Sort of the same deal...
Ekimuk, if you don't mind, I have a similar problem, so I'll use this existing thread rather than start a new one:
Just went out on a "date": dinner with a female friend from college whom I haven't seen for a year. I'm back for the summer. GREAT conversation. Some attempts at jokes, she laughed at my jokes. No kino though, and no kiss-close. At the end of the meeting she said that before her trip in next month she'll invite me over to her place for dinner, adding that "I'm not a bad cook". Earlier I asked what she does when she's not working. She basically said she's tired all the time and pretty much nothing's going on. No mention of boyfriend (I know she had one back in college a year back).
WHERE TO GO FROM HERE? Wait for her to materialize her offer? Take charge of the situation by inviting her out again? (I have a plan: I told her about a nice greenhouse with beautiful flowers and that my hobby now is to take nice pictures of flowers [which is true]; I wonder if I should call her and ask if she wants to join me on a photo trip to the place? If so, when?)
Comments/advice welcome! Many thanks!