>men need sex, so does Joe
> women will give sex only to current best possible option (exception: virgin women, bluepill women (who don't know how many options they have), etc)
> average joe tries to get dates, gets manipulated or rejected by all of them
> average joe learns that either his job presents him as low tier in women eyes, or his face, body, popularity or character
> joe either goes G4Y M0D3/Tr4nnY Mode/W4nk3r mod3/m0nk m0de
or does one (or few) things from the list:
therefore women, althrough totally useless, they indirectly make men try harder and invent new things as well (which is good for civilisation as a whole)
its like women make the world evolve faster JUST because they have a puzzy
> women will give sex only to current best possible option (exception: virgin women, bluepill women (who don't know how many options they have), etc)
> average joe tries to get dates, gets manipulated or rejected by all of them
> average joe learns that either his job presents him as low tier in women eyes, or his face, body, popularity or character
> joe either goes G4Y M0D3/Tr4nnY Mode/W4nk3r mod3/m0nk m0de
or does one (or few) things from the list:
- thinks his body is culprit, goes gym
- thinks his face is ugly, tries better haircut and face accessories, or goes surgery
- thinks its his job, either tries to get promoted in job or to make his own company, or to get bigger skills, maybe invents light bulb
- etc
therefore women, althrough totally useless, they indirectly make men try harder and invent new things as well (which is good for civilisation as a whole)
its like women make the world evolve faster JUST because they have a puzzy