Alright well me and my girlfriend have been going out about 2-3 months and we saw each other in school and whatnot. But now school is out and I havent seen her for like 2 weeks. We dont talk on the phone, we mostly talk on msn. We both have eachothers numbers but we are just lazy. This is honestly pissing me off that we do not see eachother. I have already talked to her about it, and got some reasons.She is an amazing girl. Great body, personality, I for once like a girl alot. I am thinking about how I can go about this the DJ way. I do not want to break up with her, its like she has a hold over me. I have thought about breaking up with her but then the thought that I really like her pops into my head. DAMNIT I am becoming my old AFC form it seems like. Any and all advice is welcome,thanks