Anti-Feminists Think Rape Victims Deserve It: Profiles by VICE.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I didn't watch the video, but I did read some of the comments. These caught my eye: First, from a girl named Nadine:

This just makes me sad. Feminism is fighting for equality for women, yes, but for men as well. Any rational person who knows anything about the movement and what it stands for would know that.

Okay, that was about the craziest thing I've ever heard. But further down it is answered well by a guy named Brendan:

What I don't understand is why there can't be a move called "equality" that advocates for both men and women rights, calling something "feminism" already favors women. I don't want a misogynistic society, but I also don't want one that paints men as rapists.

The only flaw I see with that is I don't know if you can ever have truly equal genders. There will always be a leader and a follower. Since women are so closely tied to reproduction and the propogation of the species, it only makes sense that the relatively unburdened male should take that role. The problem comes when men abuse that role, which I will admit they have done in the past.


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
Hey thanks for sharing this it made me think about how weird different things are for many different people. But this concept has always been weird for me to talk about with people. Its always been hard to hear the male version of what this means to people saying it. Its something i find useful to discuss at all.
Thanks for sharing.