Another Myspace problem? (girls welcome)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
My girl and I are serious... Its been over a year of dating.... She has a myspace I dont... However I DID have her myspace Password....

One day I logged on and I saw her talking to sum dudes and dont get me wrong... I dont care ... she talks to guys all the time on myspace.... But these 2 guys really caught my attention for sum other personal reason....

I didnt like that and I told her about it.... She told me Im insecure... and Changed her password... This was about 2 months ago... She says She has nothing to hide but she is hiding her myspace from me... I told her WTF are u doing there Huh.... Shes like nothing and changes the topic....

I wanted to get her passowrd but I cant,....

Now how should I go about this u PUA's..... ? Should III make a myspace or what actions do u guys think I should take (or girls)



Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
Look, she's testing you, to see how insecure you are. Stop going and checking up on her myspace, because it's painful sh!t.

If you want to keep her then just forget about it, don't bring up the issue anymore.

It's already noted with her, and now she's expecting you to be like all the other guys and get all crazy over it, then she has a reason to dump you, because it's a huge turn off for girls.

Even if she's flirting, most likely it won't go anywhere and she'll find you way more desirable because you didn't fall and let your jealousy get the best of you.

If I could help anyone with my experience then I offer it to you. Stop checking her myspace forget about it and be strong and attractive to her.

It's hard, for sure knowing this, but here's your chance to score extra points with her and level up as Don Juan.


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2008
Reaction score
Worcestershire UK
Reeks of insecurity; and that is bad. Get too clingy, and you'll chase her off.

You obviously do give a sh!t about who she speaks to, otherwise you'd not be so arsy about seeing who she's talking to.

Best advice: Ignore it. Not ignoring it will shaft you regardless of what you do about it.

Also, facebook is much better than myspace anyway.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
1st. You made the mistake of telling her you knew!

2nd. Now, she is hiding it from you.

3rd. Your starting to get paranoid and maybe, you should.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
Slick101 said:
My girl and I are serious... Its been over a year of dating.... She has a myspace I dont... However I DID have her myspace Password....

One day I logged on and I saw her talking to sum dudes and dont get me wrong... I dont care ... she talks to guys all the time on myspace.... But these 2 guys really caught my attention for sum other personal reason....

I didnt like that and I told her about it.... She told me Im insecure... and Changed her password... This was about 2 months ago... She says She has nothing to hide but she is hiding her myspace from me... I told her WTF are u doing there Huh.... Shes like nothing and changes the topic....

I wanted to get her passowrd but I cant,....

Now how should I go about this u PUA's..... ? Should III make a myspace or what actions do u guys think I should take (or girls)

Look dude. As long as you remain faithful and you can handle the emotions of a breakup, it is entirely HER loss if she is too naive to hook up with a MySpace dude and break her good relationship with you.

You have to stop chasing. If you don't like something she does, TEll her that. She should respect your feelings and has no right to call you insecure. You care for her, how is that being insecure? Insecure would be calling and texting every fckin sec of her absence to check on her.