Anyone Experienced This?!


New Member
Feb 11, 2007
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first off i'd like to say i've read the bible, and i'm fairly clued up on the subject so dont pass this question off as a silly one..

i want to know if anyone else has experienced it where a girl says to you (in say an online msn/aol conversation) "you love me" or "you want me" or sumthing of similar ego boosting speech. i normally reply "haha, u wish!", or sumthing of equal put down to her ego boosting lol.

however, the question stil remains in my head, is this her asking for you're approval that you find her attractive? or is she just playing games wit you, testing how strong your mental frame is...

keep sarging ppl!!



Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2007
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Its difficult to know what she's up to - it all depends on what type of girl she is and whether she says that to everyone. it could be that she likes you, or it could be that she is a b1tch and gets a lot of attention so she says that to folk.

Personally I wouldnt take much notice of it, and I'd say something back like:

'yea, I love your @ss'

This kinda thing normally works because 99% of guys would never dream of saying something like that. She has to know your fooling around tho. It also shows your sexual, not a whimp and you can shrug off any comments she makes without thinking twice about it.

Give it a whirl, experiment a bit and see what works for you. I'd also suggest big time getting away from messenger and getting on the phone briefly to arrange hook-ups. The benefits are far greater and you'l progress with her much faster.

Go get her tiger...


New Member
Feb 11, 2007
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i shall give this a try! i like the thinkin.. to be honest what i'm beginning to notice is that it doesn't really matter what you say, its the sub communication between the two of ya. you could say "you're a ****in **** sucking biatch!" but as long as your actions demonstrate that you value her, and she knows this from your behaviour, then you can get away with it as being "cheeky".

but yer, i shall try this, although i think saying "u wish" actually makes her question herself and where she stands from an attraction viewpoint in your mind. although it could come across kinda obvious response, that most ppl would use, to pretend they aint interested... so yer humour is better..

i have a cool idea stemming from ur line. im guna try saying this.. "yer i love your ass *****! i'm guna be tappin sum of that tonite! you knows it!" lol.

good luck ;) Oli