Hey guys, i just noticed why the geeks are geeks and why DJs are DJs. The "geeks", "nerds" whatever you want to call them, they don't get girls because of their attitude.
I was observing these two geeks walking in the hallway. Well they both hunched over (kind of like the hunch back of Notre Dame) they both walk with their hands in their pockets, they were walking somewhat at a fast pace, and they didn't take space (meaning they move out of the way for people).
What do the DJs do?
They walk slowly, chest out, shoulders back, eyes up (not at the ground), never have their hands in their pockets, and take space (this shows dominace).
What makes a more ALPHA impression? Obvious answer.
The point is that if you act like a geek, you will become a geek. And if you act like a DJ you will become a DJ.
Before the DJ and the "geek" approach, they are judge. Girls will be more drawn to someone who has a good posture than a bad one.
The DJ will have more social value by just his appearance than the geek. And the girls will notice that.
What results do "nerds" get........? NO GIRLS
What results do "DJ" get? GIRLS
Act like a DJ and girls will come to you.
Its all a mental game. Find what you want to be, and act like that.
EDIT: the poll showed say EVEN on bad days, instead of ENOUGH on bad days.
I was observing these two geeks walking in the hallway. Well they both hunched over (kind of like the hunch back of Notre Dame) they both walk with their hands in their pockets, they were walking somewhat at a fast pace, and they didn't take space (meaning they move out of the way for people).
What do the DJs do?
They walk slowly, chest out, shoulders back, eyes up (not at the ground), never have their hands in their pockets, and take space (this shows dominace).
What makes a more ALPHA impression? Obvious answer.
The point is that if you act like a geek, you will become a geek. And if you act like a DJ you will become a DJ.
Before the DJ and the "geek" approach, they are judge. Girls will be more drawn to someone who has a good posture than a bad one.
The DJ will have more social value by just his appearance than the geek. And the girls will notice that.
What results do "nerds" get........? NO GIRLS
What results do "DJ" get? GIRLS
Act like a DJ and girls will come to you.
Its all a mental game. Find what you want to be, and act like that.
EDIT: the poll showed say EVEN on bad days, instead of ENOUGH on bad days.