Hey I've had more tail falling into my lap than I can shake my stick at lately thx to the great help I've found on sosuave.com and the forums. Thanks guys!
I really hope this post doesn't come across as bragging, I just wanted to share with you all my recent 'breakthrough'
At any rate, I do the internet dating thing (meet more girls than you'll ever meet if you just rely on who you run into), and made a big step forward with the HBs!
Before, I'd write to the hot girls but never get anything back from them.. until now!
How did I get these 8s and 9s (relying on picture), who get their inboxes flooded with email from horny guys, to respond to me? Its called CONFIDENCE. Before, I'd write to these girls something along the lines of "Hey, you seem interesting, write me back if you'd like"..
Recently, I examined that email I'd usually send out for 'first contact'. Well, using my DJ vision, it didn't take long to realize that these emails came across as 'i'm not assertive, am praising you, write me back if you feel like even though there's no indication it'll be worth your time' No wonder I was only getting writebacks from the dogs and drains (no self esteem.. a common trait amongst girls who post online to meet people).
So what did I do? I injected some friggin CONFIDENCE into my opening email. My email stood out right from the bat. My subject line was always something along the lines of "<yawn> another message from (insert name of dating service)..." This piques the curiosity because I'm making fun of the fact that so many guys are usually panting for a word with these chicks. I also think its kinda a neg hit since these girls are used to seeing "
HEY!" or "Hey sexy" or "this isn't a pencil in my pocket".
So after that opener, I bombard her with confidence:
".. but I'm no ordinary guy! Check me out, write me, get to know me. I'm funny, sarcastic, sexy, creative, spontaneous, honest, and smart! The total package.. I guarantee you'll have a good time around me
I'm making guarantees to her, showing that I have tons of worth, and the best part about it, NOT MENTIONING MY INTEREST IN HER AT ALL! It also asks her to contact me (implied) without actually saying "contact me if you'd like".
So how did this message fare? I posted it to about 20 girls I thought were 8s and 9s by their pictures last night, and I woke up this morning to 5 of them writing me stuff like:
"I have had a lot of messages from Match but I am being very picky about who I respond to._ I'd like to learn more about you."
"You sound interesting... would you like to talk on the phone???
I have no patience for email... lol...."
"...I hate to make this short, but I have to run. I look forward to hearing from you. Have a fabulous night!"
"I like most everything I read about you, especially the fact that you are outgoing, intelligent, articulate, and opionionated!!! I am all of those same adjectives, plus independent, motivated, and , um, sarcastic!!! Not to mention sassy!!"
These are the ones I'd never had ANY success in getting to write me back before, many showing high IL. It feels good to finally be broadcasting a message that displays my personality for what it is, instead of lacking confidence. Thx again to all of you out there, now for my next challenges..
to close with these girls, and work harder at applying my DJ closing skills in the real world so that I will feel comfortable hitting on any HB8+ I run into out there!
I really hope this post doesn't come across as bragging, I just wanted to share with you all my recent 'breakthrough'
At any rate, I do the internet dating thing (meet more girls than you'll ever meet if you just rely on who you run into), and made a big step forward with the HBs!
Before, I'd write to the hot girls but never get anything back from them.. until now!
How did I get these 8s and 9s (relying on picture), who get their inboxes flooded with email from horny guys, to respond to me? Its called CONFIDENCE. Before, I'd write to these girls something along the lines of "Hey, you seem interesting, write me back if you'd like"..
Recently, I examined that email I'd usually send out for 'first contact'. Well, using my DJ vision, it didn't take long to realize that these emails came across as 'i'm not assertive, am praising you, write me back if you feel like even though there's no indication it'll be worth your time' No wonder I was only getting writebacks from the dogs and drains (no self esteem.. a common trait amongst girls who post online to meet people).
So what did I do? I injected some friggin CONFIDENCE into my opening email. My email stood out right from the bat. My subject line was always something along the lines of "<yawn> another message from (insert name of dating service)..." This piques the curiosity because I'm making fun of the fact that so many guys are usually panting for a word with these chicks. I also think its kinda a neg hit since these girls are used to seeing "
So after that opener, I bombard her with confidence:
".. but I'm no ordinary guy! Check me out, write me, get to know me. I'm funny, sarcastic, sexy, creative, spontaneous, honest, and smart! The total package.. I guarantee you'll have a good time around me
I'm making guarantees to her, showing that I have tons of worth, and the best part about it, NOT MENTIONING MY INTEREST IN HER AT ALL! It also asks her to contact me (implied) without actually saying "contact me if you'd like".
So how did this message fare? I posted it to about 20 girls I thought were 8s and 9s by their pictures last night, and I woke up this morning to 5 of them writing me stuff like:
"I have had a lot of messages from Match but I am being very picky about who I respond to._ I'd like to learn more about you."
"You sound interesting... would you like to talk on the phone???
"...I hate to make this short, but I have to run. I look forward to hearing from you. Have a fabulous night!"
"I like most everything I read about you, especially the fact that you are outgoing, intelligent, articulate, and opionionated!!! I am all of those same adjectives, plus independent, motivated, and , um, sarcastic!!! Not to mention sassy!!"
These are the ones I'd never had ANY success in getting to write me back before, many showing high IL. It feels good to finally be broadcasting a message that displays my personality for what it is, instead of lacking confidence. Thx again to all of you out there, now for my next challenges..
to close with these girls, and work harder at applying my DJ closing skills in the real world so that I will feel comfortable hitting on any HB8+ I run into out there!