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Alright, I admit I'm an AFC... mold me into a DJ


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
I come to you all very desperate. In every single past attempt with women, I've sucked. Either I've played things horribly, or become an AFC. And frankly, I'm f'n sick of it. Things need to change, and they need to change NOW.

So, I hand myself over to you. I see myself as having 4 options to getting a woman. If you don't mind, could you tell me what the DJ would do in each situation??

Option #1)Girl I met 4 years ago and took a very AFC approach too. Extremely nice, extremely hot, and I like her. Got shot down when she decided to get back together with her ex. Didn't talk to her for the rest of that year and the next, but have begun talking to her again this year. She's now single, and we've already gone out once. Went to a coffeeshop and talked for 2 hours straight. Lots of personal info, no awkard silences, all in all very good. Didn't get much of a romantic vibe though. Second date next week.

Option #2)Girl I got to know very well this year. Really good friend. Never approached romanticly before. I don't think it would work out if I did though. She and I work as friends, but as a couple we would suck. She's into drinking and pot and all, and I want nothing to do with that. But once again, she's a great girl and very hot too, but I'm not sure if it would work.

Option #3)Girl I've known for about 5 years now. I went after her romanticly once, and it was a mess. We faught for a good month or two afterward, but smoothed things over and are better friends than ever now.

Option #4)Meet random girl (High School Age) somewhere. Where, how, etc??


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
Come on people, something...

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
2 words for ya pal


Girls that have known you for years as a friend, are much more difficult to crack than getting a fresh start. You really need to meet more girls. To me it sounds like you are relying too much on the past. No one here can mold you into anything, that is your job. Read the Bible dude, internalize the lessons. It wont change you overnight, in fact it may be months before you see results, but set small goals for yourself. Try doing one of those DJ bootcamps to get some social skills.

Get over your fear of meeting new girls. There is a really great post about overcoming social phobias in the Tips forum by a certain Mr. Fingers, one of my favorite threads ever. Wish I could help more, but like I said, its up to you holmes


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2002
Reaction score
I would have to agree with Don on this one.

Its better to find new girls to show off your DJ skills rather than these girls that find you as their "friend". Which is okay in a way. Be there friends. Hopefully they have hot friends which you can show your DJ ways with.

Its always hard to go back to a past friend and try to show your DJ skills. Of the 3 girls that i tried it to, it hasnt worked on them. Even though they show the signs of intrest, it isnt more than just friend ship. Of the 2 girls that i met and i talk DJ to them, they simply adore me and want to always be around me. I tease them and they love it. It works and it doesnt work is what im trying to say.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2002
Reaction score
Option 4 is the right one for you. And how do you get to it? Easy!

Start the bootcamp! It's the free AFC-to-DJ transformation program. You can find it in the DJ bible and then come to the thread where me and a few other guys are keeping note of our progress. You can also check out Walden's thread, where he got to half of the bootcamp and he's already full of more dates than he can even handle. Basically check it out to get an inspiration to see what it can do for you.

The thread Walden started:

The thread for those beginning the bootcamp now: