Almost hooked up with a girl I met on the plane


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
So I was on a long haul flight from Amsterdam to Newark. I had to spend the night in Newark before going to my final destination (I won't give too many details about never know who frequents these forums!).

As I was waiting to board the plane, I saw an HB7. This girl wasn't that hot except she had an amazing ass and she knew it. She was wearing these reallytight pants that were driving me crazy.

Anyway, to my surprise, we were seated next to each other on the plane. I smiled because I was glad and she happened to look over as I was smiling. I said hello in a friendly way. She initiated a conversation with me and we hit it off....we were joking with each other, we talked for several hours and had many interesting conversations.

So here's where I think I screwed it up. I had a hotel room booked for the night before my flight in the morning and I wanted her to come back and spend the night with me. Unfortunately, my extreme shyness toward women started to get the better of me here.

I wasn't sure about how to ask her. I thought of all the things I would say, but I screwed up when it came down to it. First of all, I waited too long. I think I should have asked her before we landed. Am I right?

I was afraid that if she rejected me, it would be awkward so I waited til the last moment. By the last hour of the flight, she was really excited to get home after being overseas for a month. She was getting into "going home" mode.

As soon as we landed, she started texting her friends and family and started saying she would see them soon. I walked with her til customs and immigration and I waited til we were just about to part ways to ask (I know stupid!!!)

Even worse, I got so nervous that I totally screwed it up. It went something like this:

Me: Hey, I want to say something.
Her: OK
Me: I've been trying to work up the balls to say this (BIG mistake), but come back to the hotel with me

She laughed and said that it did require balls to say that. And she said she'd like to, but that she had people waiting and she didn't know what to tell them. I tried to convince her a couple times and I think I could have if I wasn't so nervous.

But I only tried twice to change her mind and my attempts were weak because I was so nervous. She gave me her number and e-mail and said she wanted to talk and that she would like to visit me.

She offered to let me "chill" with her and her friends that night, but I had to get up mad early the next day so I had to decline. I wasn't interested in anything for the future because it's unlikely that such a distance relationship could work.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
So now, since hindsight is 20/20 here's what I think I SHOULD have done.

I should have just asked her before we landed. That way she wouldn't have made plans and she wouldn't have gotten into the "excited to be home" mode. There was enough interest.

I should have said something like: "I know you're excited to see your girls and all, but how about waiting just one more night until tomorrow morning?"

Then I should have asked her to stay with me like it was no big deal. By telling her that it took her balls to ask that question, I made it a big deal.

Finally, even if I had done all the goofball moves I did, I could have been more persistent. I gave up too easily when she reluctantly said no. She was on the fence about it, but I was so nervous that I gave up early. I accepted her phone number too easily and I just let it go.

I was doing well.....that was my first attempt at DJing after coming across this site. Unfortunately, the beta male in me came out. I've been a beta male for years so it's not going to be easy to undo all my tendencies so fast.

It was overall a moral victory though. I am extremely shy when it comes to women (I was an EXTREMELY shy child in general) so at least I worked up the courage to attempt. If I hadn't come across this site, I probably would have never taken the shot.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
scribblec said:
rah u just answered ur own post :p
So do you think my analysis was correct?

Master, I know that I am but a young DJ and have much yet to learn, but am I on the right path?


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
im definatly not a master just a long time lurker, ive read most of the advice given here and if anyone was going to answer your post then they would of given a similar answer to your second post, but either way this is valuable experience if you say you was that shy as a child. and hopefully u will learn from this for the next time.