Anyone ever breakup with a girl and still date her once a week?


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
broke up with a ltr earlier in the year. it was not because neither of us didnt love each other or didnt think we were right for each other. it was more because we were both in different places of our lives career wise. Weve been seeing each other once every week or other week, (always with me calling and her agreeing). our nite ends up with sex and things seem good. however she ends up not calling me or contacting me till i call her out again and we do it all over. Theres no denying we love being around each other but shes made it apparent she is confused about us and likes the fact all of her friends are single.

rather than just nexting the broad, is there any rekindleing in this flame? has anyone else gone through this? id like to hear what you guys think.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
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Listen retardacus, she is keeping you aroud until
she finds something better. Bottom line. So
I would not say you have to next her but I'm assuming you are not seeing other women. Go on some other dates immediately, stop calling her to hang out, she will start to wonder where you are. She is not calling you because she is not as interested a you think she is or she already has another guy. She is trying to branch swing and doesn't want the stress or drama of quiting cold turkey. When girls are interested, they will call you.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
you may be right *******o,
but she has had opportunity to go out with guys but shes declined from what i hear. shes said shes not looking to date anyone for a while and wants to be single. i know when a girl says, "just wants to be single it = wanting **** from others. shes an attractive girl and should have no problem getting some but truth of the matter is she hasnt. im curious why is she not dating and why hasnt she had sex with others. my only thought is shes being extremly picky this time and is branch swinging, which your right and i should quit calling.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Well I'm in a similar situation only I never initiate contact. She always contacts me eventually and like clock work we end up fvcking every 3 weeks.

If you want to keep getting some, then keep it up. if you want to make it more interesting, stop contacting her and see what happens. She'll likely contact you. Maybe you should do that anyways just to turn the table.

I would also advise you to be dating and meeting other women.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
thanks for the info scorpio. shes come to realize i call once a week to ask her out and such. im thinking waiting 3 weeks to see what happens. if she doesnt call i guess i can still booty call her. before you were dating did she always contact you too? i ask because she has never been much of a contactor. shes always been waiting for me to call.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
I've known this girl for 25 years. We were best friends in high school. I had not heard from her for a long time, then she found me on facebook last july.

She was begging me to call her and talk to her. She was getting divorced and in the middle of some ugly stuff and needed me. From that first day we met she wanted to become fvck buddies. I thought it would be fun, so initially I did the contacting. We stayed together every weekend until January. Then she decided she was "moving on."

At that point I just stopped contacting her. But she can't go two weeks without contacting me and making plans. So it's been that way ever since.
This saturday we're going out and I know I'll be staying at her place. So I'm getting what I want out of her and seeing other women at the same time. It's kinda fun actually.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
to answer your question: NO.... however i have broken up with a girl and still fvcked her once a day.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
Haha *******o, nice one, I like that.

Anyway, she probably just hasn't found anything she has really liked yet. Not ever been much of a contacter? Hmm I don't know, I would say she's lazy or you make things too easy for her, maybe both. Or she really doesn't wan to deal with a relationship and is cool with just having guys chase her. But I think this is pretty rare, most girls, as you said you already know, just say that, if they don't have to chase it, what's the point in cageing it? You don't lock something up that isn't valuable. if they find a guy they like that makes them work for it, they will chase him. If your cool with this situation then it's whatever but at somepoint she's Probably gonna find someone else and drop you.

You probably haven't demonstrated being of high enough value cuz you don't make her work.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
last bit of advice:
dont get ur hopes up, the more hope u have, the harder u fall.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
i appreciate all of your feedback. it seems like the course of action is to go two weeks or more without getting into contact with her and see if she contacts me. also date other girls on the side. is there anyone that would do anything different if they were in my position?

side note, this weekend she will be out of town for a wedding and next weekend she will be at an all day party our city is having. chances of her calling me on the weekends for the next two weeks are slim.