My advice: Don't waste your money man.
I got a "York 4 in 1" home gym machine as well as a bench press, barbells, weights and a punching bag. I vowed to make use of them everyday but once the novelty wore off (couple weeks), they just sat idle and took up space.
Seriously I would take $30 for the homegym machine I paid ~$200 for a couple years back and is still in pristine condition. Sure the bench press I have gets used from time to time, but the only thing I really use consistently is the punching bag because it requires very little prep and I can give it a few jabs any time I'm frusterated or just passing by.
Maybe it's different for you, but for me, once I had the equipment at my whim, ready whenever I wanted to use them, I lost all motivation to train at home. You constantly think "Oh I'll do a few reps after I watch Sportscentre, it's not like they're going anywhere." Ya, like that happens...
A much better use of the money would be to get a pass for a gym close to your place and then draw up a schedule for going 3-4 times a week, and STICK TO IT.
This will:
-spare you some cash
-get yourself into a routine that won't overtrain your muscles
-put you in an environment where you're focused solely on lifting
-stop the guilt you get when you look at dumbbells that haven't been used in weeks
-allow pro's at the gym to give you advice if you're doing something wrong
-save you money that you can spend on supplements
-provide you access to much better quality equipment
-prevent you from doing half assed sets during commercials
Ok, that's enough. Just my 2 cents