Any Suggestions guys??


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
Whats up Gentlemen!!

Well, i've had my eye on this little cutie for a while, and just my luck, she recently broke up with her b/f!!
We've been friends for a while, but even when she was with him there was a lot of sexual tension bewteen us (KINO all over the place, eye contact, etc..) She actually intiated the KINO always touching my leg, holding onto my arm when we walk together, that kinda stuff. But, told her after a while, that if your gonna just be my friend, you need to stop with all that. Bascially telling her, she cant have her cake and eat it too. She told me she was attracted to me, but she couldn't break up with her man. I wouldn't want that anyway.
Now, she has recently broken up with him. We actually went out last nite, but i was somewhat out of my element. We went to a salsa club, and i've never really done that before. But i was proud of myself, i got out there and danced even though im not a killer dancer. We were dancing for a while, she was smiling, she was even trying to show me some moves. But as the nite went on, i was trying to get her out on the dancefloor some more, but she wasn't having it. She was complaining her feet hurt (no, i wasnt stepping on her feet!!) and was getting a different vibe from her?? I didn't do anything wrong so not sure what happened. She said the music was too slow and was kinda boring. I guess maybe im just insecure about my dancing ability?? what do u guys think? Is her interest waining? or was it just a wack club?



Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
Hey, I don't really have a solution to your problem. However, I am in a very similar situation as you were - in that i'm attracted to a girl I am kinda freinds with, but she has a boyfriend. There is lots of sexual tension and flirting between us, and she initiates lots of kino. Plus I have heard from her best mate that she likes me.

So I have a question for you. Did you basically just tell this girl straight that she shouldn't be flirty if you're just friends? Did you in any way tell her of any interest you had in her? Also, how did she react to this?

I know you have posted your own problem, but your help would be appreciated!


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
I put it this way to her, if we're just going to be friends, then you need to stop touching me like that cuz it makes me think you want something else. Then basically she told me, i am attracted to you, but i dont wanna cheat on my b/f. That actually put her up a couple points in my book, cuz that tells me she wouldn't do that to me if i was with her. Even after i told her that, she still was touching me like that, slightly less, but still holding onto my arm, one time she even started rubbing the back of my neck, then caught herself. She's doing it on purpose, she knows what she's doing, she's creating sexual tension.


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
I told her i was interested without revealing too much. It was kind of a double edged sword. I told her that felt something for her, but i wasn't going to let her have her cake and eat it too, it's not fair to me. I was straight out with her. I think the key is to not be passive about what you say. Don't tell her you wanna be with her, but tell her you think something is there but as long as she's with her b/f, she can take advantage of you like that. I think that turned her on (LOL) cuz called her on it and i told her i wasn't gonna let her do whatever she wanted.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
Cool thanks. I think i'm gonna definitely use your advise to tell her straight!!