Am I Unemployable?

Which of the five options below should I do? More info in post.

  • Option A

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Option B

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Option C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option E

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
St. Louis Area
I haven't worked a day during my adult life. I'm still taking some classes at a community college so it's not like I'm some 30 y/o who hasn't worked for 12 years.

But ya...I'm almost at my two year anniversary of joblessness. Before you wonder how I pay for my bills, basically my parents give me money every month. We're not rich so it's just enough to pay my bills plus a little bit of extra spending cash. So I'm not starving.

What I'm wondering is...what am I doing wrong?

Recently I had a department store literally reject me. The HR manager called me only because the day before, I visited, asked about the job situation, and refused to leave until he did something that I liked (he refused to give me a straight answer to my question "Are you hiring or not?" so I stuck around, even asking him if that was a store policy.)

He said that he wanted someone with more experience (either because I've never worked in retail, or he made it up) and more maturity (he didn't like the reason I listed for leaving my last job).

The last thing bothered me. During high school, I worked at a fast-food joint. I had to get out of there because I hated it and it made me miserable. I felt 1,000 times better the minute I quit (well I gave two weeks notice, but I felt better after the last day). The reason I gave them, and the reason I listed on that particular job application was that I was tired of working with meat and getting burned (esp. because I'm vegetarian, but I don't tell potential employers that).

So now I'm wondering..."could it be that's what all the other potential employers thought, only they didn't tell me so?"

I haven't gotten a single job that I've applied for since I left high school. I've tried a variety of work. The only thing I absolutely refuse to do is fast-food or cooking. There's other types of work I wouldn't like, but will tolerate.

I wonder what I should do here:

A) Simply don't tell them that I worked at the fast-food joint. It was a mistake for me to work there anyway.

Plus the fact that by working there, people automatically think you're lower class.

B) Come up with a different reason why I left.

C) Do something else.

D) Consider myself "blacklisted" and move to a different town where no one knows me and where I haven't applied to anything, then apply using idea A.

E) Forget jobs. Start a website and sell computers and computer parts, since I know a lot about computers.

This is annoying as hell. I sometimes wonder "What's going to become of me," and "will I still need my parents money when I'm 30? I sure as hell hope not."

There is a couple little tidbits that I should mention: Near the end of my time at the fast-food joint, I was suspended for a week without pay because I said unflattering things about the owners within earshot of customers. This had nothing to do with the fact I quit, as I was going to quit anyway. However, the timeframe might make employers wonder.

Also, the year immediately following high school, I did attend a university with a schedule that didn't really permit me to go to work (full-time, too much homework, and morning, afternoon, AND evening classes). I didn't return the following year.

Now, I'm trying to find myself a job, but I just don't seem to be able to.

What am I doing wrong?

I'd appreciate any real responses, even if they are candid. Just no responses like "Get off your lazy ass and just get a job!" since those don't help.



Master Don Juan
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
Vegitarian? I was a vegan for 10 years straight, 3 of those I was a total vegitarian [no dairy,cheese,etc.]. I had to quit because I am having some health problems I believe were directly related to that.

Also, if you are SDA the sabbath could have been an issue.

It sounds to me like it could be your approach in general otherwise. The manager at the store was totally blowing you off and it was obvious. Maybe he just didn't like your attitude or the way you were dressed or something.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2003
Reaction score
I don't think you could be blacklisted, but since you have no experience (which is a major factor on whether they hire you or not) go up to the manager and say you'd like to volunteer or work for free for 2 weeks or something to gain experience. Probably if the manager likes you he'll pay you or at least you get a job after two weeks. Or you could get an internship. Definitely get a job first and then start your website business when you're not working, and when the website business is making a lot of money you should quit your retail job.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
To hell with working for others

I've worked for myself for the last decade, and don't ever want to go back to wage slavery. If you know about computers, there are a zillion options to make way more than you could with a job.


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
One important thing to remember is that experience >>> education and that attitude >>>> experience. I dont think that the fact you worked at a fast food joint is hurting your chances, on the contrary a fast food job has tons of transferable skills.

In order to improve your chances at getting a job you have to take a look at yourself and find out what type of image you are portraying to employers. How do you dress when you are looking for work and how is your personal hygiene? Also take a look at your resume, and if necessary revise it. Have you had any luck with getting interviews? If you have but are still not getting job offers then look for ways to refine your interviewing skills.

I would strongly suggest doing volunteer work. Not only will it give you transferable skills but volunteer experience looks REALLY good on a resume, especially if its a cause you are passionate about. In addition volunteering can help you network. Tell everyone you know that you are looking for a job even people you run into like cashiers and bank tellers. You never know when your next job lead comes since a good percentage of jobs are gained through word of mouth.

In a lot of cases getting a job is a lot like getting a chick. Its a numbers game. You can take steps to improve your game, but ultimately you will most likely have to send out more than a few resumes in order to get even an interview. My employment counsellor once told me that it takes an average of 10 resumes sent for one job interview and an average of 5 interviews for one job offer. Thats a lot of resume's to hand out!

Finally follow up. Find out who takes your resume's and looks over them and contact them to see if they have made a decision yet. If they have then see if they know of any other places that might be looking for someone. Remember, networking is the key

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
I feel your pain. I been outta work for 5 months, I have very little money left so life sucks at the moment. I had 3 job interviews recently and nothing! my guess is that I didn't come on as a likeable guy (i am kinda serious and not very talkative) I screwed up in the interviews.

the only thing I can tell you is to look at this link below. It will help you prepare for your interviews so when you get a new job interview you get the job. I wish I had known about this site before I had those interviews.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I'm training to be a recruiter for a hiring firm. The best advice I can give you is to go to a place that is definately looking for employment on a basic level you should shop around looking for help wanted signs. Usually help wanted sign means they're looking to hire sometime yesterday and expereince isn't so much of an issue.
Have you checked the jobs section of your local paper? I have to do job searches every week (I need to find around 100 potential leads) and not surprising there are tons of jobs that don't require any experience.
Lastly utilze your friends, your friends will more often then not be able to tell you about places that are looking to do on the spot hiring.
Though if you've been out of work for two years and you've tried all of these things, you're right it may be something about your character or something.

happy gilmore

Don Juan
May 26, 2002
Reaction score
I got a question. If I graduate from a 4 year University(which will be pretty soon), but I don't have any work experience, will I not get hire just like you?


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by smith25
You can try playing online poker to make money. If you are somewhat decent you can make $10-20K a year by putting in 20 hours a week. I know of many people that couldn't take the corporate environment and now play poker for a living
I hope that that's not all they do. I'd like to see someone live comfortably on $20K a year, let alone $10K. Anyway, tell us about how you dress when you go in looking for jobs and how you act. I think someone already mentioned that you are probably portraying the wrong attitude. Fix that up, dress nicely and you should be good to go.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
$10-20K a year is only if you play the lowest limits for 20 hours a week. If you can play $3/6 for 40 hours a week you can easily make 80K.

If you choose to go this route, make sure that you are very good and explorer all your other options first.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by smith25
You can try playing online poker to make money. If you are somewhat decent you can make $10-20K a year by putting in 20 hours a week. I know of many people that couldn't take the corporate environment and now play poker for a living
I would not reccommend this. Although I have heard success stories, like my friend who is up $14k since spring break.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
dude, anyone can get a job...
go get dressed and cleaned up and go get a job.
walk into a krispe kreme wearing khaki pants and tell them you want to turn your application in to the manager .
turn it in to the manager only , introduce yourself, shake hands and tell him you are ready to start work, you are even dressed in uniform, please just give you a hat and shirt.

they will probally tell you they cant do that today , they will have to call the regional to make sure they can hire you.

they will most likely put you to work tommorrow .

if you find something better later , make sure you give a two week notice, in case something happens , you wont be burning all your bridges.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by penkitten

walk into a krispe kreme wearing khaki pants and tell them you want to turn your application in to the manager .
Ugh Krispe Crack! I can't stand those sugary balls of death. I'd rather just eat pure sugar.

But it ain't a bad place to work though got that right. The guys who work late night in the KK inside the Excalibur get flashed (and other shows) by hot drunk chicks coming out of what ever nightclub or bar they were just in. Some of them have got photographic evidence!


Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
I have been in a similar situation in the past few years, so i thought i don't think it is anything personal, i am just not suited to the job. So i have been doing what i can to improve myself and i decided to do some study, also some volunteer and non paid work to gain experience while i study and i have almost finished and i have been to some interviews lately and the last one the interviewer was going to offer me the job except they had to speak to other people who were not around. So i think just get yourself together, do some courses, do volunteer work, be enthusiastic and present yourself really well and you will get a job no doubt about it.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
From now on list your reason for leaving as wanting to focus more time on your studies. If you were a bad employee or had problems with your boss at the other job, don't even list it. It's better to have no experience than it is to have a potential boss call an old boss and hear negative comments.

Try to do some volunteer work, because you can list that as work you have done and it will look good.

You must be confident at interviews, too...and be likeable.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Okay, you have to act genuinely interested in the job. Also, don't ask if a store is hiring. Go in an ask for an application. Then, fill it out, go back in, and ask to talk to the manager. Introduce yourself and give him the application. Twice, I've been interviewed on the spot, and once, I got interviewed the next day. And I've only had three jobs.

During the interview, be friendly. Show interest in the job. And it's okay to list being a veg. as a reason you quit fast food. It's better than sounding like a sissy.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
St. Louis Area
First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their insightful responses.

They have helped bring to light things that may not have otherwise occured to me.

As far as jobs or a source of income, I will not give up. I cannot give up.

Of course, in the meantime, I'm going to keep working on my website so hopefully that works out. If it does, then I will be able to claim that I've never held a job (where you get a W-2) during my entire adult life. I'd still be working hard, so the use for bragging rights is limited, but's still nice to think about (esp. because I've never thought that working for a boss was that great...just something you tolerate only if you have to).

Again, thank you everyone for all your responses.

Not that I won't appreciate more.

Talk to you all soon,



Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2001
Reaction score
Long Beach, CA.
Originally posted by smith25
You can try playing online poker to make money. If you are somewhat decent you can make $10-20K a year by putting in 20 hours a week. I know of many people that couldn't take the corporate environment and now play poker for a living
if you want to stay flat broke, then yeah, but if you actually want to get some money, then this is the last thing you should do.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
St. Louis Area
Originally posted by Page
if you want to stay flat broke, then yeah, but if you actually want to get some money, then this is the last thing you should do.
No kidding...

Whenever I play, at least, I never make more than I bet. And no...I don't fall into that gambler mentality (if I keep going long enough, eventually I'll win it all back, and more).
