An issue with applying information and one more question


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
So my issue lately is something that is kind of a newbie thing.

I have read so much, (book of pook, alpha male book, dj bible, {i like the read :p}) but when it comes to it in the real world i just can not seem to apply any of the stuff i read and put it into play. I havent forgotten the information either, its now apart of my subconscious lol. But it is like there is glue on the play button of a dvd player.

Im guessing its a case of being rejected? Humiliated? Both?
-When I see a girl i want to talk to i have no idea why i just dont walk up to her and spark up a convo, just like getting to know someone new. My mind kind of shakes off that urge to go up and talk to her and then i continue to do what i was going to do in the first place and not go off my course.

-What is kind of dumb is that when i am talking to a girl i always think that i need to say the "right" thing to her, but in reality there is no right thing to say to her. No idea how to get this thought out of my head as well.

There is some type of mental barrier that is pissing me off and I just want to break threw it and smash it to pieces. But Im not really sure what it would be (multiple things most likely )

Any possible advice on this?

Oh and one other things, it may be common sense to do, this girl who brought me to this site started texting me again, asking to hang out and stuff. Should i just ignore her (just because i wouldnt want to bring back any of those feelings for her again) or hang out with her?


Fly By Night

Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
Use the 3 second rule. You see one you like, you at least start walking towards them within 3 secs. If you wait any longer, then your subconscious tells you to be a pansy and not go for it.

If you can't think of anything to say, just go up to her and say "Hey, what's up?" or "Great day to [insert surrounding context], wouldn't you say?". There, I just solved your saying-the-right-thing problem forever.

I got a girl's number today and I just opened up with "hey, how's it going?". It's not hard.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
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JohnChops said:
So my issue lately is something that is kind of a newbie thing.

I have read so much, (book of pook, alpha male book, dj bible, {i like the read :p}) but when it comes to it in the real world i just can not seem to apply any of the stuff i read and put it into play. I havent forgotten the information either, its now apart of my subconscious lol. But it is like there is glue on the play button of a dvd player.

Im guessing its a case of being rejected? Humiliated? Both?
-When I see a girl i want to talk to i have no idea why i just dont walk up to her and spark up a convo, just like getting to know someone new. My mind kind of shakes off that urge to go up and talk to her and then i continue to do what i was going to do in the first place and not go off my course.
It happens. It's because you're taking in all this new information at once without any practice on each individual way to improve that you're left with tons of new information in your HEAD, but no real knowledge or experience on how to transfer those skills into real life.

It's normal. It happened to me. Hell, it still happens to me every time I try to take in new information.

The solution is to read the information at a slower pace, and go and practice each way right after you read it. After you feel that you have gotten the hang of a subject, go ahead and read a little bit more. The best way to learn and improve from your faults is by actually going out and making mistakes (wisdom from the famous Pook). Words on the internet can only help so much.

-What is kind of dumb is that when i am talking to a girl i always think that i need to say the "right" thing to her, but in reality there is no right thing to say to her. No idea how to get this thought out of my head as well.

There is some type of mental barrier that is pissing me off and I just want to break threw it and smash it to pieces. But Im not really sure what it would be (multiple things most likely )

Any possible advice on this?
In your mind you are viewing this girl as a higher social status than you. That is why you are nervous to not make any mistakes and say the wrong thing. You're afraid she is going to have the wrong impression of you and look down on you.

Stop thinking that. Pretend you're talking to an ugly girl. Would you be so nervous as to what you might say that will turn her off? Of course not. You can be as ****y and funny and loud and charismatic as you want, because you have deemed her as lower value than you. Stop getting so hung up on the girl's good looks. It just means she got lucky in the gene pool, no big deal. Talk to her the same as if you would talk to a normal looking girl. You should be the one in control.

Your mental barrier is that you aren't following your instincts on what to say, and instead your mind is trying to process all of the things you read on sosuave and all the information becomes so jumbled you lose your focus in the moment which screws everything up.

You're also going to have to learn how to make easy smooth small talk with women. How you do that is by trying not to think of what you say before you say it. Small talk should come effortlessly from your subconcious. You should be completely in tune with the present and not let your mind wander about what to say next, or what is the correct funny/interesting/****y answer to one of her questions. Have you ever noticed two very social people talking to each other? They just ramble on and on about everything and anything. They don't really think of what they are going to say next, it just comes effortlessly and subconciously like breathing. I'm not saying you have to turn into a chatterbox, but definitely learn how to be in the moment and FEEL the conversation flow.

It's definitely going to take a lot of practice, but the key is to not be hesitant of what you want to say, and to be in tune with the moment and just trust your instincts.

Oh and one other things, it may be common sense to do, this girl who brought me to this site started texting me again, asking to hang out and stuff. Should i just ignore her (just because i wouldnt want to bring back any of those feelings for her again) or hang out with her?

Well this is golden. Well you ultimately want to hang out with her, so do agree to hang out with her. However do not:

1) Insist on hanging out all the time
2) Be available all the time
3) Keep on texting her constantly
4) Listen to all her problems when y'all do hang out
5) Fantasize about her and obsess over here. Solution: spin plates.
6) Make her believe that she is the only girl in your life. Solution: spin plates

You should make some time for this girl, but remember she isn't the only girl in the world. There are others. And there are also much better ones too. It's hard to believe that the object of your affection isn't the greatest thing ever, but it's true.

It's fine to have feelings for her, but never directly tell her that. You show it subtly through the way you act, your body language, your tone, everything. You have to make this girl feel the same attraction without telling her "hey I am attracted to you and I want you to feel the same way". There are tons of different threads about this so I won't dwell too much on this subject.

Good luck.


Don Juan
Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score
Let me try explain this based on my perspective. I've gone through the same situation, so I feel I might be of some help to you. The "rules" of the game aren't terribly complicated, at least not when compared to physics, finance, genetics, or whatever your field of study may be. The "rules" existed long before humans could make words to describe them. Think of all those losers, the criminals, the druggies, deadbeats who chicks are dropping their panties for right now. All across the planet, this is happening as you read these words. Sucks doesn't it? These people probably aren't smart, they aren't the type of upstanding citizen we'd aspire to be, yet there they are, pounding away at the girls I used to fall in love with in high school. Why is this happening? Do they have some secret mastery of techniques gleamed from the darkest reaches of the internet? Nope. I think what you are experiencing is the difference between internal, nature confidence and the conscious effort to win her over. I play drums, the full set, and it's a big kit at that. Trust me, if I had to mentally keep track of all the rhythms going on simultaneously, I don't think I could play half as well as I can if I go by feel. "Feel" is a powerful tool, and you need to learn that "alpha feel." Internalize it, become it. You're a King, a ruler of your mind, so put it in its place. Even in martial arts, if you try to think about everything your doing, you're doing it wrong. They train to have your body react without thinking (in my experience.)

For me, I made every mistake growing up when it came to women, multiple time. I was so damn AFC, other AFCs would probably have called me a pvssy. I began to study all this SS stuff, the DJ bible, every sticky, and got a little better with women. I had some success, and I was encouraged to do more. However, things got out of hand. I hit all sorts of problems when I began to overanalyze things. Suddenly, I didn't trust my instincts, and let my analytical side take the wheel. Interactions with chicks became calculating chess matches, and I'd be visibly uncomfortable when forcing myself into interactions with girls I was attracted to. I could even tell they were becoming uncomfortable as I tried to set-up good things to say, trying to have that perfect body language, etc. The more I read up on techniques and visited sites like this, the more my success backpedalled. In a way, it was becoming similar to my AFC days, but with the added burden of knowing what needed to be done, yet failing.

One day I just said f*** it, I'm done. I spent a year avoiding the whole girl thing, and focused on myself. I lifted heavy as I could, I travelled and met interesting people. I meditated a lot when my roommate (at Uni) wasn't around. I simply worked on myself, for myself, and said to hell with the game. I got stronger, feared other men less, grew more worldly, and developed a keen focus. I pursued all sorts of hobbies, and simply enjoyed life. People could tell I was happy, and I could tell others felt comfortable around me. I started to feel a real connection to my surroundings, no matter where I was. I felt in control of myself, and felt miles away from the uncertainty of yesteryear.

Then it started to happen. Kind of like waiting for the sun to rise and it finally appears on the horizon. It seemed like all of a sudden other guys befriended me easier, and girls didn't mind my company. I thought little of it, still focusing on staying happy, clearing my mind, and maintaining an "intense calmness" about me. The more time I "trained mind body and spirit" the girls started getting easier to attract. It hit me one day when I heard from a friend a group of girls had deemed me "the cool one." I laughed and carried on as normal. I think what happened is the principles of this site, and others, stayed with me, but became effortless. Remember, a lot of the skills and techniques are derived from alphas male behavior. Alpha males don't wait to call a girl back for a few days because of a thread on an internet forum said so. They do it because they are busy working, meeting other chicks, or out doing whatever the hell they please. They don't monitor their body language, calculate what to say, or any of that crap. They do it all naturally, because it's part of who they are.
For guys like us, we need to learn from them, but it has to become effortless. If it feels forced, people will notice. From Wiki: Sprezzatura (Italian pronunciation: [sprettsaˈtura]) is an Italian word originating from Baldassare Castiglione's The Book of the Courtier, where it is defined by the author as "a certain nonchalance, so as to conceal all art and make whatever one does or says appear to be without effort and almost without any thought about it" You need to go even one step beyond this, and actually do this stuff without even thinking because it's the true you.

Until it comes naturally, don't stop practicing. Try to remove the mind, and get that "feel" down.

Think about every success you've ever had, and how great it felt. Focus on that feeling, and internalize it. That's the true you. The shy, unsuccessful man isn't you. You're deceiving yourself if you think you can't do it, you really are a King. Your brain is a computer that drives your body. With practice and feeling, you can become a true DJ. Every word, every subtle mannerism can be done by you, just as it's done by the greats. The only difference is they've learned it, or were born with it. You can do it too. I never thought I'd play the drums are well as I do today. You are capable of anything....tell yourself this. Say to yourself right now "I'm the goddamn King, and success is my birthright! This amnesia, this hesitation that clouds my mind isn't me. I know I'm the prize, I know I'm the confident man I was born to be. I am not defined by my failures, I'm defined by my determination."
You need to truly believe this. Don't worry too much about the nit-picky stuff, and don't make women the focus. I find they can always tell if all your efforts seem geared towards attracting women. Breathe deeper than you are doing so. deeper still. Relax and focus on that feeling of success you've had, whatever it may be. That's you....the winner, the champion.

Now, in regards to the girl who is texting you, that's interesting. I still remember the girl(s) who had me first clicking around on this site. This is my opinion, but honestly, I'd avoid her. If you aren't as far along in your journey as you'd like to be, I'd worry she will throw you off. I'm not a huge fan of interacting with girls from the past, if I haven't had success with them. She may remind you of past failures, and you need to be focused on future success. That's just my take. Trust your guts on this one.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
damn iron that really was a great post. i appreciate the write up, thanks for the help !

@Bigsmooth i think im just going to end up ignoring this girl. She texted me:heyyyyyyyy tonight and i just ignored it. I feel like its a better approach.