anyone up for a challenge?


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score
So as you can see from my earlier posts, my girlfriend is pretty difficult to work out at times. Atm she keeps seeming to say and do things for a reaction, like sayong things she knows will piss me off and I really don't get it. Whenever I pick up on it and do react she apologises and cries and tells me how she's a ***** to me and that she's so sorry then does it again. What's that all about? I've also recently picked up on the fact that she shows off alot in front of her friends, especially a certain few of them and she's says absolutely outragous things and then apologises profusely. Can anyone make sense of this? Cheers


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Why would you try to "make sense" of it? just see it for what it is, drama.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
There are lots of things this could be - personality disorder, low emotional intelligence, just generally being a bad person (but not to a medically significant degree) - but it doesn't matter which, fact is she repeatedly treats you poorly and you should get away from anyone who does that, whatever the reason, unless it genuinely doesn't bother you (but obviously it does or you would've have made this thread).

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Women love drama and can be prone to acting in a way just to get a reaction from their man. It must make them feel alive or some bullsht.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
It is just drama and attention-seeking. To be quite honest, she either isn't worth it, or you are just not bringing enough genuine fun and excitement to her life.

What do children do when they are bored and tired? They act up. Women are no different.

Sino Zane

Don Juan
Jun 21, 2014
Reaction score
Challenge? This isn't hard at all.

She is routinely saying things to you that she knows will piss you off... and you continue to take it because... why? Decide whether or not you want to continue to be with her. If you don't, then dump her right now. If you do, then tell her that if she continues to disrespect you like she has been doing as of late, you will dump her and move on. If, upon telling her this, she doesn't improve her behavior, this means that she doesn't really care about you or your feelings and does not view you as very valuable to her. In other words, she's not really afraid of losing you at all, because she you're just not that important to her.

So, if she doesn't improve her behavior, you dump her and initiate no-contact. If you still want to be with her, you evaluate whether or not she's begging you for another chance to correct her mess ups. If she doesn't beg you for another chance, you've basically confirmed that she's not that into you and you should thus never contact her again, because if you choose to remain in contact with her as "friends," you'll likely have to deal with a lot of emotions that just suck to deal with. Good luck.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
To be honest, it's because she doesn't respect you. You have probably exhibited signs of insecurity at some point in reaction to something she said. Therefore, she knows she can wind a reaction out of you at the drop of a hat.

Fortunately, it is not too late to turn this around. Like the other poster said about children, they do this to gain attention. What do you do when she does or says things purposefully to piss you off? You ignore her and go about your business like she's not even there.

Do not make contact with her intimately or physically. Be very cold to her. Act like you're getting it elsewhere. When she asks what's wrong? Look her dead in the eye with a straight face and say nothing. She'll squirm inside and get all worried if she has high interest. Act as aloof as possible to her troll behavior.

Watch her quickly try to gain your affection once you disarm her with your nonchalant attitude. Anytime she misbehaves, you respond by withdrawing your attention. Over time, she won't want to do anything to piss you off.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Sino Zane said:
Challenge? This isn't hard at all.

She is routinely saying things to you that she knows will piss you off... and you continue to take it because... why? Decide whether or not you want to continue to be with her. If you don't, then dump her right now. If you do, then tell her that if she continues to disrespect you like she has been doing as of late, you will dump her and move on. If, upon telling her this, she doesn't improve her behavior, this means that she doesn't really care about you or your feelings and does not view you as very valuable to her. In other words, she's not really afraid of losing you at all, because she you're just not that important to her.

So, if she doesn't improve her behavior, you dump her and initiate no-contact. If you still want to be with her, you evaluate whether or not she's begging you for another chance to correct her mess ups. If she doesn't beg you for another chance, you've basically confirmed that she's not that into you and you should thus never contact her again, because if you choose to remain in contact with her as "friends," you'll likely have to deal with a lot of emotions that just suck to deal with. Good luck.
You are right about why she is doing this but he should avoid giving a blatant ultimatum. They rarely work. Nothing gives a woman satisfaction more than ultimatums or closure.

What really gets to a woman is uncertainty or not knowing what you are thinking or doing. You want to be covert not overt.


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score
When I went to see her last night it turns put she's lied to me for the 4th time in a year. She told me she'd gotten rid of all the pictures etc of her ex which I did not tell her to do. Then when she was cleaning her bedside a whole box of pictures of them and jewellery fell on yhe floor and when I asked her about it she said she "forgot" they were there. What the **** is this guys?