all women the same?


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
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We say all women are constantly the same on this forum when it comes to relationships.. sure some may stick around longer than others, but for the most part, if their man isn't doing his job, they'll leave. Or they'll just simply leave for someone more interesting.

But I still don't understand this..

I see girls with guys who KNOW how to handle their woman, only to get cheated on or left within a month or two.

And then I see chumps who have women who stay with them for years on end, never cheating on them.

So how can you say all women are the same? Aren't there hoes and nice girls who won't cheat on their man?

Or girls who won't say "i need a break" every 2 months in a relationship to go bang some other dude for a few days?

Are some girls just more sexually and emotionally hungry than others?

Me and this dude have been passing this girl back and forth for a few months now. She was initially with me (not dating, but f*cking and chilling a few times a week).

One night we were supposed to chill, only to find that she was over this other dude's place.

I didn't talk to her for a few months, started talking to other women, then BOOM. She sends me an email telling me she misses me. Later on I see text messages to this new guy she was seeing saying "Sorry, but I can't do this anymore. We are more friends than lovers."

So whatever, I start banging her again. She cooks me dinner a night or two. Things are going fine, then she sees THIS dude at the club with another woman.

She freaks and ends up going home with him.

like wtf?

Pretty much she just wants to be the top woman in both our books. Are all women like this? No. My friends have had girlfriends for years and trust me, they are no DJs. They have maybe been with half the women I have.

Maybe she's just trash. A slut.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Personally I believe there are exceptions to the rule but indeed I think the vast majority of women we're going to encounter are the same in todays world.

The exceptions to the rule get snapped up quickly in highschool and early college years.

The exceptions to the rule in my view are the extremely high quality women who are prime long term relationship or marriage candidates who go on to have long and happy lives with the prime male competition that snaps them up as quick as they can. What makes them exceptions to the rule and such good candidates for relationships is how they view life and the world and their own personal code of conduct basically.

Anyway there are still exceptions to the rule in much smaller numbers among the vast majority of slvts, c0ckteases, worthless sex in the city vapid pseudo intellectual amoral types but they are of course much more difficult to find than they were in one's own highschool and college years as out in the real world the competition is even fiercer and those exceptions quickly get snapped up as well leaving yet even more undesireables on the playing field yielding for us an even greater lack of quality talent to choose from.

For the exceptions to the rule the Interceptor and general oldschool DJ advice works wonders ie be a man, be strong, be moral and honorable yet not a doormat but for the vast majority of low quality women out there TheRealSupreme, Metaphysical and Tom Leykis's brand of advice must be followed to the letter to net a man any benefit from this cesspool of degradation and what that advice entails of course is playing these low quality women's little games better than they do. Its about making the woman dependent on you, its about power and control, its about excitement, adrenaline and drama, dominance and hypnotism, its about shamelessly using whatever works morals be damned. Its player or pimp game whichever one prefers to call it and it is necessary for the vast majority of women in today's world as it is what they want. Supply and demand. :p

Rex Man

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
blackhatter said:
We say all women are constantly the same on this forum when it comes to relationships.. sure some may stick around longer than others, but for the most part, if their man isn't doing his job, they'll leave. Or they'll just simply leave for someone more interesting.

But I still don't understand this..

I see girls with guys who KNOW how to handle their woman, only to get cheated on or left within a month or two.

And then I see chumps who have women who stay with them for years on end, never cheating on them.

So how can you say all women are the same? Aren't there hoes and nice girls who won't cheat on their man?

Or girls who won't say "i need a break" every 2 months in a relationship to go bang some other dude for a few days?

Are some girls just more sexually and emotionally hungry than others?

Me and this dude have been passing this girl back and forth for a few months now. She was initially with me (not dating, but f*cking and chilling a few times a week).

One night we were supposed to chill, only to find that she was over this other dude's place.

I didn't talk to her for a few months, started talking to other women, then BOOM. She sends me an email telling me she misses me. Later on I see text messages to this new guy she was seeing saying "Sorry, but I can't do this anymore. We are more friends than lovers."

So whatever, I start banging her again. She cooks me dinner a night or two. Things are going fine, then she sees THIS dude at the club with another woman.

She freaks and ends up going home with him.

like wtf?

Pretty much she just wants to be the top woman in both our books. Are all women like this? No. My friends have had girlfriends for years and trust me, they are no DJs. They have maybe been with half the women I have.

Maybe she's just trash. A slut.

.........yeah, MAYBE. But I wouldn't jump to conclusions, she just likes to suck multiple ****s throughout the week.

In short, all women aren't the same just like all men aren't the same. For the most part everyone grows up eventually and settles down more or less. But I'd say about 90% of men aged 25 or under are probably the same; so why would women be any different?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Feb 3, 2009
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No not all women are the same

They have different wants, desires, turn ons and turn offs.

Believe it or not, not ALL women even want a DJ. maybe most, but just because a guy is a chump in your book doesn't mean some chicks won't find him sexy, or will cheat on him the minute he becomes "less interesting"

Don't let the experiences of the women you've been with speak for all women


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
all women are the same... but they go about that samness in different ways...

who we are is defined by the way we go about satisfying our needs and wants... our human needs are always the same and our wants are constantly changing...

natures main purpose for us is to procreate. all else is formality... the species naturaly tries to filter out the weak .... and who is weak is often determined by current social trends.

we all have some wiggle room as far as changing ourselves so as to attain more social acceptance and to be seen as strong by those from whom we desire favor.