Hello, SoSuavers. First-time user, first-time writer here. I have a bit of a problem which I'm SURE is hardly a new one here, but no one anywhere else can tell me anything that is either constructive or not painfully annoying.
First a little background on me. First and foremost, I was raised for the last 2 decades to believe that sex should not happen before marraige because it basically screws up whatever relationship you're in (and despite the efforts of my non-virgin friends to educate me otherwise, they have nothing to back up their beliefs). I don't have as many friends as others might, but the few friends I DO have are more worth it. I was always something of a social outsider, yet it is a unanimous decision that when I am in a large group of people, I'm an absolute joy to be with. I'm a great conversationalist who is usually more often than not very adept to getting a laugh out of whomever I'm talking to. Now, HERE is the problem. I have absolutely NO trouble talking to women, THAT can be established right off the bat. The problem is reciprocating. Why is it that I'm a wonderful person to be with until I give even the SLIGHTEST inkling that I may or may not be attracted to a lady, then she's either got a boyfriend (a fact which NEVER surfaces until said inkling), or they lie about it to get away from me?
First a little background on me. First and foremost, I was raised for the last 2 decades to believe that sex should not happen before marraige because it basically screws up whatever relationship you're in (and despite the efforts of my non-virgin friends to educate me otherwise, they have nothing to back up their beliefs). I don't have as many friends as others might, but the few friends I DO have are more worth it. I was always something of a social outsider, yet it is a unanimous decision that when I am in a large group of people, I'm an absolute joy to be with. I'm a great conversationalist who is usually more often than not very adept to getting a laugh out of whomever I'm talking to. Now, HERE is the problem. I have absolutely NO trouble talking to women, THAT can be established right off the bat. The problem is reciprocating. Why is it that I'm a wonderful person to be with until I give even the SLIGHTEST inkling that I may or may not be attracted to a lady, then she's either got a boyfriend (a fact which NEVER surfaces until said inkling), or they lie about it to get away from me?