Advice needed


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
I ran into a woman I dated briefly last spring. It didn't work out and over the summer via email she mentioned that she had started to see her ex. A few days ago I ran into her again and we discussed Law School which she is currently attending. I mentioned that I am applying to schools and she mentioned that I should sit in on classes with her. I still am interested in this woman, but somehow I am nervous to pursue her. I don't know if she is still dating the guy and strangely enough don't know if I should ask or leave it to her to tell me if and when we run into one another again. She mentioned that I should call her about going to class with her and then gave me a really great hug. Maybe I'm reading into things but it seemed more than just a friendly hug.

Strangely enough I ran into her again today. It was a brief convo and at the end as I was turning to walk away she moved as if she was about to embrace me again but I had already turned halfway around and kept going saying "Have a good day".

I need advice on what course of action to take. I could give a friend great advice but when I am in it, its difficult to see where to go. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, MA
She probably miss you, so make a move. If she said, "I'm seeing someone." There's your answer right there. Don't be afraid to pursue.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2003
Reaction score
I ran into a woman I dated briefly last spring. It didn't work out and over the summer via email she mentioned that she had started to see her ex.
Why it didn't work out? because of her or you? made mistakes in the date? if so, think about that and correct them, maybe she forgot about them and only remembers that she likes you, so don't remind her (if this is the case).

Don't show her too much interest.

Let us know how it went...

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
I had a similar situation a few years back. I dated a girl and it didn't work out and having the benefit of this site and hingsight, it was because I was a total wuss. I ran into her a few times and she was totally into the new me.

Go for it. Phone her, but ask her out. It seems as though she's practically serving it up on a silver plate for you, but at the first sign of trouble, eject.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
SO, I set up a time to sit in on one of this girls classes hoping to get a feel for what she is thinking and the night before she called to say that she wasn't certain if she wanted me to come b/c she hadn't done the reading and thought that by my being there it would draw attention to her and she might get called on. she asked me to call her later in the week and we could set something up for next week. I said it was no big deal and that if it didn't work out that it wasn't a big deal if it didn't work out in the future either but she should call me when she knew of a good time for this.

I've thought about it a little and I decided I'll just ask the girl flat out if she wants to go out sometime the next time I see her and stop trying to "figure out" what she thinks. Its too much of a pain in the ass and a waste of mental space.

That's where it stands.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by Euthyphro
I've thought about it a little and I decided I'll just ask the girl flat out if she wants to go out sometime the next time I see her and stop trying to "figure out" what she thinks. Its too much of a pain in the ass and a waste of mental space.

That's where it stands.
This was my exact first reaction - why ask us, ask her!!!!


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Emotional Tampon

Sounds like you are her emotional tampon...Quit being an AFC and next her.