Anyone ever considered a vasectomy?

Matt Rogers

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2003
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I've been playing a field a fair bit and had my fair share of pregnancy scares and I do not want the hassle. I also like really cheap women and I dread to think about the kind of kids Id produce with them, worst case scenario.

I have no desire for kids. I like to spend my money on myself and my dates, and not have to worry about all the things kids need. I read somewhere that raising a kid costs on average around £100,000 (around $150,000).

Less selfishly, it is not a great world to bring kids into. Lots of really unhealthy social/cultural influences, pollution, too much competition for jobs etc etc.

Most marriages don't last and kids get born into broken homes etc.

I also do not want to feel forced into a career I dislike because I need the money to support a family. I'd prefer a low-paid but interesting career.

So Ive been seriously considering vasectomy.

Then I could screw around and only have to worry about STDs. If I wanted to settle down, there are always women without kids or women whose kids have left home. There is also freezing sperm etc.

The main thing I worry about is reports about post-vasectomy pain which never goes away, and reports of loss of libido and orgasms no longer being pleasurable.

Any advice?


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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The main thing I worry about is reports about post-vasectomy pain which never goes away, and reports of loss of libido and orgasms no longer being pleasurable.
Thats news to me. What are the statistics on that?


Don Juan
May 21, 2008
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Durban SA
I had mine done after my daughter was born - Thats 17 years ago.
Don't worry, it does not have any effect on your performance or the amount you produce.

Have it done. The peace of mind is worth it - especially if you are single again and having a ball shagging all types of women


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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I considered it but after extensive googling I just hear too many stories of lost libido. Even if there is a 1% chance of a libido loss I'm not doing it.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2009
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Yes I've thought about it but have not decided yet.

On one hand there are plenty of websites that warn of the various risks, from pain and libido loss to increased cancer risks.

On the other hand, it doesn't seem to be a real risk. You can store your own baby batter in a bank for around $40 a month in case you ever change your mind, much much cheaper than child support and dealing with a crazy ex.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2009
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Matt Rogers said:
Then I could screw around and only have to worry about STDs.
Any advice?
I know this is not the popular opinion and not sure what I think about it but think about this. You don't use a condom and get STD's.

The most common STD's are chlamydia and gonorrhea and can easily be prevented by condom use are easily curable.

Herpes and HPV are not really prevented by condom use because of fluids getting on the base and lower pubic region.

The chance of getting AIDS from vaginal intercourse is below 1% when having intercourse with an infected woman and even lower if you're circumsized.

So if you're fixed, why use them?

Night Owl

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
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Matt Rogers said:
The main thing I worry about is reports about post-vasectomy pain which never goes away, and reports of loss of libido and orgasms no longer being pleasurable.
What a load of 8ollocks !! Never listen to daft report. I had a vasectomy back in 1990 - yes it hurt for about six weeks, and I walked like a darn good John Wayne too. But, the pain goes like any op.

Too be totally honest - sex is better by miles, and libido is actually better than it was in my 20s. I can relax while making love as I know there is no change of ending up a dad again. Being relaxed means bigger harder erections and more intense orgasms too.

Another bonus is the woman is more relaxed too, unless they want a baby. then you know what a woman's true intention is.... I always advertise the fact that I have had vasectomy all over the place as more women like having 'safer' sex. Works a treat - of course I do still practice safe sex with new partners always. Stops the babies, but doesn't stop all those nasty bugs etc...

It was one of the best things I ever did my life and would do it again. I have done my bit for world population with three beautiful kids and I think that is more than enough.

Take no notice of the hype - I was told I was going to grow man boobs, gays would chase after me down the street, my body hair would fall off and my penis would never work again and I would get cancer and die with in years - wrong !!!!

I am harder more often, have better and more frequent sex, my boobs are perfect for a man, still have my chest wig and women, not gays chase me. I think I far more fitter and healthy and put it down partly to the fact that I have a vasectomy - less stress and worry...

Do it....

Just ask if you have any other questions on vasectomy - get the truth from somebody who had it done nearly twenty years ago and 'survived'.

Finally, it takes a real man with balls to get a vasectomy....