Tiburon to the rescue
DUDE i hate to brake it to you ...but you are going downhill with this girl fatser than a profesioonal skier! YOU BETTER SHAPE UP OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSEQUENCES!
You are giving her WAY TO MUCH ATTENTION! What is that stuff about talking about your love for her , sex, your relationship......what is this?Didnt they teach you those are sacred conversations that should never NEVER be started by a MAN! This is the
message you are giving her everytime you talk about that crap:..."I LOVE YOU SO MUCH HONEY AND ALL I CARE TO TALK ABOUT IS US AND US "..and this is her reaction :...." WELL MY DAY IS WAS PRETTY COOL, I WENT TO THE MALL, etc. ",
Man realize her interest on you is declining fast...thats why she doesnt talk about that stuff. I AM NOT SURPRISED the interest is declining after all you do i show her you are heads over heals and she is your only way to have fun and relieve that stress from your life. SHE SHOULD BE THE ONE GOING AFTER YOU , NOT YOU AFTER HER! The conversations about love, sex , relationship between you guys should be started by her and then always let her keep on adding to it (in other words dont get carried away and let the AFC with oneitis come out of the box)! You need to become a challenge before it is too late! No more love talks , and start chilling with friends and start taking th eattention away from her! SHE WILL FEEL IT! Then she might start getting more curious about your life . ALWASYS try to be a mystery..keep her interested, and dont EVER tell her your probles with your job, if you are sad , depressed etc. Why? Well lets just say you never see SUPERMAN, VAN diesel in a movie crying about their probles ..YOU ARE A MAN>>YOU ARE TOUGH...your mother families adn friends can help you with your problems.
Are you wrong? yes... in your approach
1. how can you claim to be her friend if you don't want to know anything about her or her day."
I think he gets the point wrong she already talks only about her!
"2. your getting stuck on the us issue and missing the little things that makes a relationship."
I really feel thi is irrevelant when you have her as an attention freak!
"3. your woman will end up bored with you real soon if you don't change your tune...you do the same things...at the same time...on the same days...ends up in boredom land...watch when the arguments start."
Agree - you need to change with the love talks...
"4. your being selfish and selfcentered...only wanting to talk about what you want to talk about and not taking a real interest in her."
**** men if you take more interest in her ..you are AN AFC FOR REAL and you are doomed...you actually need to stop being so interested in the relationship and let her be more interested in you by becoming a challenge.
"5. all she is, is just a body whom your spending time with. a girlfriend is more than that...yeah yeah I know coming from me it's a surprise..."
Hey this guy for some reason made a case out of defending your gill.....but trust me if you start treating her anybetter by thinking you are an ASS ..you are going to get dumped really soon...IF anything YOU ARE WAY TO NICE..lol talking about love and relationships!
"I think that a relationship is a special friendship where two people "really" care about one another and are actually interested in the other person, not their own selfish self interest. When I was in one, even though I am kinda dominating, I took an active interest in what my ex was doing...I learned as much about M. A. C. make up products that she sold as she did....I knew what was going on in her company when they got bought out...I helped her prepare presentations.. and raise up to the management level...I helped her study her way through school...all this cause I was truely interested in helping her as a person.....then I became more like you....and became interested in only "me"...and now you see why she is called an "ex"..."
Actually the reason its called an ex was because he was also to NICE in the beggining and when he wanted to get some in return she was way too spooiled and ....SURPRISED..you get dumped!