Advice with a CoWorker


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score

Your advice is needed. I have a female coworker that had been giving subtle IOIs over the last few months, such as suggesting we hang out together at the company picnic, telling me she needs to find a husband, and hinting that she finds me attractive.

I didnt know her at the time all that well and was into another girl so I gave minimal effort. Things have changed and I am looking at pursuing this.

Things cooled off for a couple months and I avoided her. Now we work closely together and I have noticed the following things. I catch her looking at me when I am not paying attention, good eye contact when we talk and she teases me back when I tease her. I brought up a specific restaurant in the city and she mentioned that we should check it out sometime. The only drawback is that she completely ignores me in group settings at work (maybe a good sign actually).

I need your advice. Are these signs of interest and should I take the plunge and move this to the next stage?


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2007
Reaction score
Your situation sounds like the exact same thing I'm dealing with. I actually went out with her after work one night and had a great time. I've asked her out since then but she's turned me down both times.