mikey2012 said:
BPD's work for around 10 months then they come out. There is no cure. Life will be miserable. There will not be a happy ending. You just need to get out. If you can't it could be the death of you.
Let me clarify, they work for as long as they are getting what they want. 10 months is usually a good prediction, but it the lousy behavior and true self appears once they LOSE control of the relationship or when true intimacy is created. While strongly desiring intimacy, people with BPD tend toward insecure, avoidant or ambivalent, or fearfully preoccupied attachment patterns in relationships.
So, what I'm saying is, once you get VERY close to them, thats when the trouble starts. A good indication of how you will be treated will be seen in the way they treat family members. They abuse them, then love them, then abuse them. I watched it happen with my ex. She would spend almost all of her time with her mom when we'd visit her parents and ignore me, then subsequently pick fights with her by the end of the week. It was Jekyll and Hyde behavior. She did the same things to her brother and her father.
You are in a world of pain and things will never be "normal" with any cluster B type. The question is, are you strong enough, smart enough, and love yourself enough to leave and seek a better relationship?