside down handshake. I'm like "Well, Allison, if I see you at the Jubilee I'll make sure to talk to you".
Actually went surprisely well, considering she's the quite type.

Come on guys reply! I need advice on these.
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Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
her: I wanted to go movies but my friends want to go to the concert
you: <insert some line about goin 2 the movies with her sometime once you get to know her better coz you dont want her to think you are fast or easy>

Its nice to see you are approaching, props for that. Perhaps you need to talk about things that are interesting to her or show that you are a cool guy. talking about how spiderman was too romantic is cool, but what does it show her exactly? That you saw a movie and didnt like it... Show some personality, crack some jokes, show you are well rounded, etc. If you got good comedic timing, say something like "OMG dont you just love the way Tobey Maguire fills his spandex suit?" and then look at her straight faced before you burst out laughing.

As for getting the name at the end... hmmm. Normally I wait for them to ask for my name and take it as a sign they are interested but my boss @ work was talking about how you should meet a customer and tell him/her your name ASAP because something seemingly insignificant like a name can be a big hurdle in terms of rapport. once they can put a name to a face it elevates you above stranger status.

You said she if she was bored she would have just left, but most girls dont do that unless they are conceited or stuck up. It's kinda like your parents telling you off, you just tune em out and say cool, uh huh, yea in between the silences.

here are the best posts in the Bible about conversing. Just brush up on the stuff they say. dont try it all at once but just some stuff to open your mind to how to converse better. Once you do that, you will just see the difference in interest with girls...


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Good advice, Microphone Fiend. Got in a few more approaches.

Well today was the second day of the Jubilee and I got 4 approaches in today, this is probably the most number of approaches I've ever gotten in one day so far. The Jubilee is basically like a carnival, there's rides, there's food, there's entertainment, and there are games. I don't know why, but it's hard to approach here for some reason, mainly because girls are usually always around other guys already.

Approach #1
- I went up to this group of girls walking and say "Hey, how's it going?" they say "Good" and I start cold reading saying "You look like the kind of girl who would go on one of those high rides, and then when it comes down, you would throw up on me". She says "What?" and shes like "I'm confused", I say "Confused?" and shes like "Yeah".
Didn't go too well. This was my first time testing out the cold reading approach.

Approach #2
I approached this group of girls from another school walking and say "Hey, how's it going?" they say "Good", I say "So have you guys been on any of the rides yet?" they're like "Yeah, we have" and then I say to one girl "I bet you're that type of girl who would go on one of those high rides and throw up. Yeah, I could see you and me up there, and then when the rides comes down, you throw up". Not sure what happened exactly after that, but then have a conversation.
- She asks me stuff like "How old are you?" and "When are you getting your license?", I remember asking her how old she was and she said 14. Eventually more of her friends come and she's like "Meet my new friend", ofcourse talking about me. One of her friends just happens to be the girl I approached earlier, and her friends talk about how I used the same line. Then she was like "You used that on her too? I thought we had something between us" joking ofcourse. Eventually she starts joking around about how she's a lesbian, blah, blah, blah.
- I ask her why she's a lesbian she says she hates men. Blah, blah, blah, ask her why she hates men she says she hates pen*ses. We talk about that for a while, somewhere along the line I'm like "Lesbians are cool" and she's like "You want both of us?.
- Somewhere along the line this dude who knows my bro, tells the girl that I'm his brother and the girl, who knows my brother somehow, says "Why are you his brother?".
- Somewhere along the line they jokingly ask "Have you drank anything lately?" and I'm like "No, I'm a pretty sober guy" the girls like "Good, I like that in a man".
- I forget what we were talking about, but somewhere along the line I'm like "You gotta understand baby, I'm not a fast guy like that. I have to get to know you" and I kinoed her.
- She goes far with that lesbian joke and is like "Maybe if you get a vaginal implant or something like that then I'll go with you" and I'm like "Sorry baby that's not happening" and she stops, and she's like "Okay, see you later".
- After she says see you later, while I'm walking away I accidentally step on the back of her shoe and she's all embarassed.
- Pretty good approach. I actually think the chick sort of liked me, because after this approach she kind of avoided me whenever I saw her afterwards.

Approach #3
I go up to these 2 sophomore girls who go to my school. I say "Hey, how's it going?" they're like "Good", then I'm like "Have you guys been on any of the rides yet?" they're like "No" then I say to one of the girls something on the lines of "You look like the type of girl who would go on of those really high rides and then when it comes down really fast, you would throw up on you. I can see it now, you and me up there on the ride and then it drops down real fast and you throw up on me" and the girls are laughing while I say this. Then that girls like "No, I'm not that type of girl"" and I'm like "Can you prove it?" and she's like "No". After that I'm like "So what do you girls think of the weather?" one girls like "It sucks" and I'm like "Yeah, let me tell you the weather has been crazy lately, one week it's hot, another week it's cold, you'd think mother nature could make up her mind?" and one of the girls is like "Yeah, it's really weird". Then I say "So let me guess are you a nature nut?" and shes like "What?" and I'm like "A nature nut" and she's like "Well I care about nature, but no" then her friends like "Well [friendsname] I have to go to the bathroom" and I'm like "I'll see you guys later".
Pretty good approach, got a few laughs.

Approach #4
I approach this group of girls and say "Hey, how's it going?" they're like "Good" and after that can't remember whether or not I asked them about the weather, but then I said "Yeah, let me tell you this weather has been crazy this week, first it's hot, then it's cold---" then like b*tches those girls cut me off and leave.
Girls cut me off before I could finish. Wasn't really that good of an approach.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Alright, so today I approached this girl on the bus named Kelsey. Here's a summary if how it went(Because to be honest, I can't remember how exactly every line went):
Me: Hey, I have this real funny story I have to tell you, so I'm in chemistry class right and this girl named Meghan screams, and I tell you from the way she screamed you would've thought somebody had died or something. And the funniest thing is, is that she was screaming because somebody got water on her!
Girl: Yeah, it's really weird.
Me: So what classes do you have?
Girl: I have English, Science and Math.
Me: Well I do band, I play the Saxophone.
Girl: Cool.
Me: Yeah, I also play guitar. When I get older I'm going to be a rockstar and maybe I'll give you an autograph or something.
Girl: Yeah.
Me: So what are you going to do when you get home?
Girl: When I get home I'm probably going to watch TV.
Me: Cool. Have you ever heard of the Fresh Prince of Belair?
Girl: Yeah, I like that show.
Me: Yeah, that show is so hilarious. Have you ever seen that little dance that Carlton does, it's hilarious.
Girl: Yeah.
Me: I also saw this really funny episode last night...

And I basically talk about the episode. Few minutes later...

Me: Have you ever seen that episode?
Girl: No.
Me: So what other TV shows do you watch?
Girl: I don't know, The Food Channel.
Me: Ah, so you're a chef?
Girl: No.
Me: So that means if we were going to get married one day and I wanted you to cook for me, you wouldn't be able to do it?
Girl: No.
Me: [I put my hand on her shoulders] I don't know, you got to know how to cook.
Girl: Yeah.
Me: So I'll see you later...
Me: Your name is Kelsey right?
Girl: Yeah.
Twas a pretty good approach, took a lot of risks here trying out stuff I hadn't really tried out before. Don't know if she was really interested since she didn't return any questions, but she was smiling throughout the thing. Also notice that I didn't open with "Hey, how's it going?" but just went straight into the story.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Here's are 4 approaches from the 24th that I haven't posted here yet.
Approach #1
So I go up to this one girl who's eating lunch and say...
Me: I got to tell you this funny story.
[She makes eye contact with me]
Me: I was at a track meet this one time and I saw Jesus.
[Somewhere along her friend comes along]
Her friend: Can I sit here?
Me: Sure, I was just talking about the time I saw Jesus.
[After that I continue]
Me: So as I was saying, there was this dude at the track meet who looked just like him. I mean have you ever seen those portraits of Jesus where he has the long hair? His hair was just like that.
Her: That's interesting.
Me: I like music. What music do you listen to?
Her: Uh... I don't know... uh... sixties music.
Me: Yeah, the sixties rocked! I'm really into Led Zeppelin, have you ever heard of them?
Her: Yeah, they're cool.
Me: Well, I have to go chill with my friends right now, so I'll see you later.
Her: Bye.
Not a very successful approach here.

Approach #2
It's the third lunch period and I go outside and approach this group of chicks that is sitting down. Took me a while to gain the balls to do it, but I did it. So heres how the approach went:
[I sit down]
Me: Hey! I have to tell you guys a funny story I have to tell you. So I was at this track meet at [Schoolname] and I saw Jesus. So me and my friends are at [Schoolname]...
Girl 3: For the track meet?
Me: Yes and we see this guy that looks just like Jesus. Like have you ever seen those portraits of Jesus where he has that REALLY long hair? That's what this dude looked like. I mean this dude seriously looked just like Jesus, he even had a simular looking body...
Girl 3: Was he skinny and muscular?
Me: Yes. But yeah, this guy seriously looked like Jesus. Me and my friends, one of them who was Allen, were cracking up and everyone was yelling "Hey Jesus!" from the stands.
Girl 2: Yeah. It's funny.
Me: I know.
Girl 2: So do you know my name?
Me: No.
Girl 2: Oh, I'm Taylor.
[Give Girl 3 eye contact]
Girl 3: I'm Hallie.
Girl 1: I'm Brooke.
Girl 2: What's your name?
Me: Oh, I'm Mike. You might now me, I play guitar. Yeah, I'm going to be a rockstar when I'm older. So maybe if I see you guys when I'm older, I'll give you an autograph or something. Same goes for your friends.
[Girls laugh]
Girl 3: So why are you all dressed up?
Me: Oh, I do this vocational program at Excel Tecc. Yeah, I program there.
Girl 3: Oh.
Me: So what classes do you guys have?
[Girl 2 and 3 say their classes]
Girl 3: Brooke what classes do you have?
Girl 1(quietly): I have all really boring classes.
Me: Wait? What did you say I couldn't hear you?
Girl 1: Oh I said I have all really boring classes.
Me: So what do you have next?
Girl 2: Chemistry, it's a really boring class.
[Then we get into a talk about how our classes are boring and stuff]
Me: Yeah, the only really fun class I have is band. I play Alto Saxophone in it.
Girl 3: So are you like really talented at it?
Me: Yeah, I'm one of the best there is.
Me: Say, do you ever go to the football games?
Girl 3: Yeah, all the time.
Me: Well tell you what, next year if you see me marching, I want you to scream "Yeah Mike!" really loud so that I can hear you.
Girl 2: Yeah, we'll cheer for you.
[Then the girls realize it's time to go]
Girl 2: Well it was nice meeting you.
Me: [I kind of tap her shoulder and say]Yeah, it was nice meeting you to.
Very successful approach here. The girls were very interested.

Approach #3
So I'm on the bus and I talk to this one girl.
Me: Hey, can I sit with you?
Girl: Well... uh... no there wouldn't be enough space for you to sit.
[Then I start telling the whole Jesus story yada yada]
Me: So what classes do you take?
[Girl kind of just list her classes]
Me: Yeah, I take band. Say do you ever go to the football games?
Girl: Yeah.
Me: Well tell you what, next time you go to a football game, if you see me I want you to yell "Hey Mike!" really loud like.
Girl: Okay.
Me: So what's your name?
Girl: Athena.
Me: Oh that's a greek name right?
Girl: Yeah.
Yep, this one pretty much sucked. Girl didn't show much interest.

Approach #4
Approached this one middle school girl on the bus, I had to rush this one because the bus was almost at my house.
[I tap her on the shoulder]
Me: So I have to tell you this funny story. So in my vocational class we have this guy named Lamar and he couldn't get his computer to boot. So our teacher tells Lamar to try and type in "password" for the password. So our teachers all like "I don't know what's wrong with it". So some while later Lamar types in password with a capital "P" instead of a lowercase "p" and it worked.
This one sucked, I was rushing to finish my story so that didn't turn out well, and THEN after that when I'm getting off driver reminds me I left my bags. So he basically stays at my driveway until I get my stuff. Girl didn't even have time to say anything.

Come on guys I need advice on these.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well generally conversation doesn't matter until she's attracted so that's what I'm trying to do first. If it was all about conversation, getting chicks would be easy. Notice how I hardly converse with some girls and get them interested? I tell stories, DHV and stuff before I actually converse. If you look up at the second approach of the jubilee, you'll see all I did was cold read the girl and she took me to her friends and started asking me questions. Or the approach with that group of girls at lunch, just told them a story and they got interested, asking ME questions. I think rather than conversation I need to work on conveying subconsciously, which is what really matters when approaching women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Fallen33 said:
I'm sorry Elstud, but conversation is the ENTIRE basis of game. Without conversation there IS NO GAME.

I haven't read all of your approaches but I will get to them and give you some advice. Hold tight bro.
Yes, but it should only happen after she's already interested, so you've got to make her interested first. And what really matters though, even more than conversation is how you convey subconsciously. If you're conversing and the women can sense you're not not having fun or can sense you're not confident, she's not going to be interested no matter how much you converse. Yet confident dude could go up, say the lamest opener and get the chick. Remember you can converse with anybody. Like I said check those approaches I talked about where I hardly conversed and got the girls interested. Basically if the girls are asking YOU questions they're interested. There are two approaches I've had where I did have a long conversation with the chicks(Check post 9 approach # 3 to see one of them, other isn't in this topic, but in a seperate one) where they showed interest, but you know what? Interested as they were, they wouldn't give their phone numbers.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
I don't want to cramp you're style but this is either a miracle worker or a death sentence:

Me: "Hey, you have something right here" (rub my cheek)

Random Girl: (blushes and rubs cheek)

Me: I like my *****es clean.

They'll either burst out laughing and crush on you just for that bold act of dominant masculinity or be really, really pissed (I've only been slapped but they're some psychos out cautious.)


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2007
Reaction score
Ganji said:
I don't want to cramp you're style but this is either a miracle worker or a death sentence:

Me: "Hey, you have something right here" (rub my cheek)

Random Girl: (blushes and rubs cheek)

Me: I like my *****es clean.

They'll either burst out laughing and crush on you just for that bold act of dominant masculinity or be really, really pissed (I've only been slapped but they're some psychos out cautious.)
HAHA thats such a douchebaggy thing to say, but so awesome at the same time. Mad props for pulling that on the ladies.