In reference to a person who wrote AOL is bad for your game, you are wrong and in some cases right.
You are right in that when you meet a girl at a bar, club, etc. you do not want to talk to them on aol. It is (according to Doc Love) un challenging, you give too much information about yourself, and most importantly you cannot read body language. In that keep the aol stuff for the following candidates i will refer to in the next paragraph.
You are wrong my friend because you have no idea the abundance of sex my friends and I get off AOL. I live in a densly packed area of NJ and the amount of girls around here is staggering. On any gven night, i can go to a chat and easily type (hi may i ask your age/sex/location). When the person responds, as long as they are of legal age, a female, and live within 30 minutes driving i respond. I then trade our pictures, and if we think we are both cute i instantly ask for a phone number. If they go as far as to give me thier number, i can almost guarentee sex. I have had sex with around 10 girls off aol and recievd oral and handobs from around 20. And i have only been using it for a year. its so fun getting these girls off the net, cause you never face rejection, you can talk about what she is willing to do before you go on a date, and you can im her whenever you are horny agian for a guarenteed lay. You see i havent even looked for girls in a while cause i built up an inventory of 5 girls off aol that i bang each girl once a week. thats not including my 3 girlfriends. so basically i am getting laid every night sometimes by 2 girls a night thanks to aol.
You are right in that when you meet a girl at a bar, club, etc. you do not want to talk to them on aol. It is (according to Doc Love) un challenging, you give too much information about yourself, and most importantly you cannot read body language. In that keep the aol stuff for the following candidates i will refer to in the next paragraph.
You are wrong my friend because you have no idea the abundance of sex my friends and I get off AOL. I live in a densly packed area of NJ and the amount of girls around here is staggering. On any gven night, i can go to a chat and easily type (hi may i ask your age/sex/location). When the person responds, as long as they are of legal age, a female, and live within 30 minutes driving i respond. I then trade our pictures, and if we think we are both cute i instantly ask for a phone number. If they go as far as to give me thier number, i can almost guarentee sex. I have had sex with around 10 girls off aol and recievd oral and handobs from around 20. And i have only been using it for a year. its so fun getting these girls off the net, cause you never face rejection, you can talk about what she is willing to do before you go on a date, and you can im her whenever you are horny agian for a guarenteed lay. You see i havent even looked for girls in a while cause i built up an inventory of 5 girls off aol that i bang each girl once a week. thats not including my 3 girlfriends. so basically i am getting laid every night sometimes by 2 girls a night thanks to aol.