Anybody ever have their boss hit on them?


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
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So I started this new job almost 2 months ago and I work in recieving. One of my bosses is 35 and she's alright looking for being older(I'm 20). I've noticed her flirting with me quite a bit lately. The other day when I was at the computer she came up and started rubbing my shoulders when she was asking me something. Then later i was moving something and it was a pain in the ass so i had to kind of jerk it real hard, there were a few other people around and she said something like "Man he's rough, the girls must love him in bed." Things like that.

My buddy that got me the job said he knows she was f***ing one other guy that used to work there and he thinks another guy that was my age. The thing is she's married and has two kids lol. I would have to guess her and her husband have an open relationship or something. She's really cool and she doesn't seem like a sl*t. I think it would be awesome to sleep with your boss lol, but I've also been trying to go to church more and be closer to God than I have been in the past few years.. that's why I can't decide if I should go for it or not with her being married cause I know that's totally wrong but how awesome would it be to say you f***ed your boss?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Awsome? Are you an idiot? Once you screw her you are completely her bytch. Leave that woman alone man. I'd rather get fired for sticking to my guns than to be some woman's boytoy and power play fantasy. "Oooh look at me, I'm just like a man, sleeping with my subordinates" I promise you that's how it goes down in her head. In a dance two cannot lead, she will be leading this dance and leading you in every aspect of your life. Your personal life will disappear and forget about any other women, let her get a hint of other women and you will probably loose your job. How did the other guy lose his job? Or did he quit to get out of a bad situation? Use your pimp brain here and THINK dammit. Ask questions and find out what's up! If this is your career don't screw it up.

Mr. Bond

Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2008
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I've done it, and I look at it as a mistake. It's not as bad as Warrior said, but it's also not worth it.

I broke things off with my boss after I moved on, but she hasn't. She's c*ckblocked me a few times at work, but nothing major. The real problem is that she has input into whether I get promotions or not, and she gets called when I apply somewhere else. I highly doubt she will try and screw me over, but I don't like being in a position where that's possible.

Don't do it. There are PLENTY of other women out there.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
Awsome? Are you an idiot? Once you screw her you are completely her bytch. Leave that woman alone man. I'd rather get fired for sticking to my guns than to be some woman's boytoy and power play fantasy. "Oooh look at me, I'm just like a man, sleeping with my subordinates" I promise you that's how it goes down in her head. In a dance two cannot lead, she will be leading this dance and leading you in every aspect of your life. Your personal life will disappear and forget about any other women, let her get a hint of other women and you will probably loose your job. How did the other guy lose his job? Or did he quit to get out of a bad situation? Use your pimp brain here and THINK dammit. Ask questions and find out what's up! If this is your career don't screw it up.
No, it's not my career. I'm in college, it's just a part-time thing, and I'm not sure why the other guy quit or got fired, my buddy didn't tell me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Well that would be adultery. It would also be stupid considering it's the workplace and she's your boss.