Advancing from the friends zone


New Member
Jan 22, 2007
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OK people , I am a rafc , Luckily I came across this website a few months ago which changed my whole perspective on things , Its true that the AFC nature has become subconscious for myself and trying to get out of it is not an easy task.

After going through the DJ BIBLE ( wish I had this when I was in highschool ) , I started learning all those skills , And used them , THe good news is that I was able to get in contact with this chick about a 6 ,

We have been going about for about 1 month now , we have had all these intimate conversations not about s3x, more of sentimental BS , Initially when I met this girl she seemed like a chick who will be my wife , But what I noticed about her is that what she says and what she does do not match even in the least , Because of certain ethical restraints I was unable to do a kiss close , Even though the most perfect situation was right in front of me.

After enduring desperation for some time , I wanted to break up with this girl , Since i dont believe in this friends first bullshyt ( I am willing to listen to any comments on this ) , Everytime we hang out it feels like both of us are lovers , I mean we are close no hand holding since as i mentioned before certain cultural restraints , We go out and behave like we are a couple , She gives me lots of looks ,

Now when I got mad and told her to go to hell basically , She says all u guys are like that and all that crap , So in order to not loose her I agree to her terms as being close friends.

I mean what the f**K is with this FRIEND THING , How do i get out of this idiotic cage... ??? , How do i move from this friends zone ??? Please help !!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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place to place.
the friendzone can be defeated. i have did it a few times but it takes alot skill and you even have to dip into the darkside of afc. this is not theory. i have implemented this and it resulted in the girl actually chasing after me.

1. the girl displayed interest in you by flirting and making you think she liked you. so you finally got the nerve to ask her out only to find out she says were better off as friends. you feel stupid and agree.

2. like i said you have to dip into the darkside of afc. anyways for the next 2 weeks shower her with attention and praise, its the equivalent of crack for women. she will think your the greatest guy friend.

3. after the 2 weeks is up. cut her off without any given warning! this will cause the mysterious effect. after a day or maybe even a few hours she will call wondering why your not praising her and making her feel like a queen.

4. answer the phone or text message and say your busy and you will call her back. don't!!! i repeat do not call her back!!! she will then wonder what is wrong. you are now displaying that you have a life.

5. this is optional- if she has any friends that you talk to. make sure you talk to them alot. the phone is your best friend here. she will think your mad at her because your not calling her and she will call you. you then say can i let you go i'm talking to so and so i,e her friend and then let her go immediatley.
if they are uglier then the girl your interested in...even better. she will now become jealous.

6. if you don't have the option in number 5. then mix it up alittle. do almost the exact same steps in number 5 and even if you have to lie or make up a girl then that will spark her interest 10 fold. but number 5 is your best bet.

7. next time your out with her. don't laugh at her jokes and seem like your losing interest in her. this will cause the rollercoaster feeling in her. unleash the jerk side- this is a side that she has never seen in you. stare at other women. tease the crap out of her. and don't put up with any crap from her. her perception will slowly start to change. if she says you've changed....laugh in a evil way and say i love it. eventually if you keep this up this will cause attraction because before she seen you as a nice guy and that didn't cause any feelings of attraction. you now discovered she likes jerks and it's only a matter of time before she will fall to you

9. but like i said if she has friends and you show interest in them...she will have no choice but to start pursuing you. she may even ask you out. it worked for me.