my ten year is supposed to be this summer. i keep in touch with a few people from high school, and my cousin was in student government, so i figured i'd hear something about it, but i have yet to hear anything.
for some strange reason i'm really looking forward to it. i had a pretty anonymous existence back then. didn't get beat up or made fun of (well, not that much, at least), but i wasn't popular at all. it's not like i want to go back to "show up" my classmates, i find that to be pretty cliched and childish. one of my friends is all about that, though. and i'm single, so i don't have some hot chick to show off. i don't want to "catch up" with anyone, either. i guess i'm just curious or something. no matter what, i think it'll be interesting.
plus, i'm in much better shape (not just physically, but socially, mentally, etc.) all around now, and really, i doubt anyone i don't keep in touch with will even recognize me.
everyone i know just expects me to be the type of person to blow it off, though. i'm actually suprised that i want to go.