"After the first date" tips?


Don Juan
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
I've always been awkward after the first date and was just wondering if anyone had any tips to share.

Details on the date if ya want em'.

We had been in contact through Facebook a few times after her mom told her she should talk to me. This girl now works at the same place I do.

I got her number and set up a date the second time we ever saw each other. We watched a movie, found out we had alot in common, then proceeded to make out vigorously and came very close to having sex (she was on her period, seriously, I felt the pad).

Now, in this case I just need to set up another date and seal this deal. But for future reference, does anyone have any tips to share for a guy who's unsure about what to do after the first date?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
well for starters the next time you talk, you might wanna ask if "AUNT FLOW" has left town in a humorous tone.

Do some fluff stuff (movie, dinner, golf, pool, drinks, dancing, mauntain climbing, flight to the moon, etc, etc) then BACK to YOUR PLACE for your dessert.

U already opened the door to sex........so just walk through......NUFF SAID......now call her up.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
samspade said:
It's good to have a killer mentality, but you should relax a little here and not put the cart before the horse.

A guy posted a few weeks ago about how he nearly slept with a girl on the first date. The second date, he invited her over for dinner, hoping to seal the deal by having home-field advantage. Well, she wound up having to split and meet friends later that night, wouldn't you know. The poster was incredulous. How could a woman take him to the brink of sex on Date 1 and then back off so suddenly, especially with all of the conditions being so "perfect"?

I recommend you not worry so much about outcome and focus more on having fun with her again. Something to keep her primed and interested - an activity of some kind to keep you loose and in good humor. If the signals are there and you think you can get her back to your place, go with it....but don't force it.

I'm all for the path of least resistance, but one mistake a lot of men make is assuming that seduction will follow a simple A>B>C path. Don't get me wrong - if it's been a few dates and she's jerking you around, you probably won't get any farther and should move on to other options. Just bear in mind that one way women can subconsciously gauge your Desperate-O-Meter is by escalating early and then pulling back quick to see how you react.

Wait a few days, ask her out again, plan something fun and keep your apartment lay-ready. You two work together so don't pour it on too thick at the workplace....stay cool and a tad indifferent.
Great post from Sam,
most women WANT to have sex BUt they have two pre-conditions. The first is that you are not going to pump and dump them, and the second is that tingling anticipation in her has built to the stage that any reluctance is overwhelmed by her desire.
In the pre-sex stage, her imagination is your best weapon.
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New Member
Jun 10, 2010
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After the first date you must determine what do you want and feel. Remind the first date and see if you really find a connection with your partner. There's no point in pushing forward if you don't feel or see anything good in your relationships. Even though your date is very attractive if there is no connection most probable you are headed nowhere. So be sure to know yourself and what you want before making a move after the first.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
COD said:
Do some fluff stuff (movie, dinner, golf, pool, drinks, dancing, mauntain climbing, flight to the moon, etc, etc) then BACK to YOUR PLACE for your dessert.
This +1!