Hey Guys,
I have been with my girlfriend for 15 months now. We are in a long term relationship as well as a long distance relationship (2 hours away in NYC). Everything has been perfect up untill the last month or 2. We used to always talk about how in love we are and our futures together with starting a family. Recently she has expressed to me that things are "different" and do not feel the same as they were when we started our relationship. She was telling me how she feels that sometimes It does not seem like i appreciate the things she does for me or am happy for her when nice things happen in her life. She feels like she is putting more of an effort in the relationship than I am. The thing is that I do appreciate it when she does nice things and am happy for her when something great happens for her. She also expressed to me that when we have sex it does not feel good for her and we are not connecting on that level. There is no "spark" anymore she told me. She no longer has an interest it seems for sexual intimacy even though I do and it is frustrating. When we started, we connected on every level so much and could not keep our hands off eachother. She asked me where the relationship is going as well and she feels like we were not spending any time with our other friends that we have. Now I feel like we have become just "good friends" that love eachother, not the hot passionate love-flowing couple that we were. We are both commited to one another and are commited to work on things and not throw away 15 months of love. I love her and do not want to lose her but i feel like we are spinning our tires in the mud and its really frustrating. What do you think I should do? If you guys have any ideas or imput please let me know!
Thanks Guys,
I have been with my girlfriend for 15 months now. We are in a long term relationship as well as a long distance relationship (2 hours away in NYC). Everything has been perfect up untill the last month or 2. We used to always talk about how in love we are and our futures together with starting a family. Recently she has expressed to me that things are "different" and do not feel the same as they were when we started our relationship. She was telling me how she feels that sometimes It does not seem like i appreciate the things she does for me or am happy for her when nice things happen in her life. She feels like she is putting more of an effort in the relationship than I am. The thing is that I do appreciate it when she does nice things and am happy for her when something great happens for her. She also expressed to me that when we have sex it does not feel good for her and we are not connecting on that level. There is no "spark" anymore she told me. She no longer has an interest it seems for sexual intimacy even though I do and it is frustrating. When we started, we connected on every level so much and could not keep our hands off eachother. She asked me where the relationship is going as well and she feels like we were not spending any time with our other friends that we have. Now I feel like we have become just "good friends" that love eachother, not the hot passionate love-flowing couple that we were. We are both commited to one another and are commited to work on things and not throw away 15 months of love. I love her and do not want to lose her but i feel like we are spinning our tires in the mud and its really frustrating. What do you think I should do? If you guys have any ideas or imput please let me know!
Thanks Guys,