And Now, a NON-JUAN True Story...

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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Greetings, Non-Juan Fans!

I hope you all have been enjoying my Non-Juan posts! I'd like to send a special THANK YOU to those of you who've purchased my book! I promise you, the money you've spent on the book is nothing compared to the money you'll be SAVING if you were still going out on dates not knowing what you're doing wrong!

While I'm sitting here printing out another copy of my book to ship, I thought I'd share a story with you from my peronsal life! It's a short story, but it definately proves how much of an expert I am in the field of Non-Juanism!

I'm sure you've all seen the commercials for, the website where they quiz you on "29 Different Dimensions" and use your answers to match you up with a member of the opposite sex that bests suits you. I was watching TV when I saw one of these commercials, and decided to go online and fill out their questionaire.

These questions, by the way, are VERY detailed - they ask everything from your favorite color, to what kind of foods you like to eat, where and how you like to spend your free time, and more!

I filled out page after page after page of's questionaire, and BOY, was it LONG! It took me about 55 minutes to fill out the entire profile of questions.

Finally, after much clicking and answering, my profile was finished. I sent in the last page, and waited for the results to tell me who most perfectly matched me based on my answers...

And guess what happened?

The results came in, and based on my answers to their 55-minute survey...

...I ended up being in the small percentage of people (about 20%) that couldn't be matched up with ANYONE on their site! Out of the thousands of women who filled out profiles on their site, there wasn't a single ONE of them they could match with me!

Only a true Non-Juan could pull that off, fellas!

The moral of this story: like I always say, when it comes to not getting girls, I-AM-AN-EXPERT!

That's all for now! Check out the website - - and read the first chapters of my book!

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to Be Bad With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
Yeah .. all they're doing is pattern matching between your profiles. If two people are too much alike, that's not good either. There should be some variance anyway.

Truth be told, don't know how that site got so dam popular - it's like Dr. Phil all over again.

Try expanding your match region and see if pops up a match for you.