Approach = Awkward


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score
Well, so I don't have any problems whatsoever with talking to a girl, conversational skill, flirting, .etc. But my problem is this: Approach.

See usually the girls that I'm attracted to, it's usually just by turn of fate that we start talking and I like to jump on the opportunity.

Well right now I have a new interest. She's an HB, yet a nerdy girl, programs even. My problem though is this whole year I haven't talked to her once. She's a different grade, so its not often we see eachother, only in one class, and she rides my bus. And in that class we have, she has her friends and I have mine; we sit in different sides of the room. The ****ty thing is that many-a-time I have walked side by side with her going to class, but because I blow **** at initializing, I just remain silent. I've done this so many times, which makes it so if I were to just randomly tommorrow start talking to her, it would be awkward. I have no logical reason to talk to her, and if I did talk to her, it'd be blatantly obvious I'm a douche that has been salivating over her for the last few months.

Is there some way I can...initialize a convo without actually initializing a convo?

I mean the other day (I hate myself for this), she was walking around asking if anyone had a bus pass she could borrow for the day (I didn't need mine that day). She walked right behind my chair, on my side of the class, where she knows no one, looking at me while saying it...she was freakin' asking for me to talk. But, a las, I blow ****.

Man, how do I talk to this girl, what situation can I create that will make this easy?


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
One on one approaches are more difficult. If you find yourself in a situation where there's a small group of people all talking to eachother taking turns saying something and whatnot and this chick you like is in it, it's easy to talk to everyone in the group about something and slowly isolate her; look at her, direct comments at her and not just the group, and when everyone splits the group, you leave with her. There you go, one on one, and you've already been striking up a conversation.