AFC at its best


New Member
Nov 3, 2008
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Hey Guys:

First post here :wave: . I have been lurking around the forums for awhile now and I am reading the DJ bible at the moment. I would be considered an AFC by definition, but anyways let me get straight to the point. I was at the super market early tonight and I was browsing in the snack aisle where all the cereal and bread resides. All of a sudden I hear a thump. I turn around and I see a loaf of bread on the floor and this HB 8.5 standing right next too me. I then started to chuckle at her clumsiness and she started to giggle as well. Unfortunately I did not say anything afterwards :kick: . These two guys behind me kept snickering and checking out this HB 8.5. A brief moment later she walks by me and I somewhat follow her to the cashier I jump in line right behind her but then totally forgot that I needed milk for my cereal! I quickly went to get some milk and the next thing you know she is gone. I decided in my mind that I would introduce myself so I went around the store for a bit again until I spotted her at the cashier tilt again. I was heading towards her direction but detoured and bailed! It seems to me that my confidence is lacking. I played the scenario in my head a few times through thinking "Wouldn't it be weird to just pop up again and introduce yourself?" I know there is a time frame to introduce yourself (3-10 seconds once you have established eye contact) or am I just incorrect about that? Anyways, I would like to know how to improve my confidence so I don't freeze up again. Comments and criticisms are welcomed.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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Don't introduce yourself. In that situation, I would have swooped in and said something like "Are you sure everything's in your cart? You might have dropped some stuff back there..." or something to jab at her about dropping the bread.

Since she was in line, though, I'm pretty sure it would have been difficult to get a spontaneous conversation out of that.


Nov 3, 2008
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Tip to build confidence

O man. I remember those days, freezing up to the site of a Sexy, Beautiful girl to the problem of not knowing what to say and how to say it, thinking of what to say but not saying it on time. I regreted not taking those opportunities, or missing out on them. ****, reading your post makes me feel like it was just yesterday. Anyway, let tell you what I did to boost my confidence:

Every morning, right before waking (when my subscon mind was still relaxed) I repeated (for 20 minutes straight) the following words:

"I can have ANY girl I want If I wanted her."

The affirmation is deisgned to "reprogram or condition" my mind so get me to believe that I can for sure have ANY ****ing girl I want. Why are rockstars so damn confident? How are they able to draw women in as if they were a popular prada handbag all girls wanted?

Becuase they're so damn confident. They just KNOW (with complete certainty) that they can have whoever they want, when they want. If you follow my suggestion, you'll also feel the same way.

I did it for about three weeks, but I saw results instantly


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2008
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As soon as any guy gets that "waaaaaw" when they see a girl its over man, they will talk to them in such a different way than if you think "you" are the prize which is what she wants, if she gets the scent that you are in awe of her you arent good enough in her eyes... Work on yourself man search for the book of pook, its a classic read really changes the way you look at yourself.. Be the prize.. Forget all the 3-10 seconds nonsense if you're nervous before think how nervous you will be actually talking to her plus all the endless scripted lines you will be trying to remember.. Anyone can change their mindset so that they appear more confident in that moment, but its a false economy they will find you out, you arent that cool!!! YET!!

I think you should have said hi to her, if you wanted to be ****y and funny you would have, but it would have been cos that's how you think you can pull this babe.. You have to absorb all the personalities all the triats of a fun guy and be that guy instead of acting like that guy..


New Member
Nov 3, 2008
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i always read from the book of pook when i need a jolt of confidence, google it:up: