AFC keeps going after my girl


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
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I am dating a great girl called Jen (well, not really, but we'll call her Jen for our purposes). She is 23 and I'm 24. There is an AFC 28-year old named John. Apparently Jen and John used to go to a lot of movies/plays together for film class. She says she is "completely not into him", and I 100% believe her. From her descriptions, the guy is a loser. They went out once or twice (he was totally chumpy from her description) and she decided to be just friends. Recently, he took her out for her birthday and paid for everything. She felt uncomfortable and said she wasn't going to do that anymore.

I've laughed about the situation and teased the hell out of Jen about it, because it's fun (in a sick way) to see some AFC courting my girl. But I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy and want to give Jen a good way of letting him know it is OVER. He recently sent her some AFC email saying, "Jen, I'm so glad you've found happiness with ApocalypseCow. I just want you to know that as long as you are smiling with him, I'm happy, because you being happy is all that I care about" blah blah blah.

So anyway, what can Jen tell this guy to get him to back off? I keep telling her to try to set him up with some other girl, but she said he's so wimpy that no chick would want to go out with him. Apparently, he's pretty well off but it SUCH an AFC.

So, any tips? It's been fun, but it's time to put this AFC out of his misery.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
You know what, AC, I think you're girlfriend is being too nice to this guy...
She needs to stop talking to this man, period. They are not really friends. So why is he around? So this is up to her, but really. He should not even be in the picture. Why did HE take her out on her birthday??? WTF?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by iqqi
You know what, AC, I think you're girlfriend is being too nice to this guy...
She needs to stop talking to this man, period. They are not really friends. So why is he around? So this is up to her, but really. He should not even be in the picture. Why did HE take her out on her birthday??? WTF?
Well, it wasn't exactly ON her birthday. And I took her out as well, of course.

She DID cut it off with him for a long time. Then he started calling her again and sending emails.

My girlfriend, like most girls, is very non-confrontational. Basically, she's just been ignoring him, although he called and left a message just the other day.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Na , i think its her job to f**k him OFF!

WY IS SHE NOT DOING SO ???????????

I know alot of chiks that say the same things about guys they dig just to calm down the other guy they are dateing .

Be carefull , he may not be an afc but a hot stuf for her and she may be lyeing .


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
wait, if ur not goin out with the chick then why the **** are u so worried about this guy? move in on her dude...

ok there are a couple ways to deal with this:

1) you can tell that AFC to back the **** off (i wouldnt do it, but its and option)

2) ignore the guy, keep "dj'in" her.

3) get the hell rid of her, if the shes showin interest in the guy.

dont, ever, ever, tunnel vision on her...keep lookin for more chicks.

personally (IMO) i wouldnt give a **** about teh other guy, if hes so AFC, he aint worth ****...right? but dude, its your call.

hope this helps



Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Dude, why did you let a Looza take your gf out for bday - it should've been you! Anyways, she knows he's got no chance/game for her.. nothing to worry about but the dude needs to know it's OVER.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
I'm dating this girl who used to know a chump and he tried to get a date from her but she rejected him (Remember girls do the choosing, NOT YOU) and he didn't take it kindly and started acting weird on her. They used to talk on instant messaging and stuff.. just yesterday he called her phone and didn't say anything. I then learned of this and gave him a phone call and told him to **** off (actually it was more of a friendly "**** off *******") and he said sure.. which I doubt it.