Advice needed!


New Member
Nov 1, 2011
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I am 29 years old, and met this smoking hot 21 year old who started working at my workplace in April. We hit it off really well, started hanging out together, and it fairly quickly became physical. The only snag is, she has a boyfriend. We were "together" for a few months, and it got pretty deep, we told each other "I love you", spoke about the future, etc, all the while I waited like an idiot for her to leave her boyfriend.

Invariably, she decided things were getting too difficult a few months ago and felt that she needed to try and work out things with him, and that she couldn't be around me. I took it a lot harder than i expected, which made me realize all the feelings that I had for her. However, I took some time, started getting over her, and we were basically no contact for the entire time. I've been dating again, have a couple of great prospects, and life was getting to be good again.

Until this weekend, when she decided to contact me out of the blue, tell me how much she misses me (i think she heard/realized that I was moving on and dating other people), etc, but her situation is still the same. I'm feeling pretty confused and torn up again, as I felt like I was over her and am now realizing that i'm not. I don't want to be "that guy" that hangs around forever, but I really do feel like if our situation worked out that we could have something incredible. I'm also aware of the fact that she might like just to keep me hanging on just in case things don't work out with her and the boyfriend.

Any advice? The thought of going no contact again really sucks, but I also don't want to put my entire life on hold and just wait on her.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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If you go back with her, you are going to find yourself in the exact same spot again.

If you wish you can date her again but make sure you are dating other women. It is the allure of being a challenge and the fact that you have options that made her "miss you". When she had you, she decided to let you go in favour of her boyfriend because you stopped being challenging and he never stopped.

She is 21 years old, she is still a plaything, not worthy of LTR.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
21, pssh. Leave it. You don't have the stones to pump and dump so leave it before you get hurt by some young broad and then you'll be all mad and embarrassed because you got played by a baby. Having a grown man on a string is a massive ego boost for a chic. Walk away now.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
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Several things here:
1. Dating and the work place don't mix.
2. Getting too seriously with chick that has a boyfriend will not end well. Even pulling a hit and run on a chick with a bf is wrong.
3. You're always second choice to her. She wants you when she's having bf problems.
4. 21 year olds don't know what they want. If you are knowledgeable, you can string her along with no emotions attach and she won't know what hit her.
5. Bottom line is don't go back, ignore her or tell her it's over. No girl is worth the drama.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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NEVER become emotionally involved with a woman who already has a bf. The most you can do with a woman like this is use her as a FB while you pursue other women.

Speaking of which, get your ass out there and date other women. There are LOTS of women out there, and lots of them don't have a bf. There is absolutely NO REASON to remain attached to this one.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2011
Reaction score
Have you had sex with her yet? If your acting like this without even of had sex with her then there is something wrong with you, dont put her on a pedistool bro