Another cold Approach


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
So was at the bar with a coupple buddies of mine and we walked in and realized the crowd was kind of old and we were the younger guys in the bar. This actually wasn't that bad because a couple of cute younger girls were eyeing us when we got in. To start things off me and my buddies wanted to cold approach but we didnt grab our balls early on. There was this coat check worker that I saw looking in our direction once or twice and I told my friends Im gonna approach her by the end of the night. Heres how it went

me: hey is this place pretty live on thursdays?
hb: yea its pretty good blah blah blah
me: yea so me and my friends came here from far and we expected a younger crowd
hb: yea on thursday its an older crowd
I fluffed her a little more and the whole time she was giving me very good body language and she seemed pretty interested but I was thinking maybe shes being nice because she works here, so then heres how things went

me: yea well Im gonna go (I was halfwway turned)
hb: wait whats your name ( I learned from another site a huge sign that a girl is feeling you is if she asks your name without you asking for hers
me: Rafael
hb: ana
me: blah blah blah we should get together sometime you seem like a lot of fun whats your number
her: (in a very flirty tone) no noo no.. I will get your number
so she gets out a piece of paper and a pen

And I thought about it and I have been in this situation before and I definately knew she was digging me.. her body language was very into me and all in all I could tell she was definately attracted to me. i usually dont give out my number because you never know if the gurl will call or not, but this time I felt that I should definately do it. Gave her my number and said it was nice meeting you.

So fellas how do you guys think I did, I felt I played it pretty smooth but I just need some others opinion.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
you pretty much f*cked up completely. Girls don't call guys. It takes ballz to call someone and set up a date.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
ok, i take it didn't f*ck up completely. F*cking up completely would be not even asking for her # to begin with. At least you made an effort.

But you definitely shouldn't even bother with giving out your number to girls. If they won't give you their # or email but ask for yours instead, just say "Nah, don't worry about it. Was nice meeting you."


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
I am going based on your post.....

Phone numbers obtained after only a brief convo is not solid game. It is something that can and does work, but it's not reliable.

I think the whole interaction needs revised. The phone number exchange failed if she only took your # or gave you a non-answered or wrong #.

OTOH, congrats for approaching. I would have tried to find a (patron) set as soon as I entered the venue, then chatted up the workers for future social proof rather than trying to pick them up directly, but to each his own.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
me: blah blah blah we should get together sometime you seem like a lot of fun whats your number
This is the key bit that actually makes what happened an "approach". So for that, I give you high marks.


it almost didn't happen!

You were gonna just WALK AWAY!

--> "yea well Im gonna go (I was halfwway turned)"

You're just lucky she called back to you and asked you your name. If she didn't do that, you wouldn't have asked her out, and this wouldn't have been an "approach". It would have been you just shooting the shyt with a worker -- really, there's nothing particularly notable about that.

Anyway, when she said no to giving you her number, you could have suggested that you just EXCHANGE numbers, and then if she still said no, you could have just given her yours as a last resort. As it is, from your report it DOES sound like she was into you, BUT, with chicks man, that is never any guarantee that they are gonna call you (even if they like you, i mean).

If she doesn't call, and by chance you go to the same club some day, you could say something to her like "hey...what's going on? Why don't you give me YOUR number and let ME call You... if we have to wait around for YOU to call, we'll NEVER get together.. " (say it a playful tone, but not SO playful that she thinks you're just kidding). If she does seem to think you are just kidding, and just laughs and doesn't reply with anything more.. you can "come on, I'm serious... give me your number... i'll give you a call...we'll get together and it will be great fun..." Then if she still says no, well fkk it man, you tried.