AckeDman said:
Anyone else other then me have this feeling that aproaching is basically just the same as if someone were to give u 1000 $ that you could only spend on lotter/betting and the potential winnings from that u are allowed to do what u wish with?
The metaphor works pretty good.
the money would be the time spent on approaching. The DJ skills and other factors like looks,money etc. would be the odds. And the girl would be the actual bet.
The type of bet would be the type of girl. For example roulette would be a superhot girl while blackjack would be decent or semi-ugly girl.
Thats the mentality im trying to develop. Basically seeing approaching as betting with someone elses money. You will either spend alot of money(time) on 1 bet(girl) or spread around the money on diffrent bets(basically do fast cold aproaches to save time.).
Anyone else other then me see this?
I kind of see it, an interesting analagy. Although I think "analagy" might be a better word than "metaphor" to describe this.
Okay, so the money=time, and so when you win, your reward=what? I guess the reward would be the date with her.
So the goal would be to maximize the number of dates you get, just as someone gambling wants to maximize their monetary returns from their bets.
So in order for this to work, you would need to put the value of time and the value of a date into perspective.
How much time is one date worth?
For example, You could choose to approach girl
g, with a .25 probability of winning a date, and a .75 probability of losing and getting rejected and wasting the time you spent on her. So 2 outcomes would happen, either you win a date, or totally waste your time. So how much time should you invest knowing these probabilities so that your decision isnt a bad one? To answer this question, youll need to know how much time 1 date is worth.
Lets say 1 date is worth 10 minutes.
The following equation would tell you the value of approaching girl
g given the amount of time spent on her and the probabilities of the win/lose outcomes:
Equation 1:
Value of approach(
0 <=
b=the amount of time spent on the girl. The value is measured in units of time. So basically, spending 10 minutes girl
g would be worth -5 minutes, which equates to half a negative date. This means that on average, for every girl you approach youll win some dates(worth 10 min each) and sometimes waste time when you get rejected. It will average out that you lose 5 minutes per approach. So this is a bad investment. but investing say 1 minute on girl
g would be worth +1.25 minutes or positive 175 thousandths of a date. So it would be a good idea to spend 1 minute on every girl type
g that you see.
To really maximize your return, youd want to spend as little time as possible per girl according to the math so far. You would do best spending 0 minutes per girl according to the math. But the math is really unrealistic, becuase your odds of winning actually change with the amount of time spent per girl. Obviously your chances of getting a date are going to be less if you spent literally 1 second on a girl than if you spent 1 minute on the same girl. In 1 second, thats barely enough time to ask her for her phone number!
So equation 1 is actually not realistic in predicting the "win a date value" given the time invested and the odds of winning. To be realistic, it would need to take into account that the odds of winning actually change as you change the amount of time to spend on the girl.
But I like your idea, it is an interesting analagy.