Any Life Left!?


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys...I need some serious help! I met this girl back on April 1st on this dating site. You know one of those girls that you just have to talk too. Well she was one of those for me. So I send her an e-mail, she e-mails me back and tells me that she looked at my profile and she did not think that we had all the much in common. I send her one back and explain what we do, and she agrees to talk.

So we start to talk and everything moves a long nicely. We are getting along and things are going well and she is sending me signals right and left she is into me. At the end of April she send's me an e-mail asking me if I want to meet her for lunch becuase she is going to be out my way. I tell her that I would love too! So I go and meet her and it turns out that she can not leave because there were not enough people to cover, so we just hung out in the parking lot talking. Me making the most of the situation, agree and we have a good time. I ask her if she usually likes to have company for lunch. She tellls me no and that she usually likes to sit in her car and read. But she wanted to meet me.

So she has to go back to work and I go home. When I get there I have an e-mail waiting for me telling me that she had a really nice time. I send her one back and tell her that I did too and that I can not wait to do it again! So the rest of April goes by and we get into May. Well the following week I ask her if she wants to get together for lunch or anything and she tells me that she can't and that she is going to be off the shelf for a while because her dad is moving out of state and she wants to spend time with him.

So I don't have any problems with that and I show her that I can be understanding and I say ok that is fine. The end of the month comes and we get into June. There is where is startes to get interesting. We are still talking about this point and everyting is moving along well. She is asking me about when I am going to be movin into my new place, and tells me that I should have a house warming party. I tell her that it sounds like a good idea but I want her to come. She tells me thathe would love to! So I set it up for July 12th.

The month goes on form there. A few days latter I ask her how she is doing and she tells me not well and tells me that her junkie ex is really getting into drinking and drugs and he is threatening to kill himself. So I am there for her shoulder to cry on, she tells me how she always pick the wrong guy and it never fails. So I make my first mistake and I tell her that I like her. She says back to me: thanks i think you are a nice person too, but unfortunatly i just do not have the time with everything going on, i am sorry so please do not be mad, but i am stepping out for awhile, anywho if you do not want to talk to me anymore i completely understand. I tell her that just because she can not do something right now I am not going to give up on her. That I want get to know eachother and see where thigns go. She agrees an the subject changes.

Well for the rest of the month she talks about her ex a little and tells me how he is killing himself. Also how he will only go to the hospital and rehab for her. So he goes but she stays at the hospital with him and I ask what's going on with them. She tells me: Truthfully i have no idea what is going on...sorry, i hate to say that, but i honestly cannot tell you what is going on...i am not sure, but i do have feelings for him and vise versa, if you do not want to talk to me anymore i understand. So I tell her that she has to do whatever she feels is right, but I just want to be there for her when she needs me.

We get into July and things calm down so I thought! I wind up not being able to have my part due to timing issues, so I resechdule it for the 16th of August. But that is not the big deal. One night she posts a blog on her myspace. The blog basicly says how she is still in love with her ex, but she knows that she can never be with him because he is self desctuctive and sad. So I send her and e-mail and lay everything out on the line about how I feel about her. I send her a text message and couple of days latter and ask her if she is alright with how I feel about her. She tells me that she thinks that I might be expecting somethig that she is not prepared for and it weird to her. So I tell her that knew she was not ready and that I was in no rush and I just wanted to know how she felt. She tells me that is it scares her and is weird to her and she is not used to it. So I ask what I can do to not scare her. She tells me to just back off a bit. I do!

Then the weeks goes by and we are talking and there are no problems, so I ask her if she wants to have lunch with me on that Friday...well she winds up not being able too, but wants to have lunch on Saturday after she gets off work. So I meet her for lunch and she gets out of her car and has a big smile on her face and is happy to see me and give me a warm hug. We get in side and we have a nice lunch we and talk, just have a good time. We go to leave and she gives me a tight hug and I give her a tight hug back. I also give her a kiss on the cheek. She plays with her keys for a little while and askes me what I am doing when I get home. I tell her I don't know and ask her what she is doing. She tells me that she is going to take a nap. So I go and hang out with a friend. I send her a text a few hours latter and tell her that I had a really good time and that it was a lot of fun. She told me that she did too!

So July ends with her telling me about one of her friends asking her out and asking me what I thought that she should do. I tell her that I have been in a similar situation and that I would not do it becuase she stood to lose a lot of friends if she did. She did not wind up going out with him. This was the weekend before she left for Hawaii, so I told her that I would miss her while she was gone and I would talk to her when she got back. She sent me a =), so I know she would miss me too. She got back form Hawaii last week and I did not hear anything from her until I sent her a text on Friday asking hre how she was. She told me that she was sorry for e-mailing me and that it had been hetic since she got back. I said that it was ok and asked if she was still coming to my party. She tells me yes.

So last Saturday comes and everyone that was supposed to come, comes and so does she. But she sends me a text when she is on her way and askes me i I need anything I tell her no. She calls me a few minutes later and askes for directions. I tell her how to get there and she gets lost on the way. So she finally gets to my place. She is messing with her car top because it wont go up and she got lost on the way to my she is annoyed. She get's inside I introduce her to everyone. She kind of just sits there really quite and like she would wrather be somewhere else. So since she had a birthday party to goto, we all left and I headed to my friends house and I tell her to follow me out. She does and I send her an e-mail latter that night telling her that I was sorry for getting her lost. She tells me that it is ok and that she had a good time.

Sunday night I send her one more e-mail telling her that I hope she did have a goodtime because it really looked that she did not. Also telling that when my friends told me to tell her that she is more than welcome to come out with us anytime that it was nothing more than being friendly. I told her that they asked what was going on with her and I and I told them right now we are just friends and beyond that I did not know. I get this on Tuesday in response: everything is fine...lost soccer...and i do have to say that i am not interested in you in anyway other than just being friends, sorry but that is how it is, i do think you are a nice person but i do have to say that after reading all your emails i think that i need to stop talking to you for awhile cause i think that you just have a wrong idea about everything, sorry again if i came across in giving you the wrong idea but i think maybe we should stop talking for awhile.

Now I can read what she said and I am sure that most of you will just tell me to give up and move on to the next. But I can not do that on this one. She was totally different. She is the girl of my dreams! So I need everyone's honest opoion and I need to know is there anyone hope and life left in this or is my goose cooked?


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah that's exactly what you're going to get from here. Move on. She's done with you and you don't have any chance with moving on to the next level. You clearly have one-itis for this chick, which is a bad thing when your relationship is not official. You made some mistakes that were serious enough to kill any chance you had with her.

She still has something for her ex which should tell you that you should next this chick. Especially since he's a druggie. You don't want that in your life.

She only went to the party because she said she would. She didn't really want to be there she wanted to be with her ex at the hospital.

I can tell that you truly dig this chick, but if you don't let her go your heart is gonna be hurting even worse. You may feel that you met the girl of your dreams, but does the girl of your dreams date druggies? I hope not.

Like I said. She has no interest in being with you as bf/gf. I'm sorry to say that, but that's how women work. When a girl says I don't want to be anything more than friends she's really saying "I'm not attracted to you in any way and if you keep bugging me I'm gonna call the cops."

It can be hard to let "the one" get away we've all had to go through it. Personally, that's why I came here. The best thing you can do for yourself is let her be with her druggie man. Let her be unhappy. You are the catch after all. She's not the catch.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2008
Reaction score
noirsake said:
Yeah that's exactly what you're going to get from here. Move on. She's done with you and you don't have any chance with moving on to the next level. You clearly have one-itis for this chick, which is a bad thing when your relationship is not official. You made some mistakes that were serious enough to kill any chance you had with her.

She still has something for her ex which should tell you that you should next this chick. Especially since he's a druggie. You don't want that in your life.

She only went to the party because she said she would. She didn't really want to be there she wanted to be with her ex at the hospital.

I can tell that you truly dig this chick, but if you don't let her go your heart is gonna be hurting even worse. You may feel that you met the girl of your dreams, but does the girl of your dreams date druggies? I hope not.

Like I said. She has no interest in being with you as bf/gf. I'm sorry to say that, but that's how women work. When a girl says I don't want to be anything more than friends she's really saying "I'm not attracted to you in any way and if you keep bugging me I'm gonna call the cops."

It can be hard to let "the one" get away we've all had to go through it. Personally, that's why I came here. The best thing you can do for yourself is let her be with her druggie man. Let her be unhappy. You are the catch after all. She's not the catch.
Well her ex has been in rehab since June, so he is not a factor for her being there. I was never actually bugging her because she was happy to be talking to me on Saturday. Then on Tuesday everything changed. But I dunno...I expect to hear that from everyone. I am doing what she asked and I am not talking to her right now. I am not going to for awhile. In fact I am probably goig to wait if I even hear from her. She still has me on her myspace, so I know we are friends. Just curious to see what people thought beyond the standard get over her and move on to the next one.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
You said that you want everyone's "honest" opinion about your situation,right?
Are you sure about that? Well,you asked for it,so here goes. To be honest with you,this whole dilemma you just described makes me want to vomit. It reminds me of my old AFC days. There are so many things wrong here,so many mistakes made,so many unintentional errors,it was hard for me to read the whole post without having to almost get up and run to the toilet after every sentence. This whole situation is ridiculous. However,I can't blame you,because if you don't know,then you just don't know. It's obvious to me,as well as to everybody else here that you are in the friendzone. That part is as clear as the sky being blue. It's also clear that you are new to this forum,because there is NO WAY you could be a member here for any length of time and do the things you did. I would suggest you read the DJ bible ,as well as some of the posts here before going out and trying to date again. I would point the errors you made,but there are simply too many,I don't have that kind of time. Oh yeah,one last thing. You can forget about this girl. It's over with. It was over with a loooooong time ago,waaaaay before she sent you the message about not wanting to see you for a while.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2007
Reaction score
Good god dude. I don't understand how some of you people can have SO MUCH energy invested in just one girl. This chick is not worth THE TIME IT TOOK TO WRITE THIS ENTIRE POST. Move on. This this pathetic.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2008
Reaction score
Oh I made soo many is pretty pathetic! I am pretty sure that she just kept me going at the end. Don't ask me for what reason...hell she is a chick she does not need a reason! Oh well she was better than my last attempt. I am your chronic can' get past talking phase. I can make freinds with women, but beyond can forgett it.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Here is the answer you seem to be seeking

"O hey man, don't worry keep fighting if she's worth fighting for. So what if she says she doesn't see you as anything more then a friend, deep down she probably feels the opposite. Just keep being persistent and cator to her every need no matter what. Someday she will realize how great you are and you will live happily ever after!"

Now if you want the real answer, and part of me thinks you do otherwise you wouldn't have posted it here, maybe loveshack but certainly not here, you will listen.

1. Accept that she is gone. You have estabilished an image in her mind of someone she is not attracted to and right now have absolutley no shot with her. You are a boy amongst men. You are no different then one of her girlfreinds.

2. Stop talking to her. You cannot be friends with her. You are too hung up on this chick to maintain a friendship, even she seems to know this so that's how you should know it's really bad.

3. Move on. Think about all the time and energy you have devoted to obsessing over this girl. You say she's so special and one of a kind. There are plenty of chicks out there who blow her out of the water, however you wouldn't know this right now because of your obsession.

4. Read some of the posts on here, build up yourself, and realize this girl is not close to what you've built her up to be. I know it's cliche, but there truly are plenty of fish in the sea. Sometimes you need to rebait.

Follow these four steps if you want to regain your manhood and begin leading a happy, more productive life. Otherwise I doubt you will find anything helpful on this site.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2008
Reaction score
TheBaconator said:
Here is the answer you seem to be seeking

"O hey man, don't worry keep fighting if she's worth fighting for. So what if she says she doesn't see you as anything more then a friend, deep down she probably feels the opposite. Just keep being persistent and cator to her every need no matter what. Someday she will realize how great you are and you will live happily ever after!"

Now if you want the real answer, and part of me thinks you do otherwise you wouldn't have posted it here, maybe loveshack but certainly not here, you will listen.

1. Accept that she is gone. You have estabilished an image in her mind of someone she is not attracted to and right now have absolutley no shot with her. You are a boy amongst men. You are no different then one of her girlfreinds.

2. Stop talking to her. You cannot be friends with her. You are too hung up on this chick to maintain a friendship, even she seems to know this so that's how you should know it's really bad.

3. Move on. Think about all the time and energy you have devoted to obsessing over this girl. You say she's so special and one of a kind. There are plenty of chicks out there who blow her out of the water, however you wouldn't know this right now because of your obsession.

4. Read some of the posts on here, build up yourself, and realize this girl is not close to what you've built her up to be. I know it's cliche, but there truly are plenty of fish in the sea. Sometimes you need to rebait.

Follow these four steps if you want to regain your manhood and begin leading a happy, more productive life. Otherwise I doubt you will find anything helpful on this site.
Oh I have no plans for anything anytime soon. I came here looking for both sides of the spectrum. The good, the bad and the ugly. Just wanted to know if she would ever be worth persuring in the future. Right now I am not evening thinking of doing anything dumb, and trying to talk to her. I am open for any and all advice!


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Ahh,yeah. She kept you going,but it wasn't at the end that she started it. I would say she probably started it two or three week after the first date you had with her. It doesn't take women long to decide if they're interested in you,really they know almost right off the bat. She just kept you going because she enjoyed the attention/ego boost of being desired. If you'll notice,she kept you around up until she got back in contact with her ex,then she sent you on your way. And don't worry man, getting past just being friends is easy to do,and I'm not just saying that, I'm serious. You just need a little knowledge of how attraction works for women. There are plenty of posts here and man/woman relationship material that can help you out

I'm Charming

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
Mistakes you made:

1. No escalation.
2. Infatuation - pedestalling this woman
3. No sexual undertones at all
4. Too much communication via email/myspace etc
5. Telling her - YOU LIKE HER????
6. Not realising that there's a reason she's with her bad-ass junkie boyfriend.
7. Too many dates, no progression.
8. Still thinking you had a chance after a "Let's just be friends" line
9. Letting her direct the relationship
10. Not acting like a real man would.

Areas in which you showed promise:

1. Coming to this site.

Steps to Improvement:

1. Read the DJ Bible, Book of Pook etc
2. Read posts on this forum.
3. Go out in the field, spin more plates.
4. Work on yourself, your attitude, your demeanor towards women.
5. Forget the ideas of infatuation and perfection in relation to any women.
6. Take control.
7. Be sexual.
8. Give up completely on this girl, she has you sussed.
9. Maintain a positive attitude - one which sees you improve.
10. Ditch all hollywood preconceptions about nice guys getting women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
ferggy99 said:
Oh I have no plans for anything anytime soon. I came here looking for both sides of the spectrum. The good, the bad and the ugly. Just wanted to know if she would ever be worth persuring in the future. Right now I am not evening thinking of doing anything dumb, and trying to talk to her. I am open for any and all advice!
Well that was beyond AFC! lol Where do I begin...

As Igetit said, it's obvious you're new here so keep reading and improving yourself. You need some training man! :eek: You'll learn why women like bad boys and not nice guys like yourself and know why she keeps going back to the drug addict.

Forget about the girl because not only is she not attracted to you, you are not starting to creep her out. Spin some plates (date other women) and stop focusing on her and giving her all your attention.