American Women


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2004
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I've been spending some time reading the material at and a lot of what that guy is saying sends off the light bulb.

The main thing he is advocating besides not getting married or having kids, is to avoid american women like the plauge.

To be honest the more and more I think about it he is right. It's easy to sit here and say "not every American woman is the same" but the stats don't lie. Divorce rates in this country are astronomical and it can't be all attributed to the man.

My question is for the overseas DJ's ...what is the main difference between foreign girls vs. the american variety?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2004
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true..i actually never thought about it from that perspective.

yo stilll running that Fantasy Baseball ?


Don Juan
May 29, 2004
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The men in America are more pussified, and the feminazi's have more power? Look at Oprah... I'm glad I live in Europe.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2004
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Out There
It is mens fault they give women to much freewill! its too late to change the fact that Men and Women are not Equal. Remaber u are the Boss nobody else, What you say goes. Democracy is not the right system in the M&F Relationship.

"It Takes a Revolution, to make a solution!"
Bob Marley.


Don Juan
May 29, 2004
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If men give woman so much freewill why do the feminazis still complain?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Women are women, it really doesn't matter all that much where they're from. Even If you do meet a nice over seas girl, thre's a 99% chance that a local will "americanize" here and you'll be right back where you started. Unless you leave the country you'll never escape american women

I agree partly about the marriage thing but too many people are looking for the wrong thing. When you get married you want the girl to be more then just someone you love, you want her to be your partner in crime as it were. Someone who has as much to gain from the relationship as you do. You should be more interested in your life together more then you do yourselves as individuals.

I've spoken to tons and tons of happily married people who've been so for years and that seems to be the common element. Things don't just work out on there own, there's a lot of work and serious commitment to keeping the relation ship health.

Although the last few asians I've dated who were FOB we very we'll say and had an entirely different thinking then a lot of american girls I've met. But unless they go back for regular conditioning, they'll soon become the american independant party girl just like the rest. Lil more observation work I've come across.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Originally posted by ImmortalDragon
If men give woman so much freewill why do the feminazis still complain?
once a complaining b-itch always a complaining b-itch


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Originally posted by PRMoon
Women are women, it really doesn't matter all that much where they're from. Even If you do meet a nice over seas girl, thre's a 99% chance that a local will "americanize" here and you'll be right back where you started. Unless you leave the country you'll never escape american women

I agree partly about the marriage thing but too many people are looking for the wrong thing. When you get married you want the girl to be more then just someone you love, you want her to be your partner in crime as it were. Someone who has as much to gain from the relationship as you do. You should be more interested in your life together more then you do yourselves as individuals.

I've spoken to tons and tons of happily married people who've been so for years and that seems to be the common element. Things don't just work out on there own, there's a lot of work and serious commitment to keeping the relation ship health.

Although the last few asians I've dated who were FOB we very we'll say and had an entirely different thinking then a lot of american girls I've met. But unless they go back for regular conditioning, they'll soon become the american independant party girl just like the rest. Lil more observation work I've come across.
i don't know if I agree with this. I think that non amricanized women don't ever want to become one. I know some asian girls who say they would never act like a stupid americanized chick. They agree that americanized women don't know how to treat their men well. In fact they can't understand what is wrong with them.

I do agree that women who claim to be independant are useless. Why would a man want a woman for a LTR that doesn't need him? It doesn't make any sense. As a guy I like women who need a man and who want me to be that man.

Americanized women have priced themselves out of the market with all their demands and usless qualities. Men are now going for higher quality and less expensive imports. In fact, this is one area where I think outsorcing is good for america.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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For those that want more info, read my thread WHy men are losing interest in women it has a good discussion about this.

Foreign women tend to be more traditional. Asian/latin women are known for being more traditional than american women. This is why you see so many white guys with asian girls these days for example. Asian girls are feminine as in womanly not feminazi (there is a difference), their culture still has men as being #1 and this is why they know how to treat a man. They tend to be more romantic, nice, caring and not so b|tchy.

I don't think we should hate american women, because after all they are the better looking than all of them. They have been brainwashed by the media and other institutions so it ain't really their fault. Not all of them are feminazis but in this day and age finding a nice american woman that ain't a feminazi is like finding a pin in a haystack!


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
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If men give woman so much freewill why do the feminazis still complain?
In American society, women and men are 100% equal. A bunch of dykes called feminazis just like to rant about their holes a lot.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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don't know if I agree with this. I think that non amricanized women don't ever want to become one. I know some asian girls who say they would never act like a stupid americanized chick. They agree that americanized women don't know how to treat their men well. In fact they can't understand what is wrong with them.
I know some non americanized asian girls who dance on stripper poles at club sapphier... and they seem to be picking up how to use men just fine.

One of them sleeps with my buddies room mate while she's married to some other guy to stay in the country.

Men are now going for higher quality and less expensive imports
Girls from that same strip club are definately not high quality and I see tons of guys take them home...


Jan 19, 2005
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The basic truth here is that American women are mostly spoiled brats, who's BS has been perpetuated by wimpy, horny men, who can't control their sex drives.

The only power women have to pull this crap is what men give them. Porn stars, strippers and the like would have to go out and get a real jobs if men would stop letting them exploit, and profit from their natural urge to look at beautiful women.

American women want equal rights, but when you confront them on their nonsense they immediately run behind their "But I'm a girl" routine, and say you should respect them. Respect them for what? Being a female? Like that imparts some special status on them?

I do want to say that I'm totally against any type of physical abuse against women, but I want equal attention brought to the emotional abuse women have been pulling on men for years.

How many guys have been put in jail, kicked out of their homes, or simply had their reputations ruined because of what some bytch said. The American court system is totally in favor of females, if you don't believe me, let a girl accuse you of something once. I love this country, and will defend it always, but things have got to change with this ****. And the change starts with us guys.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Originally posted by jprjrjr
The basic truth here is that American women are mostly spoiled brats, who's BS has been perpetuated by wimpy, horny men, who can't control their sex drives.

The only power women have to pull this crap is what men give them. Porn stars, strippers and the like would have to go out and get a real jobs if men would stop letting them exploit, and profit from their natural urge to look at beautiful women.

American women want equal rights, but when you confront them on their nonsense they immediately run behind their "But I'm a girl" routine, and say you should respect them. Respect them for what? Being a female? Like that imparts some special status on them?

I do want to say that I'm totally against any type of physical abuse against women, but I want equal attention brought to the emotional abuse women have been pulling on men for years.

How many guys have been put in jail, kicked out of their homes, or simply had their reputations ruined because of what some bytch said. The American court system is totally in favor of females, if you don't believe me, let a girl accuse you of something once. I love this country, and will defend it always, but things have got to change with this ****. And the change starts with us guys.

did you know that the brain experiences emotional pain in the same way it experiences physical pain?

so Technically it would be equal payback to hit a woman for her emotional abuse

Donald Kaufman

Don Juan
Mar 14, 2004
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Too much contemplation on this subject does not make your life better. The more you think about this the more of this you will find. I know there are people who fall into this category but the %ages are not as claimed. I can trace back the kind of situations that lead to this and I'm sorry but it will not make you happy.