Active Disinterest vs. Passive Disinterest


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hello everybody.

I noticed sometimes some DJ don't realize there are two types of disinterest.

Active and Passive.

Passive disinterest is when you show disinterest by ignoring the girl and not saying anything. This could be walking by her in the hallway and not even acknowledging her or seeing her near by knowing she saw you and look your way by not saying anything. This is useful but it is too be taken with a grain of salt.

Active disinterest is what game is based around. You actively show you aren't interested. This can be done by talking to her without showing any interest in her sexual, busting on her, teasing her and just having fun with her. When you do this it doesn't take long to get her interested when then you can start openly up a little.

The reason why this is important is because of the idea of unattainablity. When something is unattainable, you can't have it at all or so you think. To explain my reasoning here.

Let's say a celeb your age walks into your school, would you approach her just like any other girl. You might say yes to be thinking positively but the real answer is most like no.
Here is why. The celeb is so high value, you probably feel she is unattainable (that is there is no way in the world you can have her). This feeling will kill your attraction for her (of course not completely but you wouldn't think about it anymore really if you have good confidence). Confident people in general don't chase unattianable things.

Most girls are confident people and if you present yourself as completely unattainable, you can seriously kill surface signs of attraction or attraction completely. This is important to know so you can calibrate your use of passive disinterest.

Marvel IQ


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Hmm. I see what you're saying, but I have to disagree.

Surely, dis-interest is dis-interest wether it be passive or active.

Passive disinterest is when you show disinterest by ignoring the girl and not saying anything.
You actively show you aren't interested.
Either way, you're telling/showing her you're not interested.

My personal take on the whole thing, is that you meet the girl, you show her what a great guy you are to be around, you give her attention. You're funny, smart, a great date...etc. Then you take away that interest, not by being "dis-interested" per se, as we all know you want to nob the girl. You just become can't talk, because you're busy. you're still being the great guy you were before, but you're just not available.


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
What I said was if you present yourself as completely unattainable as in you want nothing to do with them not even stopping to acknowledge them or say hi. You are saying you still be the great guy but just alot busier. I completely agree with that.
In a way that is just active disinterest because you are actively showing her you have other things better to do or just to do so AT THIS MOMENT you are not interesting in doing anything. That is not to say you are not interested in her.

Not all disinterest is the same though. This is going to sound weird but even if you are talking to a girl, you just met 30 minutes ago, and telling her not to touch you or think dirty basicly constantly telling her you are not interested. Doesnt that mean you are interested 'cause if you really weren't interested you would have stopped talkin to her already or never even approached. When you are passively disinterested you don't talk to her at all.

Marvel IQ's randomn Thoughts (ponder about this)
"Active is doing, passive is not doing. Passive is usually underneath the surface, active is about the surface. Active movement creates passive emotions and vice versus."

Be attainable but don't give too much of yourself to her or not enough. That's was the theme of my post.

Marvel IQ


Don Juan
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
Depending on your intentions (to go out with her or not), you can try different forms of active disinterest. Most schools will have different girls (because of the influence from the seniors) and will therefore require calibrating. Appearing to be unattainable is an effective way to project your new image onto the school. Your reputation will change and you will never be seen as a doormat (which is what happens to alot of guys because they are constantly trying to prove themselves, "charm" the girl)

Although many of the articles on pickup sites apply to those 25+, the concepts have great impact on people in our situation (school). Active disinterest creates a desired frame for yourself and also puts higher value on your time
