Any thoughts?


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
After some time reflecting, i think I've realized what's wrong with me.

I've read a good bit of the DJ Bible. I just dont know how to apply it right.
for instance, i read an article on conversation. I applied that in my life and my conversations do last longer.
The problem? Its not fun or interesting.
So i try ****y and funny to make things spicier. I couldn't think of any witty comebacks, negs, or anything. Whatever i said was too mean, too weird, or just plain not funny.
Im sure most people think my conversational skills are weird and robotic. It's like im just searching for a topic to keep it going. Not only that, i just say weird stuff that i dont thinks weird at all.

So after that i just focused on my life.
i started going to the gym, getting better grades. I recently got a job.

I just dont think im doing enough. Norwegian DJ said something about the actions i take with what i learn from here. He's right, but what if your taking action in the wrong way?

whatever i do isn't interesting. I see my friends who are just plain naturals. They say and do stuff that cracks people up. I dont understand why its funny though. Even if i were to do the same thing it wouldnt be half as cool.

I'm also in my head alot. There's been times where i was just "in the state" and everything was just great, but i didnt even know i did such things. I just cant keep the state because im consciously trying to avoid getting stuck in my head. Which means im royally ****ed because im consciously trying to stay out of thoughts. ( get what im saying?) its hard to "just do it" if your thinking about "just do it"

I think im just going to take a trip back to the DJ bible/bootcamp and see if i can work things through.

Have any of you ever been in my position? if so, how did you get out?

Captain Pepper

New Member
Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
I've been there. I lucked out when I rose to fame and fortune, but my head still wasn't in it. The best advice I can give you is to keep on trying no matter what, because it can only get easier from here. It's like they say, practice makes perfect.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
kevin1198 said:
After some time reflecting, i think I've realized what's wrong with me.

I've read a good bit of the DJ Bible. I just dont know how to apply it right.
for instance, i read an article on conversation. I applied that in my life and my conversations do last longer.
Im not a good conversationalist. I posted some good stuff here: .
The problem? Its not fun or interesting. It's not really about what you say; it's about how you say it. If you talk about something you care about, or something you find funny, and say it in a confident manner; people will laught. If you say something you find funny, people will find it funny too. "It's the law of state-transfer."
So i try ****y and funny to make things spicier. I couldn't think of any witty comebacks, negs, or anything. Whatever i said was too mean, too weird, or just plain not funny. Haha, the ****y/funny.. I had that period too. What people (including the writers of the DJB) don't realize, is that it's natural, you cant fake it. It comes after a while. You just have to go out more and say whats on your mind. When you say stuff spontaneusly, it's much more funny. I recently watched this video, where tyler explains some of it.
Im sure most people think my conversational skills are weird and robotic. It's like im just searching for a topic to keep it going. Not only that, i just say weird stuff that i dont thinks weird at all.
Stop trying to hold the conversation to stay in the conversation. Take the advice above. Talk about things noone else talk about. Then again, Im not really a good conversationalist, atleast not with girls. yet.

So after that i just focused on my life.
i started going to the gym, getting better grades. I recently got a job.
Awesome. Keep going! I know for a fact that working out will increase your self-esteem.
I just dont think im doing enough. Norwegian DJ said something about the actions i take with what i learn from here. He's right, but what if your taking action in the wrong way?
Only wrong actions I can think of right now, is to just sit inside by yourself all day. It is important that you apply this stuff. It's important that you push your comfort-zone, because that is when character changes happen.
whatever i do isn't interesting. I see my friends who are just plain naturals. They say and do stuff that cracks people up. I dont understand why its funny though. Even if i were to do the same thing it wouldnt be half as cool.

I'm also in my head alot. There's been times where i was just "in the state" and everything was just great, but i didnt even know i did such things. I just cant keep the state because im consciously trying to avoid getting stuck in my head. Which means im royally ****ed because im consciously trying to stay out of thoughts. ( get what im saying?) its hard to "just do it" if your thinking about "just do it"
I get what you mean. You must not think "I must get into state" etc. You're resisting the present moment; never resist the present moment.
I think im just going to take a trip back to the DJ bible/bootcamp and see if i can work things through.

Have any of you ever been in my position? if so, how did you get out? I went out more. I got more social.