Age and Maturity


New Member
Jan 5, 2008
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In your opinion are these two things related?

Will a 22 year old girl always act like a child with a woman's body or does it depend on the individual and their life experiences.

Obviously there will be exceptions however statistically what do you think?


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Charlie said:
In your opinion are these two things related?

Will a 22 year old girl always act like a child with a woman's body or does it depend on the individual and their life experiences.

Obviously there will be exceptions however statistically what do you think?
I am guessing that you are interested in a 22 year old who is acting in juvenile ways and you are hoping that she will grow out of it.

Look,there are some here who believe that a 22 year old is in her party years and that this period in her life will naturally come to and end when she approaches 30 or so when her urges to mate take told and she moves into a different phase. This is a flimsy belief.
Some women straighten up and some do not . I know a 52 year old who still drinks and does occasional cocaine and will sleep with any guy who has money . She has a life history of doing this .
This woman is a professional counselor in the local school district .She works with children with mild intellectual impairments.
Isn't that frightening ?

We are dealing with human female behavior here and nothing is "for sure and for certain" EVER.
Her growth is NOT so much age related as it is a factor of personal willingness to take responsibility for her own existence and well being.
HOw rare is that in woman?

Perhaps you should post more details.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
you cannot fit square pegs in round holes. There is no always or all being when it comes to individuals. It's not just women; there are 35 year old men who are just as immature as these 21 year old party girls you are talking about.

I can't think of the post, but if you go back and read one of Rollo T's posts he talks about not looking at things in black and white, and he uses the examnple of a woman you see at the age of 22 years old who is on the beach at spring break partying having a grand ole time, is the same girl you meet 3 weeks later at barnes and noble who is so interesting and thought provoking and unique. That pretty much sums it up for me.

There is no such thing as a top of the mountain "mature" level. Take me. There is no like to be, I AM mature for age. I have done things at 25 that most people never do. I have had more responsibility by the age of 22 than most people will never have. I had to grow up quick. But there are times when I zone out and play metal gear solid all night, have pillow fights with my GF and I still watch Beavis and Butt head lol.

those same 22 year old mature women you are dreaming about have a great immature time with their friends, the only difference is the moment of the light you catch them in.

I hope I am making sense, I don't think I am so I will shut up now.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
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backbreaker said:
you cannot fit square pegs in round holes. There is no always or all being when it comes to individuals. It's not just women; there are 35 year old men who are just as immature as these 21 year old party girls you are talking about.

I can't think of the post, but if you go back and read one of Rollo T's posts he talks about not looking at things in black and white, and he uses the examnple of a woman you see at the age of 22 years old who is on the beach at spring break partying having a grand ole time, is the same girl you meet 3 weeks later at barnes and noble who is so interesting and thought provoking and unique. That pretty much sums it up for me.

There is no such thing as a top of the mountain "mature" level. Take me. There is no like to be, I AM mature for age. I have done things at 25 that most people never do. I have had more responsibility by the age of 22 than most people will never have. I had to grow up quick. But there are times when I zone out and play metal gear solid all night, have pillow fights with my GF and I still watch Beavis and Butt head lol.

those same 22 year old mature women you are dreaming about have a great immature time with their friends, the only difference is the moment of the light you catch them in.

I hope I am making sense, I don't think I am so I will shut up now.
I get what are you saying. There are no set age on maturity of a person based on age. A 35 year old man are many times just as immature as a 22 year old child-woman and vice-versa. In addition, maturity does not mean black and white thinking of taking on responsibilities and saying good-bye of "immature" pillow fights and video games.

However, that analogy from Rollo have always bother me in some way. I just seems to be saying instead of binary thinking, that everyone is just the same, just you caught in in a different moment.

Yes, the same woman having fun during spring break can be the same girl in the bookstore, but it doesn't mean that they are always the one and the same or at least the same mentality. Taking my girlfriend as an example, she is probably the type of girl who would make a good, engaging conversation in the book store. However, it does not mean she not open to having fun or doing kiddish stuff (like just 36 hours ago, we were at this water gun war with literally 400 people, some would think it is so childish, as her mom complained) or have fun in other ways. On the other hand, I don't think she possess the mentality and character of the sterotypical spring-break girl (or I hope not). There's a difference between the girl who take spring-break to go to alternative spring break and the ones who goes to Cancun. Not 100%, but a correlation.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
In general, I think the better looking women take longer to grow up because men are willing to put up with more **** or poorer performance from them. Job performance that would get fat and ugly fired usually isn't a firing offence for a hottie. We seem to be willing to spend more time training them.
But, We are talking about women aren't we? What we consider grown up in a man-intelligence and logical thinking, only happens if a woman acts like a man[work forces her to behave like us]. As long as a woman leads with emotion based thinking, we'll keep thinking they are immature. David Data[sp] has a book on the topic


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
and I think you just proved rollo's point.

You go into what you explained thinking that the girl that rollo is talking about is automatically the party girl who can be inside of a bookstore and give a good conversation. That same girl could be a bookworm who has a fun side to her and happens to go on spring break. However if you met her at Cancun, you would not think of her as the barnes and noble chick and visa versa, if you met her at barnes and noble you would not think of her asthe buck wild girl with the big tit's at cancun.

On a broader scale, I think you look for what you want to find, if that makes sense, to some extent. If you look at the girl in barnes and noble, and you are barnes in noble and talking to this chick, your mindset is already going to be thinking "she is mature" so you will in your mind, point out mature aspects to her to validate what you are already thinking. NO one goes to barnes and noble and is talking to a woman thinking "damn, I wonder if she will lick whip cream off of another woman's tits".. You go in, you look for chic, you find chic. You are there looking for a certain "type" of woman and you find it becuase that's what you are looking for.

what I am saying, is I don't think there IS A SUCH THING as a sterotypical 'spring break girl' AND I think that is what Rollo T is trying to convey. There is no such thing as the typical immature girl.. well there is the typical *****, the typical slut, but everyone has some form of immaturity to them and alot of it has to do with her interest level in you, which doesn't get talked about.

The woman who doesn't call you back, who talks on the phone on dates, who has all her "guy friends" isn't as immature as you might think. She just doesn't like you. she is "immature" becuase you aren't worth her being mature. at least in her eyes.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
backbreaker said:
The woman who doesn't call you back, who talks on the phone on dates, who has all her "guy friends" isn't as immature as you might think. She just doesn't like you. she is "immature" becuase you aren't worth her being mature. at least in her eyes.
You were kind of making sense up until you wrote this misunderstanding.
Women who do this stuff are acting habitually. It is fallacy to believe that if we are attractive enough (or DJ enough) then she will shut off her cell on a date or return your calls promptly..
Rude and disrespectful women do what they do for myriad reasons and few of them have to do with the guy sitting across the table with her at Starbucks.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
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The key is this:


You canNOT judge a person, male or female, based on his or her age. It's pointless.

I know 18 year old girls that are more mature than me (or my parents), and I know sixty year old men that are basically little boys.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
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backbreaker said:
and I think you just proved rollo's point.

You go into what you explained thinking that the girl that rollo is talking about is automatically the party girl who can be inside of a bookstore and give a good conversation. That same girl could be a bookworm who has a fun side to her and happens to go on spring break. However if you met her at Cancun, you would not think of her as the barnes and noble chick and visa versa, if you met her at barnes and noble you would not think of her asthe buck wild girl with the big tit's at cancun.

On a broader scale, I think you look for what you want to find, if that makes sense, to some extent. If you look at the girl in barnes and noble, and you are barnes in noble and talking to this chick, your mindset is already going to be thinking "she is mature" so you will in your mind, point out mature aspects to her to validate what you are already thinking. NO one goes to barnes and noble and is talking to a woman thinking "damn, I wonder if she will lick whip cream off of another woman's tits".. You go in, you look for chic, you find chic. You are there looking for a certain "type" of woman and you find it becuase that's what you are looking for.

what I am saying, is I don't think there IS A SUCH THING as a sterotypical 'spring break girl' AND I think that is what Rollo T is trying to convey. There is no such thing as the typical immature girl.. well there is the typical *****, the typical slut, but everyone has some form of immaturity to them and alot of it has to do with her interest level in you, which doesn't get talked about.

The woman who doesn't call you back, who talks on the phone on dates, who has all her "guy friends" isn't as immature as you might think. She just doesn't like you. she is "immature" becuase you aren't worth her being mature. at least in her eyes.
You misunderstand. My example is to show that no girl completely fit to only one type of identity, a bookworm is not only going to have qualities of a quiet nerd or the spring break girl is only going to have qualities of the a stripper. Streotype is a streotype, it can be reflective of observations of types of people, but no one is going to fit completely perfectly to one neat box. However, it is not to say character does not exist or everybody acts the same. My girl and many of my female friends can make great conversation at school, but not all of them want to go to Cancun (and many don't even care to go to frat house type party), they find fun in other ways and their character varies.

While the party girl can be in a bookstore and the bookworm can have a fun side, character and thus maturity can mean how she is going to treat people who she have no direct benefit, how she will react to thigns not going her way, how compassionate to others, and how she going to act when there's no accountability watching her.

Therefore, I must disagree of there isn't a streotypical "spring break girl." While that girl is just not that 2D, but not every girl in the bookstore desire to go to Cancun or at least act like with all the same qualities of the negative streotype nor every girl in Cancun have an interest to go to a bookstore and/or able to make a decent conversation. There are girls who party all the time and none of the time (and for lack of interest btw) and all in between. Now, her maturity level, character, and intergrity all depends on the person, though my thinking is there is stilll a corelation.

I want to add also that people want to have fun, it doesn't mean people is all going to act the same as Rollo's example gives. If that is taken too literally, than it would mean every 22 year old want to just party in Cancun and go to bookstores with all in between, and there's no difference in maturity which ironically going completely against the argument.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Charlie said:
In your opinion are these two things related?

Will a 22 year old girl always act like a child with a woman's body or does it depend on the individual and their life experiences.

Obviously there will be exceptions however statistically what do you think?
Age haS NOTHING TO DO WITH MATURITY.... Young women assume they are mature once the start F'ing and are being chased by countless dudes.... They will often act as immaturely as they can get away with fro as long as they can .... so now we have 40 something year old divorced women acting like they are 18 years old... Women can do this too cause there are soo many desperate men searching fro an F that even older women can stay in the game for a long long time...


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
backbreaker said:
you cannot fit square pegs in round holes. There is no always or all being when it comes to individuals. It's not just women; there are 35 year old men who are just as immature as these 21 year old party girls you are talking about.

I can't think of the post, but if you go back and read one of Rollo T's posts he talks about not looking at things in black and white, and he uses the examnple of a woman you see at the age of 22 years old who is on the beach at spring break partying having a grand ole time, is the same girl you meet 3 weeks later at barnes and noble who is so interesting and thought provoking and unique. That pretty much sums it up for me.

There is no such thing as a top of the mountain "mature" level. Take me. There is no like to be, I AM mature for age. I have done things at 25 that most people never do. I have had more responsibility by the age of 22 than most people will never have. I had to grow up quick. But there are times when I zone out and play metal gear solid all night, have pillow fights with my GF and I still watch Beavis and Butt head lol.

those same 22 year old mature women you are dreaming about have a great immature time with their friends, the only difference is the moment of the light you catch them in.

I hope I am making sense, I don't think I am so I will shut up now.

Great post!! No BS just 100% reality...:up:

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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First of all, you're pulling this quote from here:

Iron Rule of Tomassi #3

Any woman who makes you wait for sex, or by her actions implies she is making you wait for sex; the sex is NEVER worth the wait.

,....The girl who tells you she wants a relationship first or "just isn't comfortable with you yet" is the same girl who ƒucked the "totally hot guy" in the foam cannon party in Cancun with her girlfriends on spring break half an hour after meeting him.

If a girl is that into you she'll ƒuck regardless of ASD or having her friends in the room videotaping it at a frat party. All women can be sexual, you just have to be the right guy to bring it out in them,...
My original intent with this 'rule' was to wake AFCs up to the fact that women who have a genuine, urgent desire to get physical will find a way to do so. Women are natural Plate Spinners and too often they'll filibuster with men as a means to explore their options with guys they have more interest in. In context, I'm not trying to say all women are like this or call stereotypes out, just that the right guy, in the right circumstance will prompt a similar response. Anyone who's watched a Girls Gone Wild video can see that environment and circumstance can make the sweet little coed from the University of Ohio give a hummer to the hot guy she meets for half an hour on Lake Havasu. The bookworm in Barnes & Noble likes sex as much as anyone - just put her in the right set of circumstances. Women are biologically wired to be more inhibited than men, but this inhibition is most definitely on a sliding scale with regard to opportunity and circumstance.

Tom Leykis once did a topic on his radio show about just this: He had everyday women call in and tell the stories of how they used to be sexually (i.e. slvtty) and how they are now. He came up with this after driving past a grade school on his way to the studio and seeing all of the women there waiting for their kids to come out and wondered about what their lives used to be like in their 20s. This was a wildly popular topic and the confessions just poured in like all of these women had been waiting for years to come clean anonymously about things that their husbands knew nothing about. Each of these women sounded proud of their behavior, almost nostalgic, as if they were some kind of past accomplishments.

So it makes you wonder when you see the mid 30s to early 40s (hell, even 50s!) woman with 2 kids coming out of karate class or gathering together for a scrapbooking party, just what these women are capable of performing sexually when properly motivated.

In terms of maturity, age plays less a role than experience. The 30 y.o. divorcee who married at 19 and played house for the past 11 years while she lived vicariously through her single girlfriend's sex lives more often than not will behave 'immaturely' due to a lack of experience, social retardation and an urgency to get at what she feels she missed out on. And on the other hand, the 32 y.o. woman with 4 LTRs and her share on Spring Breaks and ONSs under her belt may be the most 'mature' woman you'll ever encounter because she had cause and opportunity to learn from those experiences.