Senior Don Juan
Hi All,
This is a long post and it`s going to be juvenile and goofy too I expect in some ways, but we`ve all had nights like these with our good friends. Enjoy.
When I was in university, a few of us would have guys` nights out where we`d go shoot some pool, drink (except for me, in which case I was always the designated driver) and generally make a nuisance of ourselves.
Well, this particular outing was after winter exams and before Christmas. One of the guys, J, calls me up and says, "Hey Mav let`s go and shoot some stick. There`s a new place downtown that we should check out".
I replied, "Ok, cool. Who else is going?"
"G and M". In other words, the usual troublemakers.
I drive over to M`s place and then we drive over and get J and G. M`s driving and we`re making our way downtown, except it`s the clubbing district, and it`s packed for a Thursday night.
I ask, "It doesn`t seem like there`s a pool hall around here". All the the guys start laughing their asses off. I`m like wtf?!. "Ok, boys what`s going on?"
M replies, "Well we`re actually going to this new dance club that`s pretty casual and we`re going to drink ourselves silly and you`re going to drive us home afterwards. I think that there might be a pool table or 2 there".
"Bastards!", I say while laughing myself. We always pulled sh!t like this on each other. No matter, it was going to be a fun night.
Well, we arrive and G and I are waiting in line, while J and M go to get some cash from a bank machine. Wouldn`t you know it, 2 MILF`s get into line behind us and start chatting us up. They`re both teachers in middle school, blah blah blah.
One`s French and the other is Philipino. I don`t pay them much mind because they were both short (barely 5 feet tall) and ultra-slim and not at all curvy. In fact, they looked more like teenagers than women. A big turn-off for me. I was being polite and justed winged for G when required.
After a bit the line starts moving and then it`s our turn to go in but J and M still haven`t returned yet. The bouncer wants us to go in and the 2 MILFS hook our arms and say, "Let`s go". I tell them that we`re waiting for others in our party and they should go ahead. G then adds, "We`ll see you inside".
After the MILFS go, I say to G, "Dude you`d split either of them in half". G is 6`2" and weighed an estimated 230 lbs of solid muscle at the time. "Just practicing Mav". "I`m sure there will be real women inside to practice on. I call all the amazon redheads". G laughs and says, "Done".
By this time, J and M return. J is 6`4 and weighed an estimated 250 lbs of solid muscle and M is 6`0" and weighed an estimated 190 lbs of average muscle. Then there was me, 5`7" and 165 lbs of average muscle.
We stride into the place, do a quick overview and catch lots of IOI`s from all kinds of chicas. There was an open spot near the bar and we claimed it. The boys started with a round of pints and I had a virgin caesar. The place in fact had 2 pool tables and we started a game. We were just shooting the sh!t and being totally oblivious to what was going on around us and then chicas starting approaching us. The more we ignored them the more they were getting juiced up. After the game was over, we took our turns chatting and dancing with the interested chicas.
The MILFS showed up during this and tried to join in but the other chicas wouldn`t have it. That was funny to see. So much hostility under the surface between the girls. It`s nice to be wanted. The MILFS didn`t reappear for the rest of the night.
Anyhow the night progressed and my friends were getting a little tipsy and so the drinking stopped but I was keeping an eye on them from the bar so they wouldn`t get themselves into sh!t. Not that that would be a problem seeing as how they were the biggest guys in the place.
I`m just chilling at the bar, leaning back against it with an attitude like I`m master of all I survey, and this HB9 blonde, blue eyed chica, with a decent rack walks up and asks me for a light. I tell her I don`t smoke. She then quickly asks me for a cigarette. I tell I her I don`t have any of those either. She says thanks and leaves with a look of disappointment on her face. Once she`s gone, I hit myself on the forehead because I realized that she just wanted to meet me and the light and cig requests were just openers because she was empty handed when she came over.
The bartender behind me laughs and says, "Sometimes you miss the obvious". I say, "Yeah, tell me about it. I`m going to need something really cold to wake me up. "What`ll it be? It`s on the house".
Just as things were starting to wind down at the place, a hen party shows up and they start with all kinds of antics. $1.00 to write graffiti on the bride`s back or tummy with a water based marker, $1.00 to get a spank from the bride - $2.00 if she thought you were cute.
Then after some heavy drinking by the bride-to-be, out comes the lifesavers T-shirt. For $2.00 any guy could pull off a lifesaver candy from the T-shirt (all were pasted on the front around her boobs) with their teeth.
Of course, all the clueless AFC`s were LINED UP for this. My friends and I couldn`t believe it. We didn`t know about all this DJ stuff at the time but it just seemed wrong to give a total stranger so much damn attention.
Once that was done, the hen party approaches us, because we were ignoring them the whole time, and they start busting on us for being stuck-up, boring, etc. The guys are laughing at them and this is cranking them up even more, especially the bride-to- be.
I tell the girls, "If you continue acting uppity, you`re running the risk of getting spanked silly, and that`s just from me and I`m sober". Some of the girls laughed at that one and the bride to be comes over to me and says, "I`ll give you a dollar to bite a Lifesaver off my shirt". I say no. She counters with $2.00. I say no again. She then says, "Ok, $5.00 and you can bite it off the nipple of your choice".
I`m thinking, wow, I finally get to meet a classy chick
The night was pretty much done and so I say to my friends, "Let`s go guys". As we`re leaving, I say to the bride-to-be, "Give my regards to your fiancee, he`s a lucky guy". With that we left.
My friends had sobered up a bit so I told them to wait in front of the club while I got the car. Once I pulled up, I decided to have a little fun with the boys. I was locking and unlocking the doors at the wrong time so they couldn`t get in. This happened about 4 or 5 times.
Then when they got the doors open, I would ease off the brakes and let the car roll forward so they couldn`t get in. I did this about 4 or 5 times too. Everyone was laughing and enjoying this. My friends were good sports.
As we got rolling, G suggested that we get a bite to eat before heading home. Everyone agreed and now we had to find an eatery that was open. It was about 2 a.m. now.
We were still in the club district and my friends rolled the windows down and started heckling people on the street. They would say things ending with "...and sh!t!". They weren`t totally sober yet obviously.
Some of the heckles were:
"You better make sure that dog doesn`t make a mess and sh!t!".
"Hey, you`re kind of tall and sh!t!".
"That`s a cool coat and sh!t!".
"You`re kinda cute and sh!t!".
Meanwhile, I`m laughing the whole time at these antics and of course no one on the street is responding, other than with chuckles, because how often do you see 3 neanderthals hanging out of a moving car`s windows poking fun at people on the street.
We found a Jamaican Jerk Chicken place, ate our fill, and then I dropped the guys at their respective homes and then headed home myself.
Granted, the foregoing was sophmoric in certain respects but my friends and I still get a laugh out of that night.
This is a long post and it`s going to be juvenile and goofy too I expect in some ways, but we`ve all had nights like these with our good friends. Enjoy.
When I was in university, a few of us would have guys` nights out where we`d go shoot some pool, drink (except for me, in which case I was always the designated driver) and generally make a nuisance of ourselves.
Well, this particular outing was after winter exams and before Christmas. One of the guys, J, calls me up and says, "Hey Mav let`s go and shoot some stick. There`s a new place downtown that we should check out".
I replied, "Ok, cool. Who else is going?"
"G and M". In other words, the usual troublemakers.
I drive over to M`s place and then we drive over and get J and G. M`s driving and we`re making our way downtown, except it`s the clubbing district, and it`s packed for a Thursday night.
I ask, "It doesn`t seem like there`s a pool hall around here". All the the guys start laughing their asses off. I`m like wtf?!. "Ok, boys what`s going on?"
M replies, "Well we`re actually going to this new dance club that`s pretty casual and we`re going to drink ourselves silly and you`re going to drive us home afterwards. I think that there might be a pool table or 2 there".
"Bastards!", I say while laughing myself. We always pulled sh!t like this on each other. No matter, it was going to be a fun night.
Well, we arrive and G and I are waiting in line, while J and M go to get some cash from a bank machine. Wouldn`t you know it, 2 MILF`s get into line behind us and start chatting us up. They`re both teachers in middle school, blah blah blah.
One`s French and the other is Philipino. I don`t pay them much mind because they were both short (barely 5 feet tall) and ultra-slim and not at all curvy. In fact, they looked more like teenagers than women. A big turn-off for me. I was being polite and justed winged for G when required.
After a bit the line starts moving and then it`s our turn to go in but J and M still haven`t returned yet. The bouncer wants us to go in and the 2 MILFS hook our arms and say, "Let`s go". I tell them that we`re waiting for others in our party and they should go ahead. G then adds, "We`ll see you inside".
After the MILFS go, I say to G, "Dude you`d split either of them in half". G is 6`2" and weighed an estimated 230 lbs of solid muscle at the time. "Just practicing Mav". "I`m sure there will be real women inside to practice on. I call all the amazon redheads". G laughs and says, "Done".
By this time, J and M return. J is 6`4 and weighed an estimated 250 lbs of solid muscle and M is 6`0" and weighed an estimated 190 lbs of average muscle. Then there was me, 5`7" and 165 lbs of average muscle.
We stride into the place, do a quick overview and catch lots of IOI`s from all kinds of chicas. There was an open spot near the bar and we claimed it. The boys started with a round of pints and I had a virgin caesar. The place in fact had 2 pool tables and we started a game. We were just shooting the sh!t and being totally oblivious to what was going on around us and then chicas starting approaching us. The more we ignored them the more they were getting juiced up. After the game was over, we took our turns chatting and dancing with the interested chicas.
The MILFS showed up during this and tried to join in but the other chicas wouldn`t have it. That was funny to see. So much hostility under the surface between the girls. It`s nice to be wanted. The MILFS didn`t reappear for the rest of the night.
Anyhow the night progressed and my friends were getting a little tipsy and so the drinking stopped but I was keeping an eye on them from the bar so they wouldn`t get themselves into sh!t. Not that that would be a problem seeing as how they were the biggest guys in the place.
I`m just chilling at the bar, leaning back against it with an attitude like I`m master of all I survey, and this HB9 blonde, blue eyed chica, with a decent rack walks up and asks me for a light. I tell her I don`t smoke. She then quickly asks me for a cigarette. I tell I her I don`t have any of those either. She says thanks and leaves with a look of disappointment on her face. Once she`s gone, I hit myself on the forehead because I realized that she just wanted to meet me and the light and cig requests were just openers because she was empty handed when she came over.
The bartender behind me laughs and says, "Sometimes you miss the obvious". I say, "Yeah, tell me about it. I`m going to need something really cold to wake me up. "What`ll it be? It`s on the house".
Just as things were starting to wind down at the place, a hen party shows up and they start with all kinds of antics. $1.00 to write graffiti on the bride`s back or tummy with a water based marker, $1.00 to get a spank from the bride - $2.00 if she thought you were cute.
Then after some heavy drinking by the bride-to-be, out comes the lifesavers T-shirt. For $2.00 any guy could pull off a lifesaver candy from the T-shirt (all were pasted on the front around her boobs) with their teeth.
Of course, all the clueless AFC`s were LINED UP for this. My friends and I couldn`t believe it. We didn`t know about all this DJ stuff at the time but it just seemed wrong to give a total stranger so much damn attention.
Once that was done, the hen party approaches us, because we were ignoring them the whole time, and they start busting on us for being stuck-up, boring, etc. The guys are laughing at them and this is cranking them up even more, especially the bride-to- be.
I tell the girls, "If you continue acting uppity, you`re running the risk of getting spanked silly, and that`s just from me and I`m sober". Some of the girls laughed at that one and the bride to be comes over to me and says, "I`ll give you a dollar to bite a Lifesaver off my shirt". I say no. She counters with $2.00. I say no again. She then says, "Ok, $5.00 and you can bite it off the nipple of your choice".
I`m thinking, wow, I finally get to meet a classy chick
The night was pretty much done and so I say to my friends, "Let`s go guys". As we`re leaving, I say to the bride-to-be, "Give my regards to your fiancee, he`s a lucky guy". With that we left.
My friends had sobered up a bit so I told them to wait in front of the club while I got the car. Once I pulled up, I decided to have a little fun with the boys. I was locking and unlocking the doors at the wrong time so they couldn`t get in. This happened about 4 or 5 times.
Then when they got the doors open, I would ease off the brakes and let the car roll forward so they couldn`t get in. I did this about 4 or 5 times too. Everyone was laughing and enjoying this. My friends were good sports.
As we got rolling, G suggested that we get a bite to eat before heading home. Everyone agreed and now we had to find an eatery that was open. It was about 2 a.m. now.
We were still in the club district and my friends rolled the windows down and started heckling people on the street. They would say things ending with "...and sh!t!". They weren`t totally sober yet obviously.
Some of the heckles were:
"You better make sure that dog doesn`t make a mess and sh!t!".
"Hey, you`re kind of tall and sh!t!".
"That`s a cool coat and sh!t!".
"You`re kinda cute and sh!t!".
Meanwhile, I`m laughing the whole time at these antics and of course no one on the street is responding, other than with chuckles, because how often do you see 3 neanderthals hanging out of a moving car`s windows poking fun at people on the street.
We found a Jamaican Jerk Chicken place, ate our fill, and then I dropped the guys at their respective homes and then headed home myself.
Granted, the foregoing was sophmoric in certain respects but my friends and I still get a laugh out of that night.