The title here is slightly misleading, it may imply that alcohol helped my game on the night out in question.. while in some areas it probably did.. in others I think it probably harmed it..
anyway, a week or so ago I posted this thread which was basically a moan about my lack of confidence grinding with chicks..
anyway since then I've been feeling more confident and better about myself lately, went out on saturday to watch the rugby, then after that finished went to a pub with cheap shots, knocked back quite a few and so by the time it chucked out at 11 I was absoloutely hammered... anyway, in the club me and my mate went pretty much straight onto the dancefloor, and stayed there all evening..I don't remember too much, and most of the night seemed to flash by but I do remember dancing with two girls..
the first one.. I can't remember why I started dancing with her.. I think that basically her ass was near me so I just grabbed her and she didn't resist, and this time I didn't wuss out like I did in my previous post, I held her, stuck my crotch firmly up against her ass, and moved with her, plus I worked my hands up and down her body and over her thighs, eventually (after a long period of time) I did break off.. she showed no signs of turning around to face me and I was getting bored.. the pospect of actually trying to talk to her didn't even cross my mind (possibly due to the booze).. anyway, shortly after dancing with me she went back to dancing with some guy she'd been dancing with before and she stayed with him for the rest of the evening I think, he may have been her boyfriend (they were necking occasionally) and she was just after a bit of fun, anyway I wasn't too bothered..
now the next chick, again I can't remember why I started dancing with her, I dunno if she backed into me or not, I think I may have just grabbed her again.. I certainly dont remember even seeing her face, I danced with her same way I danced with the chick before, after a minute or so I got bored and broke off.. then a bit later on she was still around so I started dancing behind her again.. broke off again cos I was getting bored and she didn't make any effort to turn around.. and then I went back again one last time.. same result.. again, the idea that I might need to talk to her or somehow force her to turn around and look at me didn't cross my mind at all.. I dont think I actually saw this girls face at all..
I stayed feeling pretty good all night, and ended up having a little C+F convo with some girls in the kebab shop on the way home
anyway, on the way back home me and my mate were chatting about the night, hes got a girlfriend but he was saying to me..
him: "it was pretty good in there wasn't it? I was pretty tempted. I can't believe you didn't pull.." (hes only known me a month so isn't aware of my lack of success with ladies)
me: "why?"
him: "there was loads of girls in there.. they were gagging for it.."
his conclusion, (and mine) was that I wasn't trying hard enough. and to be honest I wasn't.. the two girls I danced with, well I just grabbed (pun intended) the opportunity when it was there.. and the rest of the night I didn't make any effort to really impose myself into girls personal spaces on the dancefloor or approach them, sure I danced near them, but I never actually put myself in front of them or tried to make EC. In fact I don't remember making any EC with anyone all night..
this is where the alcohol comes in.. I was so pissed and having such a good time, I wasn't really thinking about approaching/making EC/talking to girls I danced with at all.. and seeing as its something that doesn't come naturally to me yet I didn't do it.. plus I was pretty hammered and therefore was probably looking a bit like a drunken tw*t, (some of the phots taken with my digital cam confirm that)
so what have we learnt today? my confidence on the dancefloor has increased which is good, but its still not high enough and I'm still not making enough of an effort.. alcohol is good if you wanna have a good time, but it can lead you to forget important things.. although of course we all know that thinking too hard about pulling can be detrimental, its then that self doubt starts to set in,
anyway thats it.. key questions
grinding/dancing how much convo do you need.. (if any) when should you try it? is EC necessary?
the alcohol debate, get pissed or not? sober and analytical or drunk and uninhibited (albeit with a lack of direction)?? lets have your thoughts.. I guess I think somewhere in the middle is best..
anyway, a week or so ago I posted this thread which was basically a moan about my lack of confidence grinding with chicks..
anyway since then I've been feeling more confident and better about myself lately, went out on saturday to watch the rugby, then after that finished went to a pub with cheap shots, knocked back quite a few and so by the time it chucked out at 11 I was absoloutely hammered... anyway, in the club me and my mate went pretty much straight onto the dancefloor, and stayed there all evening..I don't remember too much, and most of the night seemed to flash by but I do remember dancing with two girls..
the first one.. I can't remember why I started dancing with her.. I think that basically her ass was near me so I just grabbed her and she didn't resist, and this time I didn't wuss out like I did in my previous post, I held her, stuck my crotch firmly up against her ass, and moved with her, plus I worked my hands up and down her body and over her thighs, eventually (after a long period of time) I did break off.. she showed no signs of turning around to face me and I was getting bored.. the pospect of actually trying to talk to her didn't even cross my mind (possibly due to the booze).. anyway, shortly after dancing with me she went back to dancing with some guy she'd been dancing with before and she stayed with him for the rest of the evening I think, he may have been her boyfriend (they were necking occasionally) and she was just after a bit of fun, anyway I wasn't too bothered..
now the next chick, again I can't remember why I started dancing with her, I dunno if she backed into me or not, I think I may have just grabbed her again.. I certainly dont remember even seeing her face, I danced with her same way I danced with the chick before, after a minute or so I got bored and broke off.. then a bit later on she was still around so I started dancing behind her again.. broke off again cos I was getting bored and she didn't make any effort to turn around.. and then I went back again one last time.. same result.. again, the idea that I might need to talk to her or somehow force her to turn around and look at me didn't cross my mind at all.. I dont think I actually saw this girls face at all..
I stayed feeling pretty good all night, and ended up having a little C+F convo with some girls in the kebab shop on the way home
anyway, on the way back home me and my mate were chatting about the night, hes got a girlfriend but he was saying to me..
him: "it was pretty good in there wasn't it? I was pretty tempted. I can't believe you didn't pull.." (hes only known me a month so isn't aware of my lack of success with ladies)
me: "why?"
him: "there was loads of girls in there.. they were gagging for it.."
his conclusion, (and mine) was that I wasn't trying hard enough. and to be honest I wasn't.. the two girls I danced with, well I just grabbed (pun intended) the opportunity when it was there.. and the rest of the night I didn't make any effort to really impose myself into girls personal spaces on the dancefloor or approach them, sure I danced near them, but I never actually put myself in front of them or tried to make EC. In fact I don't remember making any EC with anyone all night..
this is where the alcohol comes in.. I was so pissed and having such a good time, I wasn't really thinking about approaching/making EC/talking to girls I danced with at all.. and seeing as its something that doesn't come naturally to me yet I didn't do it.. plus I was pretty hammered and therefore was probably looking a bit like a drunken tw*t, (some of the phots taken with my digital cam confirm that)
so what have we learnt today? my confidence on the dancefloor has increased which is good, but its still not high enough and I'm still not making enough of an effort.. alcohol is good if you wanna have a good time, but it can lead you to forget important things.. although of course we all know that thinking too hard about pulling can be detrimental, its then that self doubt starts to set in,
anyway thats it.. key questions
grinding/dancing how much convo do you need.. (if any) when should you try it? is EC necessary?
the alcohol debate, get pissed or not? sober and analytical or drunk and uninhibited (albeit with a lack of direction)?? lets have your thoughts.. I guess I think somewhere in the middle is best..