another vacation thread without the girl.....


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2007
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so i just got layed off my crappy job. i don't feel like working, so i will just rake in some meager unemployment checks for a bit. this does not make the woman happy.. i got a hot girl i live with and im crazy about. we get along great. she goes back to teach school for the semester on January 5. im trying to go to Hawaii, live in a jungle, surf, fish, get baked and basically not think about priorities or responsibilities about mid-January for a few weeks:rockon: . the chick is freaking out, saying that im not supposed to do this to her cuz we are in a relationship, but i need a vacation...bad, before i lose my mind. and she says things like "and you expect to have a girlfriend at home while you travel?" with sort of an ultimatum-ish tone in her voice:cuss: . i wouldn't hook up with anyone while im gone. she trusts me. but the thing is, we are planning to move together in June somewhere where i can get a better job, after her school year is done. but she wouldn't mind me going somewhere to look for a job now, but only for a week or two. but if i got a job somewhere far away, i would have to start right away, then i wouldn't even be coming back at all.!! but i don't give a ****, because i got a little money stowed away and as long as i get some unemployment, im fine. im not trying to work yet. basically, how or what can i tell this girl to reason to her, that i just want some R&R and that i just want to chill for a while??:crazy:


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
So, is it OK if you move to a new job and live without her? Will you be able to travel for your job without her? You might want to get this all out in the open now,before it gets more serious. Then if you still want to go, treat it like a possible divorce and get the stuff you really want out of the house you may not have when you get back. tell her what you want, if she won't respect it,it may be time to move on.


New Member
Aug 29, 2008
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I'd say it's an idle threat and wanting to go on a vacation before you get a new job for a few weeks is reasonable. It's healthy to go on vacations by yourself and if the trust is there it shouldn't be a problem. Girls don't like to be alone for any amount of time and pretty sure being in a relationship doesn't mean you're not allowed to go on trips by yourself. As far as reasoning with her, we both know how that ends up. If she's willing to leave you over this then you don't really want to be with her anyways.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
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Definitely stay home, attend to her needs, and be a good provider. That is what gets the hot girls wet. A nice guy who caters to their needs and makes good money. That is why she is with you in the first place, b/c of that crappy job, right?

I love it when women go for the bad boys, then want to turn them into the nice accountant who got no place with them for six months. Going on this vacation could only increase her attraction IMO.

Hooligan Harry

Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
The thought of someone collecting unemployment checks while they get stoned makes me feel ill.

She is worried that you are going to cheat on her. Either that, or you have financial commitments you agreed to when you moved in together. Things like sharing the rent/grocery bill perhaps? I dunno, maybe you have this covered.

If you have financial commitments you are ignoring then you are a prick and you are out of line.

If its her own insecurity that is causing the problems, go on your holiday. Just tell her you need a break from everything and its a pity that she cant come with because of her obligations. If she wants she can quite her job and tag along, if she wants to work through this time you will see her when you see her. Women rarely throw caution to the wind and do it, so you will get your time away.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
strey said:
i don't feel like working, so i will just rake in some meager unemployment checks for a bit. this does not make the woman happy..
Yeah, I don't feel like working either most days but I do it because it is what I NEED to do. Maybe if you line up some work before you go she will be more open to your going 'native' by yourself.

AS much as I despise women's ultimatums, she does have a point of view that you need to consider without surrendering your aspirations.

You are in a bind here. IF you just go and do your thing in the jungle, you run the risk of losing the girl. IF you cave in to her demands you run the risk of losing yourself and what is left of your indepedent decision making.

I have heard women say that they feel disturbed when their man wants to go solo, golf, skiing, hunting with the guys
They FEEL that he is saying that he prefers the activity over her and she FEELS as if she is coming second..

IT sound loonie, but you know women ..

(Oh and I agree that smoking dope on welfare also makes me want to shake you )


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
Yeah, I don't feel like working either most days but I do it because it is what I NEED to do. Maybe if you line up some work before you go she will be more open to your going 'native' by yourself.

AS much as I despise women's ultimatums, she does have a point of view that you need to consider without surrendering your aspirations.

You are in a bind here. IF you just go and do your thing in the jungle, you run the risk of losing the girl. IF you cave in to her demands you run the risk of losing yourself and what is left of your indepedent decision making.

I have heard women say that they feel disturbed when their man wants to go solo, golf, skiing, hunting with the guys
They FEEL that he is saying that he prefers the activity over her and she FEELS as if she is coming second..

IT sound loonie, but you know women ..

(Oh and I agree that smoking dope on welfare also makes me want to shake you )
very true


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
If you got your money right and bills sorted. Go have fun.

Fvck her. She can stay or go. You live your life and you deserve to enjoy it. Being stuck up each others ass 247 sucks.

Spit some sweet game in her ear and tell her a wonderful fantasy of how great is going to be when you get back and all the things you two will do together after you recharge yourself and begin to tackle this great new job opportunity. Then run like a wild man in the woods and come back to civilization ready to destroy!