Advice needed!


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney, Nova Scotia
I am a 24 year old male, who has never really had a girlfriend before. I have been on dates before, with girls I met online. They weren't all they were cracked up to be. I find it emberassing at my age that I have never had a girlfriend. I tend to view girls negatively, that they are all the same. I am a very shy person, who doesn't have many close friends, I don't drink/do drugs and don't go to bars. I had been chatting with a girl online from Ontario(internet girlfriend if you will) for a couple months. We share similar interests, she has a good personality and we even share the same birthday. She hasn't been online in several weeks(since last month) and hasn't replied back to letter I sent her yet. I would like to hear your advice to my situation, should I forget about the girl and find somebody in my own city?
Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
crackers444 said:
I am a 24 year old male, who has never really had a girlfriend before. I have been on dates before, with girls I met online. They weren't all they were cracked up to be. I find it emberassing at my age that I have never had a girlfriend.
Let go of the past. There is nothing you can do about that now. Being embarrassed about things that did or didn't happen in those 24 years is a waste of energy. All that matters is what you are doing now.

I tend to view girls negatively, that they are all the same.
Sometimes when men have little success in this area they become bitter and direct their anger towards women. You have probably noticed that if you have spend some time reading this site. Do NOT fall into this trap. You are the only cause of your unhappiness. Women are not to blame.

I am a very shy person, who doesn't have many close friends, I don't drink/do drugs and don't go to bars. I had been chatting with a girl online from Ontario(internet girlfriend if you will) for a couple months. We share similar interests, she has a good personality and we even share the same birthday. She hasn't been online in several weeks(since last month) and hasn't replied back to letter I sent her yet. I would like to hear your advice to my situation, should I forget about the girl and find somebody in my own city?
My friend, you already know what to do. There is no real relationship here. You have had no contact for weeks. There is nothing. I understand that you cling to this because you have little other success but it is not good for you.

Remember that you are not your past. Right now you are a blank canvas. If you want things to change in your life then make those changes. Strip yourself of all those negative and limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

Read all of the posts on this blog: He has written some excellent "inner game" articles that just might give you the motivation necessary to make that deep identity level transformation.


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
Or even better, read the DJ Bible. It's not commercial, it's just 100% straight talking from a whole lot of people that know a whole lot about this. I mean, this is the DJ forum, right? If you don't know, the link is at the bottom of every page on the forum.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I tend to view girls negatively, that they are all the same.

Them being all the same in many ways is not a negative thing. Learn to seduce a couple of girls, and you'll find that new women can be seduced in about the same way. Women being the same is a good thing for the dj who has game - that game will likely work with almost all women.

I am a very shy person

Are you approaching women you see in public to at least just chat them up? That is how you get over shyness. Go talk to people.
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
Take your ****ing computer cords unplug them and CUT them with a pair of scizzors, the computer has made you into a ***** my friend... you need to get out in the world atleast 2 hours aday, just shopping and approaching women.! so get up and get out NOW!