I normally don't mind when girls do this, in fact I kind of like it because it sparks a connection and definitely a conversation. Although today this girl (I'd rate her a 3-4) just couldn't stop busting my balls and singling me out. At first I didn't mind, and I thought it was funny. I shot back with some strong come backs and generally she stopped.. I was doing awesome at putting her back in place but keeping it funny and entertaining our group. Then she got onto this thing she has about guys wearing sandals. Well I happened to be wearing sandals that day and she was just running around telling everyone how disgusting it is and to stay away...
lol, it was really pissing me off. I don't usually have a problem with this so I didn't know how to react. I played it off cool and calm until she started running around the class telling everyone that my feet were gross. Then my insults became more direct and personal.. probably shouldn't have done that. Oh well though, I could careless.
I think girls busting your balls can be a great thing, but it depends on the person. If a girl plays it off all cute and funny, then I love it! But when a girl gets in my face thinking she's bad ass and better then me I just makes me smirk because she's horribly mistaken. For example.. the girl today.