Once i get the first date i almost always get a second date. But before i actually go on a date I wanna be sure she has a somewhat high IL. I don't wanna waste time and money trying to convince a woman with lukewarm interest. But once she actually agrees to meet up, you should be in winning position.
In this era of dating things move fast. Thats why its important to create some form of sexual tension on the first date, thus giving her something to look forward to. The easiest way is ofcourse the kiss , but heavy flirting might also do the trick. At some point during the date you gotta be like:" oke i am having a good conversation with her BUT its all too friendly and innocent, let me spice it up". You cannot shy away from this! If you didn't try to make a move somehow while you were one on one with her..than that's on YOU.
You say you have good conversations with these women. I am curious how you define a "good back and forth". Lots of things matter. For example the duration of your dates, the location, the conversation. Escalation ,or lack of.
I dont believe in being
texting buddies with women you don't feck, or plan to f. You gotta be aware that being in person with her triumphs everything else. So you must make that moment count. You could always say you want a second date,but they'll probably wonder what's gonna be different from the first date.