approach in the hallway?


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
so i can honestly say there are no dateable girls in my classes until next semester, so i want to know the safest bet in approaching girls in the hallways/lunch without seeming weird in front of their friends. i always tell myself ill talk to this girl in the hallway, yada yada but it never happens.. so any ideas?

also, i need to know how to build attraction from the start, instead of idle chit chat, because i always end up getting friend zoned, and nobody really wants to talk or chill with me.

here's how my convo usually goes


Me: hey whats up?
girl: nothing
Me: oh, well how was your day so far?
girl:fine, i guess.
Me: nice, so have you got any interesting classes this year?
girl: not really.
Me: that sucks (usually get stuck here, and try to make another topic)

continues with idle chit chat, and the girl does not seem interested.

even happens with all my friends, no matter how much i try to have fun with them..

so can i get any help on becoming a person that people actually want to be around and talk to all the time?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
Well, first of all, your example makes you sound boring. You can start off that way...But introduce topics. Anything works. Tv shows, movies, sports, weekend plans...

"also, i need to know how to build attraction from the start, instead of idle chit chat, because i always end up getting friend zoned, and nobody really wants to talk or chill with me."

A girl knows whether or not she's attracted before you even say a word. If there's not an infinitesimal amount of physical attraction, there's little and i mean LITTLE chance. I doubt it's your small talk that's killing things because i doubt there's anything to kill.

As for approaching in the hallway, Why bother extending talks? If you already know the person, i doubt you would even need to do hallway approaches as you know them already. So i'm assuming these are girls you have never met before..

It's all attitude...exude confidence, masculinity, sex appeal, etc.

It's pretty damn fun. Walk up..Stand strong and don't fidget. But of course don't be stiff. I open with a smile and the minor introductions..Get kino during the introductions..Small talk for less than 20-30 secs really..Say i have to get going..cause i usually do...get the number..

What's so hard?


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
try to be more interesting. say something besides hey whats up and hows youre day. you can comment about your surroundings, make a comment about her, ask a question, and then build off of it. make it interesting. smile a lot and make a funny comment occasionally. one thing i love to do is to switch to a random language which is always interesting but you might not know bits of 5 other languages so you might not be able to do this lol. ive also been meaning to implement a little cheesy singing but i havent really gotten around to this yet. anyway just make it interesting.

but its not about knowing what to do or say next. that should come naturally for the most part. 90% of it is just being in that convivial mood where you feel like you can just start talking to anyone you feel like. youve gotta be in the moment and feeling good. this part is up to you to figure how to do. but things that help are just having a clear mind for one, then just having simple fun by drumming on something or drilling your leg (for lack of a better term lol i think you know what i mean though) or just making funny faces or something. this always gets me into a more active mood. just little things like that. then you can move on to talking to people.

practice on people you know or are just acquainted with. talk to your classmates around you, even the girls you arent interested in, just use them for conversational practice. you can be a little nice or laid back or even crude, that just depends on your style and personality. as long as youre interesting. this can be done by being silly, poking fun, making jokes, talking in a funny voice, or even doing something outrageous. it doesnt really matter. and you really shouldnt even think about this. just be in the right mood and it comes so naturally and it feels great.

you just gotta learn to be interesting. its high school. theres a lot of interesting people out there already. learn from them if youre having problems with being a little boring or serious and stuff, cuz its a little hard to explain without examples. just have fun. thats it. smile and laugh a lot. make a funny face if it dies down. i'm serious. it will work if you are in a really good mood, if youre in a boring mood though, it probably wont. again, its all about how vibrant you are feeling which affects how you act. stop walking around so serious about this and thinking about it so much and just have fun and be open.