I was in an LTR with a Morrocan girl for almost 2 years. I think the majority of arab girls usually find white guys attractive, its very different depending on the country though. Morrocan women are the most liberal and extremely sexual, best the sex I had was from them. A great many of them are very forward and upfront, I remember walking the streets of rabat with my GF holding hands and women would walk right up and start talking to me trying to steal me away. Morrocans are also considered the least faithful and the majority of them test you like crazy, but if your strong and dominant you'll be fine. They will keep you a secret from their family unless you claim to be muslim, all you really need to do is ramadan and eid and know the five pillars of islam. The majority of them drink and have sex etc etc etc. Morroco being such a poor country though the majority of girls, you have no idea if they are after your US citizenship or just a gold digger. Also if you dating one the men will insult her for being a race traitor or for wearing to much revealing clothing you need to be ready to get in there face and defend her honor, if you do that she going to put out very quickly possibly first date.
Right now I'm spinning a philistinian and iranian girl. The philistinian girl is more traditional and loving in a way and she take things slow with you. The Iranians at least the ones living in the states are muslim in name only but if you want to date them you need to be muslim too, hence know the 5 pillars of islam. Also I find jordanians girls to be like the white muslims of the arab world.
Arab women will really take care of you if your sick and almost baby you which is amazing but they are also hot blooded like latinas.
I was offered a government job in morroco and I would be there in a heartbeat if I didn't get an ole italian ex of mine pregnant.